Your right, why is this country headed to hell in a hand basket! I dont get it, my best answer is that the people in this country are whimps!! nobody stands up for what's right. They dont take a stand, they dont make decisions on the facts, they do on feeling. They are worried about hurting someones feelings. It's stupid!! And I'm worried to know where this country maybe in the near future. I wonder why librals want us to become so reliant on the goverment, it's a bad idea. We're raising kids to be so dependant and weak, it's terrible. And people are so selfish... I wish people would wake up and do the right things, and be loving caring good law abiding citizens. When I said Law Abiding I didnt mean lay back and do what ever the goverment tells us to do. But to be reasonable. Use our own brains, be smart, now go do the right thing.
2006-12-12 16:14:29
answer #1
answered by Ryan R 1
I think you might be a little confused. Were the Soviets anti-war or anti-Stalin/Mao/whoever? Not that I know. Did any communist ever legalize gay marriage? Nope, not a one! Did the Soviets or Chinese have any tolerance of anybody who protested the government? No, it was "to the gulags!"...
Indoctrination of children through schools was done first and best in Nationalist Italy and France, neither of which were nearly communist. In fact, Italy went on to become Fascist. What indoctrination they did was to give a particular national identity, the same way American schools do through Western Civilization, Literature, and History classes.
There is no universal health care in the US. As far as I know, the US is the only developed nation without universal health care. Check your facts before spouting accusations.
Government regulation in the economy and elsewhere is there because people like you and me need it to be. Police are there because I can't trust you not to harm me, nor can I rely only on myself to protect myself. Same with all other government intervention, because whether you like it or not, you need it. I will admit that involvement can be done in a communist government, but not exclusively.
In closing, you're wrong about pretty much everything. Sorry to have to break it to you.
2006-12-12 16:20:51
answer #2
answered by Fenris 4
That's right. We can no longer stand around and allow this nefarious infiltration to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids. Think of it: the so called USA Patriot act is really a step down the slippery slope to Stalinism. You can't take pictures of a plane at an airport, you have to practically disrobe to get on your flight, and the constant spying, tapping of telephones, no-knock warrants, and other chicanery more typical of the Soviet Union than a free nation.
And the communist media! I mean, think of it, most of the media is in the hands of big corporate entities like General Electric and Westinghouse, and we all know what shills they are for the dogma of Marx and Lenin. And Rupert Murdoch, he plays like he's all righteous and right wing, but he's the inventor of the page 3 girl, the idea of putting a tarty blonde on page three so you'd have to buy the cheap magazine to be titillated by the image. He's a real fellow traveler, if ever there was one.
And letting people be all anti-government and such, well, it's just an outrage. How dare they! When they should worship and grovel just like the happy masses did in the days of dear old Comrade Stalin or Chairman Mao. I mean, if you allow criticism of the government and any policy that seems misguided, well, we all know where that leads.
2006-12-12 16:24:42
answer #3
answered by Vinny 4
This is among the stupidest statements I have seen. Gays are not allowed to publicly exist in communist nations, anti-government expression is not allowed in communist nations (China - Tienemen Square 1989), our health care system is private, affirmative action is slowly dying, there is no gay history in public schools, black history being taught is not an atrocity. I think you're delusional and paranoid.
2006-12-12 16:49:37
answer #4
answered by txwebber 3
You obviously don't know the difference between Communism and Socialism, nor do you understand what happens when a socialistic state like Russia gets taken over by a dictator like Stalin.
The day we can't get mad when our President lies to us, is the day we pull down our flag and burn our constitution.
Political correct is a nice way of saying; "if you don't have something nice to say about someone, then don't say anything"
I personally don't miss the jokes about the Irish, Polish, Italians, Jews and People of color.
Affirmative action is not an economic control.
It merely gets contractors to hire more people of color, instead of their wives' second cousins.
Since when did we give the goverement the right to tell us who we can and cannot marry? Homos today, blue eyed blondes tomorrow.
I just got my doctor bill, boy I wish I had socialised medicine!
Since when do we not tell the whole story of our country's history to our children?
An atrocititie is a horrid act, kinda like herding six million people into an oven.
McCarthy? Boy do I feel old. The guy eventualy got caught lying about the military and was voted out of office.
2006-12-12 16:35:46
answer #5
answered by MechBob 4
Do yourself a favor:
Pick up a dictionary, open it to the "Cs" - Find the word communist in it. Read the definition several times.
If everyone is such a communist, how come 50+ percent of voters elected a Republican majority twice? There has never been, in the history of the world a pure communist, or pure capitalist government. Every system has to adapt to reality. You can't run a government based purely on ideology, unless you're insane (Like Hitler) - and see where that got them.
2006-12-12 16:07:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Its not everybody. Freedom of speech is one of our amendments rights. But now we all have to be careful what we say. Because in today's world that we all live in freedom of speech will get you killed. Take a look back in history. What happened to those people? JFK, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, the Mafia, Marlyn Monroe, etc. The list goes on and on. That's just to name a few. Yes they censored McCarthy because our government don't want him to tell the truth. Our government operates in a silent but deadly way. Things happens without any one knows whats going on. I've said this so many times I'm not anti-American I'm just anti-American government. Why do you think that America has all this hostility, killings, violence, and drugs here? See there's a silent war going on in America that has been going on for a long, long time. Basically our government wants total control, money, and power. This silent war is with government, religion, rich, and the poor people of America. With all due respect why did our government take Jesus out of our public schools? A long time ago the first thing when we get to school is pray and then we say our pledge. Well since government stepped in saying that we aren't learning anything they took Jesus out of school. There is when more violence started in America
2006-12-12 16:41:07
answer #7
answered by George 4
Are we living in the same country?!
Since when do we have socialized health care?! And if you really knew what you are talking about you might have been aware that homosexuality was a crime punished by law in the Soviet Union. Some expert!
2006-12-12 16:31:03
answer #8
answered by oksana_rossi 3
It's the failure of organized religion to instill in Americans a proper appreciation of what God expects from them. So they go on expecting the State to give them everything, free and gratis. Or so it is said.
One might like to think that prayer in the schools, and Government support of faith, would help. But in reality people were no less inclined to sin and greed before the Supreme Court declared those illegal.
As for actual communism, one problem is that Conservatives generally aren't willing to work for the salaries on offer, so committed leftists and even a few communists are hired as teachers.
If our religious establishment got its act together, and if religious schools and churches did their job properly, and if teachers who proselytize for communism were fired, then maybe America would be a better place. At least that is the view of many who agree with your premise.
2006-12-12 16:11:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
perchance some thing about China no longer utilizing the international as their shooting gallery. GITMO would not fairly make the US that a lot more desirable ideal in words of human rights. TSA and DHS have made the US more desirable of a dictatorship. And both-celebration by using the wealthy for the wealthy political equipment would not look to do too a lot for the 'concept' of democracy. upload to that the very undeniable truth that China is whooping your *** economically and loaning you each of the money to keep your usa afloat. Communism did not fail, Russia failed (the picture of they failed with a Monarchy and they are failing now with democracy). So it is a few regulations. keep in mind your troops, supply up spending more desirable than you've, and promises potential back to the persons. 3 common issues to make the US #a million back.
2016-10-18 05:19:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous