Some Network cards can turn the computer on. Do as the first person suggested and turn off "Wake on Network" or similar setting in the BIOS.
2006-12-12 06:46:29
answer #1
answered by Chris J 6
No, a computer can not be programed to be turned on. But it can turn off on its own. It only turns off on its own when it finds out that the computer might lose all its memory. It can probobly be turned on by it self if you can find the proper program. I've been searching for the program for a while over the internet. In that program, I believe, you can set a time for your computer to turn on.
In your case, maby someone else at home turned it on, or found and deeply hid the program.
2006-12-12 06:49:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There is a setting in BIOS that controls what happens when there is a power can be set to leave the computer off, or turn it back on after power is restored. This might be set to turn it back on after power is restored, so every time power goes out, your computer will turn on.
2006-12-12 06:46:46
answer #3
answered by Yoi_55 7
I have a setting in my Mac Preferences that will turn my computer on and off as I direct it to.
2006-12-12 06:51:05
answer #4
answered by parsonsel 6
0⤋ could be a script or programming error having to do with your OS
my friend has an OS from a HP computer that wont let him turn it off and when he puts it in standby then his computer freezes
2006-12-12 06:46:32
answer #5
answered by yakkyigooconroy 3
Only if the spirit of its owner has not yet passed on because is is embarassed about something left on his hard drive and he must clear it before he goes to meet his maker.... Spooky.
2006-12-12 07:08:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes this can be done if Power on by Nic is turned on in the bios. :)
2006-12-12 06:45:18
answer #7
answered by Michael Burns 4
hi, this is completely favourite, useally on living house windows this is programed to "wake" up once you pass your mouse or press your keyboard, on some OEM pc's its programed actually to start up once you press the on button. there are innovations round it, to music it into your own opportunities.
2016-10-18 04:24:17
answer #8
answered by gaffke 4
it can be done through networking if it's set up correctly from standby. or maybe you shouldn't watch most haunted tonight !!!!!
2006-12-12 06:46:51
answer #9
answered by mrs microchipper 2
It could be any of the above things. I t could also be a Trojan.
2006-12-12 06:53:49
answer #10
answered by flip4449 5