not sure, maybe a group of tourist went to a few places together and were mean and didn't tip way, and it start a rumor that grew.
2006-12-14 20:53:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They should be because they think that they're the absolute best...when they're defiantly NOT! They make it seem like they're the richest country in the they have no poor people. They have many people on welfare or living on the streets. They also think that they're basically a country that just has everything under can that be when they have someone like Bush representing the country. I mean really...lets be real here! Bush is the perfect example of showing the rest of the world that America doesn't have a proper education system!Just because they're a democracy doesn't mean they have the right to act all high and mighty! Look at Singapore they are a Communist country if I can recall correctly and they have barely any crime! So in my opinion, as you can tell, I don't think that deserve respect!
2006-12-12 08:33:43
answer #2
answered by Trini-HaitianGrl81 5
We aren't very nice to foreigners, honestly. Not every American is like this, but look at how we're handling immigration, an "official" language. I think we've traditionally seen outsiders as a threat, and that has given us a nasty reputation (sometimes earned, sometimes not).
When I was a graduate teaching assistant, half of my colleagues were from other countries. We were teaching in the middle of Kansas, and a lot of the students didn't respond well to anyone who wasn't American. And the foreign GTAs responded either with patience or anger.
Ultimately, it depends on the American and the non-American (for lack of a better word). But generally, it's just fear of the unfamiliar.
2006-12-12 08:31:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I find it more interesting that you have 16 out of 20 questions asking derogatory questions about the U.S.A. Wow, I have a few questions about you! Don't you have anything else more interesting to think about? Is your hobby hatred or is it a full time job? To answer your laughable question/statement, it simply is not true. Americans do an incredible amount of charity work around the world as do many countries. The single largest donations to help other countries have been from individual Americans. Do your homework. Do you think every American is the same? 300,000,000 of them is a large group to pigeon hole! There are plenty of other nationalities that have a bad reputation especially when they travel. Where do you come from? I would suggest anyone who answers this question to look at this all of the previous questions this person has posted to have insight, considering his bias.
2006-12-12 09:09:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No. That's dishonest. I'll skip the grey ink and go for the bold type. The answer is simple. Every country has the same snoop/techno arrays. Nothing is hidden. Govo people are pervs anyway. Like most people. So what is done in the open tends to get observed. What comes around goes around. That's all.
2006-12-12 08:28:11
answer #5
answered by vanamont7 7
You obviously haven't traveled much outside the US.
I have.
Everytime someone is being a rude unreasonable disrespectful ***. It is always an American. American's behave as guests that are entitled to do whatever they damn well please. As a result people don't like them a whole lot. If not for the fact Americans are generally big tippers they would have nothing to do with them.
So when you travel as an American do yourself a favor and tip big and do not wear a baseball cap. Foriegners can spot frat boys a mile away with their ball caps on.
2006-12-12 08:28:08
answer #6
answered by Wyleeguy 3
Nobody likes smart-asses.
But seriously folks, everybody understands that the religious right is a problem here, and that they stole the Presidential elections twice. But the pendulum has swung back and the pragmatism and common sense we are really known for may soon reappear. In the meantime, while we may be seen as smart-asses, I'm proud to be one.
2006-12-12 08:27:06
answer #7
answered by Grist 6
Im british,i dont hate the americans. Ijust think there a bit to loud and proud of them selfs and they've always been like that.a bit like the british only the americans always seem to go over the top with every thing.
2006-12-12 08:32:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't hate america, it's a great country and the people are fantastic. But they're a bit out of order with this conquest-the-world phase. I have an American friend.. we NEVER talk politics.
2006-12-12 08:27:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
On the contrary. They envy us.
I was in another country during the Athens Olympics, and the TV announcers rooted for any competitors of any country with a chance to beat USA athletes. And if USA athletes won, the booth was silent.
That had nothing to do with politics, it was envy. Else, why does our country remain the one nation to which all others come to be citizens?
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse from your teeming shores,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
2006-12-12 08:41:37
answer #10
answered by Search 1