Indian Muslims are good Muslims. They care for human values. It all depends on them now. They will have to act wisely, when it will come to making choice between right and wrong. The results will be accordingly. But some how I am sure since they are Indians, they will make right choice.........All the best.
2006-12-12 17:53:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
there is a great future for them they are the same race or breeds that exists in india and pakistan. The hindus cant take revenge on The british for leaving no wealth for our leaders so we have a understanding that both communities will pretend fighting with each other and later the muslims will fight the Britishers and american There was a mad race between the hindus and muslim leaders for the probablity of the wealth the britishers might have left in india while they were to leave india. Having successfully convinced the british to leave india. What the the two community assumed was that the Rajas have looted the indian common people the britisher looted the rajas so now the britishers gone all the wealth must be in Government lockers so both community leaders divided the country into two. all the rich muslim went to Pakistan to open the Govt lockers in pakistan keeping their poor muslim brothers in india, as they did not want to part with wealth the britisher probably might have left. But the Britisher Cleant all the Lockers of wealth ( gold, jewels ) and did not keep anything for either community then told The muslim who went to pakistan that the wealth is in india. and that is why though they were given pakistan and after keeping poor muslims in india they are yet trying to wages wars against India. This i have arrived after a lot of research. I have been wondering whats wrong with pakistan, they got what they wanted yet they want to fight but now with the classified british documents out where it is clearly clearly mentioned that we ( british) had cleaned all the lockers of last single paise and that churchill was poisoning jinnah mind. Now Mushraff is convinced that there is no wealth left by the british and is now at peace. we will be a one country soon and pakistan afganistan bangladesh & INDIA . I have no anti muslim feeling. the pakistanis feel those Muslims in pakistan are from a different higher caste race & decendents of arabs and persian origin or crossbreed and the indian muslims are originally hindus who got converted and are from lower caste i.e why the pakistanis call indian muslims as 'mohajirs'. The bihari muslims are still stranded in bangladesh they went from india to east pakistan to go to west pakistan. Now pakistan does want them banladeshis feel insulted. There is no problem we are from the same breed and the anchestors of indian muslims are from india only they have their roots here. the food , clothes culture is same as hindus so why the question of their future. the community should not fall prey to foolish preaching by some of the leader who want to put a divide between communities. If brother from same parents can fight to kill each other why to be surprised when two communities fight.
AND what sudesh says is correct
2006-12-13 01:01:27
answer #2
answered by Shriram M 2
Ever since the Sachar report, the plight of Indian muslims is expected to improve considering provisions by government and laws to give them first preference in certain fields. However, this might also increase social hatred towards them as Hindus(which form a majority of the India population) may feel that muslims are taking away their jobs. The biggest form of rescue for muslims will come in the form of children of the new geration who refuse to be brainwashed into generalising the attitude of a million muslims based on the evil doings of a select thousand muslims. Actually, such a generation, although not a complete possibility, will be the end of hatred towards people of any caste, creed or colour.
2006-12-12 20:23:25
answer #3
answered by sudheesh s 2
The future of Indian Muslims, ultimately, rests in the hands of Indian Muslims. When you are part of a group of people that is hated by the nation you inhabit, because your people in other parts of the world are sworn enemies towards your home nation, you must do your best to show allegiance towards your home state, regardless of whether it means you are alienating your brethren abroad. There can be no equivocation in your rhetoric or action.
The more Indian Muslims express sympathy for Pakistani causes, or any global Islamist ideology, the more acrimony will be directed towards them.
2006-12-12 15:20:46
answer #4
answered by Lawrence Louis 7
Nothing to worry. As long as our politicians are alive they see Muslims always enjoy rights with out any responsipiblities the way they are enjoying now. Unless a Hitler kind of person takes the country's mantle these Muslims will always be pampered by politicians irrespective of political party.
2006-12-12 15:27:24
answer #5
answered by atlantindian 3
Politicians and fanatic muslim leaders are responsible for Muslims plight in India. Handfull of people are misguding most of the muslims. It is the duty of learned and educated muslims to speak against the mindless propaganda. Be Indians first and don't play at the hands of selfish people.
2006-12-12 16:28:07
answer #6
answered by jay_vats 2
The government is anti Hindu and pro Muslim. so the feeling grows.
2006-12-13 03:23:33
answer #7
answered by Brahmanda 7
That will not work India is a good country where there are more Muslims living in India than all Arab countries put to gather
2006-12-12 15:11:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yup, I agree with Yupchagee. If the Muslims were seriously against islamoterrorists, they would have joined in to stop them by now.
2006-12-12 15:09:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The most ugly appeasement politics by congress,left etc are responsible for it.
2006-12-14 09:05:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous