Yes you can- believe in yourself! Go and apply to colleges right now- there are financial aid packages that can help pay for your college education. Since your mother really isn't supporting you, you can probably file as an "independent student' and receive more financial monies. Fill out a FAFSA form- it is a financial form that must be filled out by every student and now is the time to fill them out- be honest- use your tax info to fill them out- and find out if your mother claimed you last year because you have to let them know that and info about her finances on her taxes for that year. Go to FAFSA.ORG that is the direct site. List the colleges you are interested in attending so that the fafsa information will be available to their student aid.
Pick a state college- they are much cheaper, and list more than one college on your application to FAFSA- you need to have choices as far as who will give you the best financial package. DONT GIVE UP- you will find a college that will fit your financial situation and no matter what they offer you-- insist on a one to one meeting with the financial counselor-- tell them about your financial condition- there are exceptions to the rules and they will be willing to give you more money because your mom is a single parent.
Best of luck to you--- keep your grades up--- do decent on the SAT's that's a big help and you will fulfill your dream-- also research other scholarship possibilities through the fafsa website-there's always a chance to qualify for more money- and dont forget they do have work study--however, I have found that you can probably find a job off campus that pays better than the work study programs........let us know how you're doing--- God bless... oh, and if your mom did claim you LAST year- if you can prove that she isnt providing for you (you're working and buying things for yourself) you can possibly qualify as an independent student--- that is where you get the MOST FINANCIAL AID. think about it--- if the numbers dont work for you this year because your mom claimed you, take a year off- live on your own-- support yourself the best you can, and apply for admission in January under independent status..... there are a lot of articles about this on
2006-12-12 12:06:00
answer #1
answered by mac 6
You can achieve your dream, even with the hand you've been dealt. It's hard and it sounds like you've suffered a lot. I'm sorry you have no other family. But you can do it. Many people have. Try to find a place to live with roomates. Go to, they have a lot of listings. That way rent will be pretty affordable. You can live in a house with 5 or so other people and only pay a few hundred dollars in rent (depending on where you live). If you don't have a job already, try to find something where you can get a lot of hours and maybe tips as well. For now, just work as much as you can. Try to save up some money. Once you have saved some money and are in a safe living situation, you can apply for grants and loans for school. Then you can take classes whenever you have time. Good luck!
2006-12-12 12:00:03
answer #2
answered by Maggie 6
It's not unusual for someone to be scared when first entering the "real world" so take some small comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
Keep faith in yourself and believe you can do anything and you will succeed. If you can find a friend or relative that is willing to share some of the burden, give that a try (perhaps a school friend as a roommate, etc.).
Start off by taking any job that doesn't compromise your values and work hard. You'd be surprised how quickly you forget your worries when you're worn out from a good day's work.
Try to follow your dream of becoming a psychiatrist, but don't be afraid to change your mind if you find later that it really isn't for you after all. You'll make mistakes, learn from them rather than fret over them.
Good luck!
2006-12-12 12:01:34
answer #3
answered by surfbored_launch 2
Yes, among all this there are a few that understand. Those that keep the covenants, those that hold the Priesthood after the order of the Son, and in the name of God the Father, perform mighty works, now, today, right under your nose, such as healing the sick, and (very rare) raising the dead, causing the deaf to hear, and the blind to see (also very rare). That keep the commandments, that receive the "second comforter". It is hard, but as you do you see the separation happening between the world and the truly righteous, the "peculiar people".
2016-05-23 16:15:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's ashame you have to worry over this...however I think you'll be alright just don't make yourself have anymore responsibilities than you need (i.e. a baby, complicated relationships ect) until you accomplish your dream. If worse comes to worse I know some ppl who were staying at a homless shelter while in commuinty college. If I were you I'd start checking out what types of assistance you'd be able to recive for shcool, work, housing whatever.
2006-12-12 12:00:59
answer #5
answered by Sparkle 3
My mother was an absolute pain in the ****, if i hadn't of left at 18, one of us would have killed the other by now, i did an apprenticeship and came home at the weekends as the training was all away in digs. 4 years on i live with my fiance in our own house with a good job and get on well with my mother as were not under each others feet, basicly it comes down to being to much a-like i guess..
2006-12-12 11:57:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well.. here's a couple of steps.. first, get a decent job, even McDonald's is fine because 7.00 an hour is way better than 0.00 right?
second, find a friend who has a job and will agreee to be room mates. then keep your credit history clean and you will be able to get an apartment together.
make sure you keep your bills paid and your house clean because a dirty house can greatly affect your mood.
I wish you luck, keep in mind, everyone is scared when they take their first steps out of the nest, but you'll be fine. stay safe and be careful who you trust.
2006-12-12 12:01:32
answer #7
answered by Fluffington Cuddlebutts 6
I found a job, took welfare, then I got enough money to survive and own a two story house so be looking for a job or go to collage
2006-12-12 11:55:53
answer #8
answered by Shelby 3
Hi i was in the same boat at one time also. have faith in your self and know that you a a human being with feelings and values. untill you are 18 your mom can't make you leave as she is still legally responsible for you. please call the cops if she is hurting you physically or mentally ok? leave and go to a friend or family members house and TELL THEM. no one deserves to be abused in any way. if you want to talk my email is, please be safe.
2006-12-12 12:01:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, it's possible to go to school without your parents...
There's lots of government aid and even scholarships.
2006-12-12 11:55:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous