I wish I were more like Ash from Army of Darkness, but I'm more like Lester Burnham from American Beauty, except for the whole making out with my neighbor thing. I'd turn down the weirdo army guy too though.
2006-12-12 04:24:54
answer #1
answered by Johnny Afman 5
I've got a minor case of OCD, so when I saw "The Aviator" I really wanted to have the qualities of Howard Hughes...determination, detail oriented, etc. You were able to see what great things a man could accomplish even with a disability such as OCD.
2006-12-12 11:58:05
answer #2
answered by Xander 4
I usually like to imagine myself as the brunette of the movie because I'm the only Brunette girl of my family..........but i think i fit Elizabeth in the new movie "Pride and Prejudice" I feel like her because I do not have the best luck with guys and I hope someday I find my "Mr. Darcy". I love to read and fantasize and play.
2006-12-12 12:06:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i want to be Hamlet (ethan hawke version) cuz it's modern and felt a little un-Shakespeare (but still very Shakespeare) and the "To be or Not To be" Scene was done in Video shop or something instead of a castle ( i lost the DVD, Da*n!!)
2006-12-12 12:21:34
answer #4
answered by Shasha 3