I think history will treat him better than the journalists are treating him now.
I'm 65 years old. I remember when Truman was in office and we heard nothing but hateful stuff about him. He was criticized for everything he did, from dropping the atomic bomb to getting us into the Korean War.
History has been fairly kind to Truman, and has been reasonably forgiving of Richard Nixon, who was virtually hounded out of office.
People older than I am have told me that President Hoover was treated very badly by the press and in public opinion, largely because of the depression.
Bush may be remembered for helping to resolve the Middle East problems, if a resolution comes about as a result of our involvement in Iraq. Much depends on what the Iraqis do with what has been given to him.
I have met George W. Bush, and spoken with him and even interviewed him, and found him a very personable man. He is not a great public speaker, and people misjudge him as unintelligent because of that. However he is at least as smart as I am.
That may not be saying much.
2006-12-12 20:37:16
answer #1
answered by Warren D 7
I believe that History will recognize his actions as legitimate. The United States was attacked in a clear-cut act of war. Differing from his predecessors, and yes I did say predecessors, he decided to take a stand. History will see the first few years of the War on Terror as successfull, the United States has not been attacked, numerous plots have been thwarted. But history will also see the border situation as a great failure, a huge security threat. With the War in Iraq, he miscalculated. the Sectarian violence comes from a century old conflict, Bush was naive in the sense to think that the Shiites and Sunnis would work together peacably, maybe they can, personally I don't think so. But if you listen to what our soldiers on the ground say, for instance Sean Hannity's interview in Mosul, they believe in what they are doing. I think that history is going to look upon this period in history with a downcast eye. This isn't due to Bush, it will be due to the fact that Republicans and Democrats have grown so far apart as to the point where some Democrats openly want this country to be defeated. History will look at Bush as having some positives, the Economy, Homeland Defense, No Child Left Behind, and some failures, the border. The should we lose thee War in Iraq, it will not be seen as a failure of Bush, but a failure of American resolve. The ieals of having a will to fight and win, which this country had been known for, will officially be dead. And those who would see this country fall, will find their desires met, but what they don't understand but this country's fall will be theirs as well.
2006-12-12 20:41:07
answer #2
answered by Jon M 4
First of all he will be remembered as the President that tried to keep our country safe from terrorist. If the former President had done his job this country may not be in the shape it is in today. History will see that President Bush was trying to clean up the mess. It will see the news media was not truthful about everything. They will be told true stories that will be passed down to them by soldiers that were there and knew the truth as it has been done in the past from previous wars. I think history will be kinder to him than the people are today because most of it today is for political gain!
2006-12-13 00:00:39
answer #3
answered by d3midway semi-retired 7
Moral decay,alone (Clinton) is not as bad as mental and moral decay , GIVING away this nation as GWB is doing. Ill take adultery over a being coward sell out, any day. GWB is selling out the American people on so many fronts,the clandestine signing of the plan to erase our nations borders to allowing our military to be under manned and ill equipped in war,to allowing our borders to be breached by millions upon millions of illegal aliens that hate this country. If he is not remembered as the worst then certainly he is on the short list as the worst. I see no saving grace for this farce that is now president. Note...I in no way endorse adultery ! You may want to check your figures about the 100% employment of those that want to work,I think you are dead wrong ! "Only" 3500 dead wow ask their loved ones how they feel being sacrificed .
2016-05-23 17:18:17
answer #4
answered by Lizabeth 4
This is the kind of question that bring the liberal hatemongers out. Warren D was one of the few that made some effort of writing a thoughtful perspective of president past and what history said about them.
2006-12-13 03:36:03
answer #5
answered by Ynot! 6
A President who prevented many attacks by the extremists and saved many American lives. A President who attacked unhuman extremism that does not want to resort to peaceful solutions.
2006-12-13 01:10:36
answer #6
answered by Ouzian4ever 1
The president reflects the people that have voted for him. Bush is a born-again Christian who sees the world in black and white, no greys. ("you're either with us or against us").
Half the American people believe that the world is 6000 old and that Jesus will come back within the next 50 years. Bush is the logical choice for them. Sad but true.
2006-12-12 20:32:25
answer #7
answered by Thou Shalt Not Think 3
Sorry President Bush admirers, his legacy in my opinion will be "The laziest, worthless, ignorant president America has ever been forced to deal with." He duped our country into war and duped half the country into voting him in a second term. He has taken the most vacations than any other president and in my opinion, is not the smartest commander in chief we have ever had in office. President Clinton was a great president. The economy was thriving and life in middle America was peaceful.
2006-12-12 20:31:13
answer #8
answered by Peanut Butter 5
More importantly the future will reveal the total lack of vision, solutions, courage, intellect and honesty and show the depravity of the Far Left Wing ACLU Adoring Hyper-Liberal Champions of San Francisco Values Democrats !!!
2006-12-12 20:30:02
answer #9
answered by baltic072 3
They will be shaking their heads and wonder how an enlightened country put a dolt in the White House for 8 long years.
2006-12-12 20:29:36
answer #10
answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7