I once rescued a bug from the bathtube. It was a big bug. The next day there was another bug in the tub. I got it out but this time, my suspicion was arised. I put the bug in a glass jar and showed it to a neighbour. It came out that it was a cockroach! I had never seen a roach in my life .... weird, eh?
2006-12-13 02:25:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Presuming/assuming that you don't mean a personal physical thing, I was in a stall in a public restroom one time and two women came in and started talking and it took a second before I recognized their voices and that they were talking in a not so nice way about me. It was a chance happening, we didn't work near there or anything. To cut the story short, i was supposed to donate money to one of them women's event and help with it and had been trying to think of a way to get out of it. When I got home I called her and quoted her word for word what she had said about me telling her I was no longer interested in helping her. The other women called me and wanted to know who had told me what had been said. Imagine her shock when I said I overheard them. I always make sure not to say anything I don't want the world to know when I go into bathrooms now!
2006-12-13 10:16:30
answer #2
answered by AKA FrogButt 7
Getting locked in the bathroom at the DMV and being too shame to bang on the door and yell for help because there was a room full of people who I know would've laughed. I just fiddled with the knob until it finally opened.
2006-12-13 10:11:49
answer #3
answered by duvaldiva.com 6
Are you ready I was getting out of the shower as I normally do BUT on this day I slipped and landed on a basket of flowers my legs spread open like I was about to give birth again tried to break my fall and broke my wrist.....my children yelling mommie open the door it was locked good thing because the position I was in you could never dream up last thing I needed my girls to see was their mommie spread eagle nude and feeling so dumb...it happened to so many people that I know never dreaming it would happen to such a graceful mommie......I was in a cast for 6 weeks thanks for letting me share..luv kara
2006-12-13 10:20:24
answer #4
answered by COOKIE 6
I saw a snake slinking alongside the moulding thing on the wall; my family had to get it out of the place, but to be honest, I was too afraid and just told my mom at work about and stayed out of the house till later on. We lived on a hill with lots of sunshine and prairie grasses, so we were used to snakes, but not in the bathroom. :)
2006-12-13 10:23:08
answer #5
answered by *babydoll* 6
I was in one bathroomstall, and a lady comes in to the stall besides me. I hear her say hi so I answer hi, then she says how are you. I am presuming shes talking to me so i say fine thank you. Theres silence for a couple of seconds then she saids what are you doing tonight. I thought it to be strange, I thought maybe she was trying to pick me up. But nevertheless I answered, nothing really, what about you. When all of a sudden she saids, hold on there is some lady next to me who thinks I am talking to her. So she proceeds to tell me that she is on her cell phone talking to her mother and not me. Boy Was i embarassed!
Lesson Learned? Never talk to strangers!
2006-12-13 10:23:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
found a rattlesnake after i was leaving stall between me and doorway out i jumped back up on top of toilet and stood up there til someone came within yelling distance and they called the fire dept to come capture and remove it in the restroom with me was also a mother and toddler we were trapped for just over an hour total standing on top of toilet entire time
2006-12-13 10:14:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I got stuck in the stall I was in - the door just wouldn't open - and I had to crawl out underneath it on the grimy floor - it was gross but I did it. Ewww!
2006-12-13 10:10:46
answer #8
answered by Rachel 7
I slept for a couple of hours, while taking a bath.
2006-12-13 10:13:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, you can write "nothing" in your book. I never exeperienced anything weird.
A friend of mine was on LSD and was having a nice trip in it though. But to me, it was the same old bathroom!!!
2006-12-13 10:07:59
answer #10
answered by eth1_hifi 2