Sounds like you have overly active hair follicles. I'd consider visiting my family doctor or dermatologist. Perhaps with medication this can be corrected. I don't believe it is normal..
2006-12-12 13:51:44
answer #1
answered by Patricia D 6
I'm 21 also, but I started shaving my belly button hair and a few small hairs on breasts. Like most girls I shave and pluck my eyebrows. I know some women who shave their arms too. A tip is, if its not thick, don't shave really does grow back thicker and darker. If its a really big problem, you can get Electrolysis, its very common.
2006-12-12 21:54:06
answer #2
answered by snapple 2
Well first of all you should never shave the hair will just grow back faster and become more dark and thick. I would use nair it works good or wax. It also depends what you harritage is and it could just be genetics like if you are Italian they tend to be more hairy. You can get prescribed medication to stop you over active hair folicules but I would say it is much of anything to worry about some people can just be more hairy than others.
2006-12-12 22:02:47
answer #3
answered by Taylor 2
It's very common.
Normal calculations used by dermatologists apply to the face:
If you don't have to shave your moustache more than once a week, it's within normal parameters for a woman.
if you have to shave your moustache twice a week, you've got heavy growth for a woman
If you've got to shave your moustache more than twice a week, then your growth is in the male range.
But many women shave every day, sometimes twice a day and there may be nothing pathologically wrong.
2006-12-16 16:39:31
answer #4
answered by Feinschmecker 6
So what? It's a symbol of healthiness.Yes you are -normal.Most of the girls from the tropical weather countries have same problems likes you.Removing or clean shave does helps you for maintaining your structure and looks.You are doing something right!Do also from the under arms and down the belly also.
2006-12-12 21:54:01
answer #5
answered by precede2005 5
You shouldn ´t ever shave, because doing that, hair grow stronger and more darker!!!
You should try wax instead.
2006-12-12 21:52:08
answer #6
answered by monvana 2
it might be that you need to go to a doctor can medication to stop the hair i think...some hair is normal anyway....DONT SHAVE it come back thicker lol!!!
2006-12-12 21:54:58
answer #7
answered by ticklish101 2
i agree with monvana.
you should wax.
2006-12-12 21:58:19
answer #8
answered by Freshh 1
i am sorry but, no other girls dont have this problem
2006-12-12 21:52:42
answer #9
answered by maulipatel96 2
iguess its just.....genitics.......
2006-12-12 21:52:40
answer #10
answered by alana 2