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I mean who started that tradition,kiss under the mistletoe?

2006-12-12 15:17:06 · 2 answers · asked by Kastor Troy 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

2 answers

The mistletoe is a very ancient symbol of peace. It was hung in the doorways of houses in the Norse regions during the holidays to signify places that people could come together without harm. Accords and agreements between enemies were sealed by handshakes and ritual kissing under the mistletoe. Eventually, this tradition was spread to England and, in Victorian times, the sprigs were placed in doorways and young men and women were allowed that one space to be able to kiss (chastely) in public during this one time of year.

2006-12-12 15:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by harpertara 7 · 1 0

Victorian party goers who wanted something to be able to kiss in public. I think it was originally a dance, where the girls wore mistletoe as a signal and the guys asked them to dance then at the end of the dance they were supossed to kiss (part of the dance step)

of course this caught on in crimey old religious societies so the misltetoe spread all over the house.

2006-12-12 15:21:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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