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I always wondered about where we go when we are dead. I always thought that we are born again but with a different identities but the same mind. So where do we go when one is dead?

2006-12-12 15:46:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

Where are the dead?

Gen. 3:19: “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

Eccl. 9:10: “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [“the grave,” KJ, Kx; “the world of the dead,” TEV], the place to which you are going.”

What is the condition of the dead?

Eccl. 9:5: “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.”

Ps. 146:4: “His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts [“thoughts,” KJ, 145:4 in Dy; “all his thinking,” NE; “plans,” RS, NAB] do perish.”

John 11:11-14: “‘Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.’ . . . Jesus said to them outspokenly: ‘Lazarus has died.’” (Also Psalm 13:3)

Is there some part of man that lives on when the body dies?

Ezek. 18:4: “The soul [“soul,” RS, NE, KJ, Dy, Kx; “man,” JB; “person,” TEV] that is sinning—it itself will die.”

Isa. 53:12: “He poured out his soul [“soul,” RS, KJ, Dy; “life,” TEV; “himself,” JB, Kx, NAB] to the very death.” (Compare Matthew 26:38.)

See also the main headings “Soul” and “Spirit.”

Are the dead in any way able to help or to harm the living?

Eccl. 9:6: “Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.”

Isa. 26:14: “They are dead; they will not live. Impotent in death, they will not rise up.”

What about reports made by persons who were revived after being reported to be dead and who spoke of another life?

Normally, after a person stops breathing and the heartbeat ceases, it is several minutes before gradual cessation of the life-force in the body cells begins. If the body is subjected to severe cold, that process can be delayed for hours. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to revive persons by means of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They were what is termed “clinically dead,” but their body cells were still alive.

Many persons revived from “clinical death” remember nothing. Others report experiencing a floating sensation. Some say they saw beautiful things; others were terrified by their experience.

2006-12-12 15:49:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We are human .We are born in this world with a body and a brain..The brain can be photographed and the body as well.The mind is a seperate entitity from the brain.It cannot be seen.photographed or known.The mind is pure energy and energy even by the laws of physics cannot be destroyed.When we die we leave everything including our brain but the mind or spirit as some calls it goes to a different place and joins the source .Some say you have a chance to come back to be human and others say you stay in a place of darkness until your time comes .. to be reborn.Most say you can still remember your previous life for about seven years after birth then it disappears..You can read about this in a book called life after life..not sure the author but look it up on the net.. Also below is something I found that is comforting to me and maybe will confort you to believe there is something more after..

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace...
Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity...
When you realize where you come from,
you naturally become tolerant, disinterested,
amused, kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king...
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready.
-Lao-tzu, The Book of The Way, 500 B.C

2006-12-13 00:06:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Although there are as many different beliefs as there are people, no one REALLY knows. No one has come back from the dead (at least no one I have ever met) and explained in detail where they went. So take your pick on what to believe. I personally think the brain stops and we lose all consciousness and you don't know the difference. Without the firing of neurons, there are no thoughts, feelings or anything. It's kind of sad, but I just don't buy all that heaven/hell reincarnation stuff.
But it is a nice fantasy to think we go somewhere and can be with our loved ones again.

2006-12-12 23:54:25 · answer #3 · answered by Liz 2 · 0 0

We are not these bodies we are eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul also known as God, Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. We do not die but the body dies. Depending on our Karma (reactions to our actions) and desire. If we have any material desire at the time of death then we will come back to the material world. There are three major planetary systems in the material Creation which are called Maya or illuiosn. Upper- Heavenly planets (one goes if they have very good Karma) Hellish planets(no one goes there eternally) one goes there for some time for their sinful activities. And earth is for those who have a combination of both good and bad karma to get. If one wants to stop the cycle of birth and death old age and disease they should take up the process to go back to the eternal spiritual abode where there is no suffering and everyone is blissful and full of knowledge. The quickest and easies way is to chant the names of God which puts one in direct contact with Him. The Maha Mantra is the combination of three names of God which is recommended most for the quickest spiritual advancement go to krishnaculture. for complete details read Bhagavad Gita As it is By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada See moveie The trueman show To get an idea of what I mean.

2006-12-13 00:03:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Buddhism believes that life goes on. When you die you are reincarnated into another life and so on but your karma follows you wherever you go. You can only change you karma upon actions you take in your current life. But the ultimate goal of Buddhism is to change the cycle of life and death so that there is no more suffering but a nirvana that we reach where we are free from suffering forever. This is the philosophy of Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism. Soka Gakkai.


2006-12-13 00:26:48 · answer #5 · answered by Sid S 2 · 0 0

The answer to your question has many opinions since this worlds plenty of beliefs, what ever answer will not give you any clue or clues to satisfy you, of where people go after die. The better way is, what we need to do, before we die, which make us, can go any place defined by any beliefs. By doing useful things for others honestly, since this one I do not think any beliefs will object. Not easy though!

2006-12-13 02:25:32 · answer #6 · answered by he he he 2 · 0 0

No place. All the religions sell a second chance at life (they still can't prove it) for $3 billion a year in donations. They sell a belief and people like to buy it.

2006-12-12 23:52:28 · answer #7 · answered by liberty11235 6 · 0 0

Life and Death are illusions which prevent you from seeing the truth. All is one. Reality is an illusion preventing you from reaching the great truth. Realize this and nothing else matters.

2006-12-12 23:50:31 · answer #8 · answered by Lion_Heart 3 · 0 0

6ft into the ground there is no hell nor is there a heaven there is no god, and if there is a god (which there isn't) then we wouldn't have any suffering in the world some people say that god punishes people with disease and stuff like that if there is a god and if that's how he gets his Joly's off is that really and person you want to worship

2006-12-13 22:44:26 · answer #9 · answered by ken law 1 · 0 0

Think not of death.

While you are alive "you are."

The moment of death "you are not."

There is nothing more to contemplate. Death is the end of knowledge, reason, feeling and care. "We" are simply gone.

Think only of life, and use your knowledge, reason, feeling and care to improve life and the world you live in.

2006-12-12 23:57:37 · answer #10 · answered by salty 3 · 0 0

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