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this question comes up when i try to view my form in Microsoft Access. it says enter parameter value of field called county. can someone pls tell me wat it means and how i can get rid of it.


2006-12-12 23:53:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

3 answers

It means that whatever query is attached to your form has a formula attached to that field. It is expecting a value to use for sorting or filtering. Since it is not receiving the value as part of the query, it is prompt the user to input the value. Check the query attached to the form.

2006-12-12 23:59:10 · answer #1 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

There is a reference to a field or value called "county" somewhere on the form, yet there is no data of that name anywhere. Getting rid of it is as simple as finding it and removing it.

2006-12-13 00:27:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My increasing sign is Capricorn- sextile my venus/pluto in Scorpio, conjunct my neptune in Capricorn, trine my moon in Gemini with saturn in Aquarius interior the 1st homestead. Capricorn and saturn are linked with epidermis and bones. I somewhat have dry epidermis, yet an spectacular complextion. I somewhat have of course sturdy, right this moment, properly formed, white tooth. I somewhat have in no way broken a bone or suffered an zits attack. i'm 5'7" and weigh sufficient to make me obese, yet I somewhat have in no way been observed as "fat" by ability of everybody. Capricorn increasing has endowed me with being slender and correctly porportioned. i think of the venus/pluto conjunction that sextiles my increasing makes me look busty and massive-hipped. i'm commonly advised that I somewhat have mattress room eyes, that they are very dark and steel-like, or that i appear as if i'm in no way there (dreamy neptune does this to me). most of the those that I meet and befriend tell me that i'm intimidating. I somewhat tend to stare into people, somewhat than at people and that i like to flow the line to work out the place the barriers lie. I somewhat have the two formidable Scorpio and inquisitive Gemini to thank for my time-honored inquisitions. when I initiate engaged on some thing, I won't end until that's executed. i've got been observed as OCD because of the fact I somewhat tend to be a administration freak and can't stand it whilst some thing isn't executed a definite way. I commonly get my way and function a no longer difficulty-free time accepting whilst i do no longer. If i'm somewhat set on getting what i %, I artwork for it or manage the hell out of the individuals i'd desire to get it. of direction, I shop few and very dependable acquaintances. i'm very independant and enjoy being on my own. i think of the increasing sign, that's factors, and the planets in warning signs that element it impression the two the character and the actual self.

2016-12-11 08:15:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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