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And why? Fun, dependable or just great for picking up dates? :-D

2006-12-12 05:37:14 · 14 answers · asked by Trust no 1 3 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

Mine was a 1991 Mustang GT. worst problem I ever had with it was the alternator came loose and had to be tightened up! Fantastic car and bonus--I could smoke any guy that wanted to race at lights!

Dang I miss that car! :,(

2006-12-12 06:37:52 · update #1

14 answers

1953 Buick Special with the inline 8. We could sneak 4 people in the trunk at the drive in picture show!

2006-12-13 14:37:09 · answer #1 · answered by jerry w 1 · 1 1

1995 Dodge Intrepid, ES Body...V6...3.3 liter engine. Then again I have had a number of cars all of which I will never forget...the first was a 1986 Olds Calis. I remember taking that out for a ride one Labor Day weekend prior to the Firemen's Muster...man that was a good ride.

The second, an 84 Caviler...that thing had ballz. Still fuming that that jerk in his SUV had to smash into it.

Eventually I went to this one dealership...got a sweet 94' Sunbird...my last 4-Cylinder...a 2.0 and like the Cavalier, a blast to drive. This one was struck by a Mustang of the previous generation.

Last before my current ride...a 3.0 liter V6 Ford Taurus. 1993. Drove it all the way from lil' olde Rhode Island out to Arizona where she too met an ill fate simmiler to the Sunbird.

Currently making payments on the Intrepid, but we have quite a growing bond between car and driver. Some day if she holds on long enough I may even up her performance. Unfortunatly my Mom wouldn't understand such a concept.

2006-12-13 16:15:41 · answer #2 · answered by eX-Driver Will S. 1 · 1 2

Ive had a more than a few, - probably 30 or more in my time. lets do a quick rundown of the highlights. Late 60s Triumph Herald Estate 1360. Cool as, turned on a dime, old skool style. Ford Laser (Mazda 323) 1985 for its amazing reliabilty and fuel economy. 1980 Ford Capri mk3 2.8iGhia, england and germanys first car collaboration, loved its aggressive tourer look, classic rwd handling. 1986 XJ-S Jaguar V12 TWR edition, open road power like no other back then, very very clean and true at extemely high speeds - regularly over 150mph in my foolish younger days! EB Falcon wagons (3 at various times) - s-p-a-c-e- like no other, capable of massive km, and suprisingly cheap to own/ run. 1992 Nissan Pathfinder 3.0V6i, bulletproof 4X4, great fun (2WD drift, 4WD grip when needed) Towed a heavy camp trailer 20,000km up mountains, valleys, through rivers and riverbeds, beaches, busy cities, never stopped on me. Nissan 6cyl motors/ drivetrains are bulletproof!

Now, I have a 1992 Nissan 300ZX twin turbo 5speed manual. Its unmarked, unraced, no spoilers, zigen exhaust, simmons rims, with hidden mods only (over 400hp) and has only travelled 59000km (40k miles). It is BIG TIME quick - quicker than the Jag, quicker than every WRX or Evo Ive been up against (i know, i know - there ARE EVOs that will whip my @ss!- I just havent yet seen it!) Its beautiful - it turns every head in the carpark, and starts conversations. It handle like a dream, yet is extremely comfortable to tour in. Its cheap to buy - for now at least. These are very collectible, time to own one is now,

2006-12-18 00:22:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best car that I have ever owned is the car that I have now. It is a 2004 Buick Park Avenue Ultra Peal White. It is the best, because it is a luxury car it has heated seats head up display and a bunch of other features tha I love. Yes, It is great for picking up dates. Guys always pull-up to me asking me if it is my car to spark a conversation.

2006-12-12 13:43:48 · answer #4 · answered by Toshee 2 · 1 1

A1978 Ford Fairmont, 302, C4 auto. had it for 15 years from 95 and never had any trouble with it. My wife had a 80 Corvet Stinrgray. She loved it.

2006-12-16 02:52:56 · answer #5 · answered by fixallman_77808 2 · 1 1

Honda... any Honda, but my civic was indestructable.
It was reliable, strong, and had a great resale value. I even used it to go off-road and could climb the steepest hills with the 4x4's as long as I drove in reverse (front-wheel drive). It hardly burned a drop of gas and as a small chick in a hatchback, I put the giant trucks to shame :o)

They can be dressed up (lots of extras available), and lowered for city use if you want to use it to impress dates in a bling-bling sort of way.

2006-12-12 13:45:32 · answer #6 · answered by lil 2 · 1 2

71 340 duster

2006-12-12 13:42:23 · answer #7 · answered by done wrenching 7 · 1 0

I love my 2006 RX-8. It's a very comfortable car, handles the corners real well, and it's a very forgiving car. It doesn't fight you back when you drive it fast. Plus with it's rotary engine, the car doesn't feel choked up at high revs. I love it!

2006-12-12 14:31:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

2001 Silverado. 223,000 miles and still smoking down v8 cars. lol Awesome fun customizing it, tons of more stuff to do to it, its fast, it gets great gas mileage (21 mpg highway........damn good for a truck) its versatile, handles like a dream (dropping 'em helps), and it's freaking awesome for starting up conversations with hot guys!!! lol (I'm a girl, BTW)
I wouldn't trade it for anything.

2006-12-12 16:23:32 · answer #9 · answered by ss_silverado01 3 · 1 1

’80 Lamborghini Countach, chicks dig it. It’s not that much fun to drive though.

2006-12-12 13:47:12 · answer #10 · answered by dopeadevil23 4 · 0 0

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