What I find hottest about you is the box you're inside of...it accentuates your features so much. =)
2006-12-12 13:06:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Whats an askin? y would u ask that anyways, I think people are pretty in their own ways. I like and dislike things about me but I have features that stand out more than the negative ones just look at it that way.
2006-12-12 21:08:10
answer #2
answered by cherry091803 1
what does it matter what we think of your looks? if you feel like youre ugly then you will seem ugly to other ppl...it's all in the attitude!!! i've see some not so good looking guys look really cute because they had a great personality. But since all i have to go off of is your looks then no...you look cute from what i can see. (poor picture of you though)
2006-12-12 21:56:55
answer #3
answered by flmsgrl 2
Why would you ask someone if you're ugly or not but give that kinda picture? Honestly it's a waste of my time. Give a proper, passport shots and people will bother to give you honest answer.
2006-12-12 21:09:17
answer #4
answered by Colder 2
beauty is diff in the eyes of everyone...
it doesnt matter what others see you as as long as you have confidence in yourself :)
i read somewhere that people can "sense" if someone is confident or not and that people are usually attracted to others that are raelly confident in themselves with an average-high self esteem level. Insecurity is a def nono
2006-12-12 21:07:46
answer #5
answered by Selena 1
I don't like the way you positioned your camera. It's hard to really see your face and make a fair judgement on you.
But still, you're quite handsome. And like someone else said, you have the cute model look. :O)
2006-12-12 21:10:46
answer #6
answered by Livia 2
no but i personaly dont think your good looking but defenataly not ugly when you say your not cutting your hair you basicly saying you letting it grow out so much that you look like woman from the back
2006-12-12 21:06:49
answer #7
answered by kat 2
man u look like a fag, first of u dont kno how to take a pic, ur hair is gay, try to ***** smile, n the fact that u hav long hair that is covering ur face n u took the pic from an angle which its really hard to c ur face it means u think u r ugly n u dont want us to c how ur face really looks!
2006-12-14 13:44:08
answer #8
answered by chris 1
TO get a better response from the ladies stand back from the camera and smile.
And take better care of your hair.
2006-12-12 21:11:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
From the angle of the camera yes but it does not matter if you look good or not just be your self.
2006-12-12 21:06:46
answer #10
answered by wuz up 1
it's hard to tell because of the way the picture is taken.
You're definately like the typical "model" handsome,
but you have a certain style that some girls do like.
I don't happen to be one of them, but good luck.
2006-12-12 21:06:27
answer #11
answered by beliieve 3