The most important thing with babies is sanitation as the infant's body is new & fragile in a germ infested environment.It has to build up immunities to things as he/she grows. Not to go crazy about it; but sterilize all bottle equipment, bottles, nipples, everything by putting it in boiling water or a good dishwasher. The formula should also be kept sterilized by being unopened till use and then kept only the number of days on package in your frig.
Just try to use your common sense and you'll be fine. If in doubt give someone a shout. Congrats on new arrival!
2006-12-12 20:03:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Doctors advise spoon feeding now a days. They say bottle creates confusion for the baby - they don't have to suck the nipple of the bottle, milk comes in, where in breast feeding, baby has to suck. Moreover spoon feeding is more hygenic than bottle feeding.
If the bottle is not washed and strelilized properly, baby will get diarrhoeal attacks and it's very sad to see the child in that situation. I had gone thru it once. So pls don't go for bottlefeeding. Always remember that a breast fed baby is more healthy and they are more attached to mothers. But if you are working, you can can try spoon feeding.
While bottle feeding, you must wash all parts of the bottle very carefully, with brush and mild soap and rinse off the soap. You must then put them in boiling water and keep them for 20-25 mts. Germs are destroyed only high temp such as very important to keep them for 25 minutes in boiling water. Drain the water before taking out teh bottle and wash your hands before mixing the milk & sugar.
Take care.
2006-12-13 04:33:32
answer #2
answered by Toss 1
Always make sure that the nipple is in tact, no tears, cuts etc. Make sure they are clean, every week soak bottles and nipples in vinager and water to prevent thrush. always hold the bottle for your baby, never put your baby to bed with a bottle and wean around 7/8 months to tippy cup to prevent tooth decay. oh yes, and make sure you don't allow too much air, vs milk to be consumed by baby, not unsafe but will make for a LONG night full of gas. good luck.
2006-12-13 04:00:25
answer #3
answered by ilovebeingamom 2
Use a quality infant formula.. Ask your pediatrician or ob/gyn to recommend one...
When heating the bottle make sure it's not too hot by shaking then testing the temperature by dribbling a few drops on your inner wrist... If it feels warm on your wrist it's too warm for baby you want it to feel body temperature on your inner wrist...
Make sure to clean and sterilize bottles nipples and nipple rings between uses... (A dishwasher set to heated wash will sterilize use a bottle and nipple brush to clean before you sterilize) Be sure to use dishwasher soap with bleach... I used to seal a bottle, ring and nipple into a ziploc bag after washing so it remained nice and clean in the diaper bag..
Never prop the babies bottle .. i.e. balance it on a blanket, pillow or other item so you don't have to hold it to feed baby... Propping the bottle can be a chocking hazard because you are not right there to monitor the feeding if baby gets into distress you are not there to remedy the situation...
Hold baby at an angle when feeding not laying flat.. If baby is laying flat there is a change of ear infection as babies Eustation tube (a small tube that runs from the inner ear to the throat to drain fluid from the inner ear) is very short and milk could go up it causing the infection..
An obtuse angle is best
Burp baby well after feeding to avoid excess spitting up (baby is gonna spit up some no matter what, a good burping however can minimize it)
Make sure to periodically inspect the nipples rings and bottles for wear and tear... (I always checked as I washed them because the nipple brush will slightly stretch the nipple so damage is easily seen) ) discard any that are damaged and replace... This is especially important when baby is getting and has gotten teeth as they may chew on the nipple compremising the integrity... If a nipples integrety is comprimised it can have extra holes causing baby to get too much at a time, the nipple can tear and baby could ingest or choke on a piece etc... My rule of thumb was "When in doubt, throw it out."' meaning if I though perhaps a nipple was worn I threw it out and got a new one..
If baby doesn't drink all the formula you prepare don't force it down baby... Formula not drank should be discarded after 1 hour... As baby drinks small bits of saliva can and will back wash through the nipple into the bottle, as saliva contains enzymes that begin digesting food the formula in the bottle has some in it.. Refridgerating makes no different discard after an hour if baby doesnt drink it... (start out by making formula in 2 oz portions you will soon becme accustomed to your babies appetite and will know how much to make per serving and can adjust the amount you prepare..)
(Gets out soap box)
As to other posters yes breastfeeding has it's upside but many women choose not to breastfeed for a menagerie of reasons be they physical inability (Yes some people are physically unable to breastfeed for varying reasons).... Emotional inability (Yup some women do not enjoy breastfeeding but view it as a dreaded chore.. not a situation conducive to bonding and happiness between mother and child... This does not make the mother in any way bad it just makes her not you..)
The question was quite simple "What should I do to make bottlefeeding safe for baby?" Meaning what steps should I take to insure bottlefeeding goes well and I know what I am doing... By bringing up breastfeeding and saying it is the best option you are assuming you know all about the question asker and what thier life is like... Which you do not...
Each mother (and father) has the right to choose what is best for them and thier family without being made to feel guilty because they do not choose they way you do...
(Puts away soap box until next time)
2006-12-13 04:29:40
answer #4
answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7
This is a strange question because bottlefeeing isn't unsafe for baby.
On the other hand breast feeding can pass things on to the baby that you have. You can't eat or drink certain things if you breastfeed, or take certain supplements or medications. It's also incredibly inconvenient. It also creates an environment where the other parent can't be as involved in the feeding.
Again bootlefeeding isn't unsafe. If you give a kid a dirty bottle with sour or too hot fluids, then yeah, that's not good, but that's just common sense.
2006-12-13 04:18:02
answer #5
answered by Peace 4
Bottlefeeding is very harmful for baby & is the caused of different types of infections. So please avoid it.
If you can't avoid it do the bottle sterlize after a single use, clean very carefully the bottle, nipple etc.
2006-12-13 04:27:09
answer #6
answered by Manju 2
this is the only key. Babys are very delicate.
wash the bottel properly.
Boil the Bottel for 15 Minutes in Water. this will kill all the possible germs. Please do not use any camicals.
you can use normal sope to clean it. but make it sure that you wash it very well before boiling.
2006-12-13 06:42:25
answer #7
answered by gagandsm 1
Sterilize the bottle and the nipple ,even the cap after every feeding.You can do it simply by floating them in boiled water but i will recommend sterilizer kit which you get in some medical shop.
2006-12-13 04:07:08
answer #8
answered by vanpandy 4
Breastfeeding is still the best for baby.
The key is hygiene, hygiene, hygiene. Before doing anything always wash your hands first. Sterilize all parts of the bottle - cap nipple etc. After using it dont just rinse it with water, wash it properly with soap. Before preparing the powdered milk, WASH YOUR HANDS, use boiled water only for preparing the feed.
2006-12-13 04:04:19
answer #9
answered by globiaeon 3
Get rid of this thought, never use bottlefeeding
2006-12-13 03:58:41
answer #10
answered by smarttany 2