pro choice not pro dictator - every one has the right to choose when the out come of their choice has zero effect on anyone elses life.
"potential life" is not "A Life" so therefore it is not murder.
2006-12-12 11:55:09
answer #1
answered by Aussieblonde -bundy'd 5
I am pro choice to the point where a fetus is viable outside of the womb 24-26 weeks. The idea of killing babies absolutely disgusts me certainly after the 1st trimester, and I believe with all the options for contraception that are available it is absolutely idiotic that the majority of unwanted pregnancies occur. Yet when it comes to weighing the sides of the issue I feel that the women do have a right to choose what occurs in their own body. I think that the law as it currently stands where abortion is essentially legal up to the end of the first trimester and after that only legal in the case of demonstrable danger to the mothers life is just about the right balance for me.
Note: I find the irony of some commentaors here rather interesting - they are 'pro-life' except where the pregnancy is the consequence of rape. While rape is certainly repugnant. Is not the fetus still alive, is it still not an 'innocent life' is it not still 50% the mothers genetic contribution - why the exception in the case of rape which makes it, from their perspective a life which is less sacrosanct and 'innocent'. The point is that at least some proponents of the pro-life side have profund inner contradictions in their position. If the rejection of abortion is based upon the principle that life is sacred at the very least that applies to ALL innocent life whether the product of rape or not. I would suggest that their position is based on political reality rather than a solid philosophical proposition. Forcing rape victims not to have abortions simply would not sell. An abortion in the case of rape is of no benefit to the fetus, in which case the only percieved benefit is to the mother. The only conclusion is that
1 They are willing to accept the mothers benefit as a basis for justifying an abortion.
2. They are willing also to set themselves God like and make the assertion that rape is the ONLY justifiable basis for having an abortion (or in some cases where the mothers life is in danger). Despite the fact that by so doing it contradicts their rationale for denying abortion in the first place.
I can respect anybody who starts from a philosophical position that human life is sacred and ANY abortion is wrong even in the case of rape or where the mothers life is in danger. I would disagree - but thats ok with me. But when someone proposes to legislate morality on my behalf based on a philosophical proposition that is internally inconsistent then I question the goal of the person who is doing the proposing. I suspect its more about winning the culture war than moral philosophy
2006-12-12 20:03:12
answer #2
answered by Hayley 2
94%-97% of abortions that take place in the U.S. are for convience reasons. Abortion is murder plain in simple. The heart beat of a baby develops in 2 weeks, most abortions happen after that period, so abortion stops a beating heart, what would you call it. Arguing for abortion is like arguing for child molestation, its just wrong. Most people that also are pro-abortion, would object to someone having more then 5+ abortions, if its not wrong, why do they object. Thats like saying killing 1 or 2 babies isn't bad, but killing over five is sick. Some people that I talked to that were pro-choice admitted it was a human being, but the mothers right overrides the babies right, their you have it, a confession from someone that is pro-choice. If its not wrong, then why do most woman feel guilty about having an abortion. If they are doing nothing wrong, their should not feel bad about what they did. People that support abortion look for arguments that rarely ever happen. They will look for anything to justify their actions.
2006-12-14 01:10:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
im pro-choice, and i personally find it very hard to even see SOME of what pro-life people believe, and here's how i back that up:
first of all, why should rape vicitms be forced to give birth to the baby of their rapist? im a very happy person, but if i got raped and knew i was pregnant with the baby of my rapist and i had no choice but to abort it, id commit suicide. now, the baby AND me are both dead. nice. also, if a woman wants to get an abortion she obviously isn't capable of raising a child, so the child will either live a crappy life with it's mom, or it will live a crappy life in an orphanage. Finally, i think that a woman ought to have the right to choose whether or not they are going to have a human being growing inside them. It's their body! don't they have that right? and what if the mom's health is at risk because of the pregnancy?
okay, that's what i got. i could go on, but id rather not.
2006-12-12 23:07:16
answer #4
answered by lizardgirl12368 3
i am neither For nor Against abortion for any other person.
for those who are informed, i believe they should have the right.
for those who believe it is against gods law. they should not have one.
You really should have directed this question to Women who have actually had an abortion. You would get a fairly even distribution of opinion.
Statistics show that the majority of women who have had an abortion regret having one. and go throught the same emotional feelings that one would have over any death of someone close.
However, No law should prevent a woman from having one,
There should be a law that women be presented with all the facts on both sides of this issue before making a decision.
I know that the so called family planning abortion clinics claim to give facts but they only give the sterile facts in favor.
Having One sided presentations from either side does not inform, it only deceives the person trying to make an informed decision.
2006-12-12 20:24:31
answer #5
answered by smkwtrjck 4
Pro-choice. Yes, it's a life, and abortion is killing it, but until it is born, I do not believe it's life is more imporant than the mother's. Furthermore, I wish for all children to be wanted children, and since most of them still aren't, I want any woman to have the choice to end a pregnancy that she would consider a burden and not a blessing. Adoption is a great idea, but some women do not want to be tracked down by their children later in life, among other reasons for not wanting to carry a child to term.
All living organisms have the capacity for nearly unlimited reproduction. But just because we can does not mean we should. In balanced ecological systems the populations of all organisms are kept in check by other organisms. The human species has removed itself from being kept in check by any ecological system (we no longer have any natural predators). Therefore, we have to manage our population ourselves now, and since birth control is still imperfect, abortion is another way to keep the population down. I don't think humanity will take the overpopulation problem seriously until the environment collapses, however.
Not to mention that even if made illegal it will still be performed, just not safely anymore. If you don't support abortion, don't have one. But the option should still be there for those who want one.
2006-12-12 20:15:47
answer #6
answered by Nite 2
I am pro-choice generally:
-ectopic pregnancy (if not taken care of, it is fatal to both mother and fetus)
-in cases of rape
-if she is a victim of incest
Using it for birth control, I am against it. However, I think in any of these cases, the decision is up to the woman and her doctor. It is not any of my business with what they decide. If they want an abortion, they should have that choice.
2006-12-12 19:59:57
answer #7
answered by rachee_gal 4
Pro-Life Feminist. A woman should never have to choose between herself and her child. Our male dominated society has decided that pregnancy is something dirty that needs to be gotten rid of. It is much more convenient for them to let us kill our own babies than to own up to their responsibilities. When we commit an abortion we are succumbing to oppression. Women should be proud of our ability to carry babies, not so shamed by others that we feel pressured into taking the lives of our own children.
2006-12-15 21:49:30
answer #8
answered by KM 2
I'm pro legal, its safer than the methods used when it was illegal.
Its been done for hundreds of years, and it was done when it was illegal so obviously there is a desire for it. Why, now that we know how to prevent infections and preserve the reproductive health of a woman, should we tell them to go back to the bent hanger school?
If you have religious beliefs than run counter to that, then don't have one. But don't make laws based on your particular belief, which others would then be compelled to follow or go to jail.
2006-12-12 19:59:59
answer #9
answered by justa 7
I am very pro-life. For starters, I believe that life begins at conception. As a Christian I believe the Bible, and God tells us that He forms us in the womb. I also don't buy into the whole idea that it is okay to chose abortion because of the kind of a life the child will be born into. Adoption is a wonderful option for everyone, abortion to me is very selfish. I just don't think it's for us to chose who lives and who doesnt. Birth control is widely available and should be used if one does not want to get pregnant. Babies deserve the freedom of being born.
2006-12-12 19:58:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous