You can not believe a person on the internet. You can only believe very good friends. some people on the internet that you become very good friends with you can trust. Never meet someone you do not personally know! I trust one of my friends who I met online but I do not completely trust. So all in all you can trust someone but do not give too much trust!!!!!
2006-12-12 02:57:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The internet is no guarantee that anyone is telling you the truth. Dont be foolish and use common since. Anyone can tell you one thing and it be completly untrue.
If you do decide to meet someone do it in a public place and I would let a friend or family member know if you decide to before hand as well.
There are alot of scams and uncaring people who will try and take advantage of you if your not careful. Alot of people look at the internet as entertainment.
Its a fantasy world where you can say you are anyone. Untill you know a person in real life and get to know them in person then you may want to be cautious.
I did meet my husband from friends on the internet and we talked and got to know each other and decided to meet. We have been married for almost 3 years now.
But I have met some really deceptive people as well .. read between the lines. If things dont add up it proubly isnt true. good luck.
2006-12-12 11:14:59
answer #2
answered by hopefloats 3
You really can't.....if you have any police friends they could do a check into for you but even that is iffy. With much information though you could do a back ground check yourself as there are a lot of sites on the net to do that now.......but all in all.....I wouldn't trust anyone. The risk are too great these days.
2006-12-12 11:00:06
answer #3
answered by davina r 1
Well, if you can find his/her IP, you can use an whois server to tell you the city of the provider, but it's not 100% accurate (my provider, for instance is 600km away). You can try to see if the city match, so you will know that him/her is telling the truth or not.
If you are using Y!M. or any other chat software mail me and I'll explain-it to you how to find his/her IP.
2006-12-12 11:06:12
answer #4
answered by Marius L 1
You CAN'T believe a person on the Net, that's why we SMART people never use the Internet. (Oh wait, what am I saying? I use the Internet.) Well I guess maybe you CAN believe a person after all, but just . . . maybe.
2006-12-12 10:54:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You might know some info about them, but do you really know who they are?! Seriously. You don't know jack sh$t!!! Don't trust anyone online! People steal identities, use them, get what they want from you, and then laugh at you for being so dumb for actually believing them.
2006-12-12 10:52:52
answer #6
answered by Fez 3
You cannot believe anything about anyone. Not even me. Actually I wouldn't lie but you don't know that. So never trust anyone, especially those who want to meet.
2006-12-12 10:52:37
answer #7
answered by Elizabeth Howard 6
Yea, good question.
If a person can PROVE their identity and will sign a legal contract regarding services....
2006-12-12 10:52:57
answer #8
answered by Ben B 3
you can't, people will say and do anything to improve their chacnes of getting what they want, not what you want.
2006-12-12 10:58:47
answer #9
answered by Slam64 5
no u cant
2006-12-12 10:56:30
answer #10
answered by Classique 3