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The terrorists HATE our deviant hedonistic lifestyle BUT - that is the way liberals want to live - not Conservatives!
Hollywood is liberal and they are putting out the movies that give the world a perception as to who we are.

2006-12-12 02:23:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

It is easier to point fingers than to discuss the root causes of terrorism. Many people love to subscribe to the notion that terrorists "hate us for our freedoms" while ignoring the fact that terrorists don't seem to hate Sweden, India, or many other places with plenty of freedom. "They hate us for our indiscriminate use of overwhelming power, political, and economic dominance and our support of repressive regimes" doesn't quite have the same ring to it, I guess.

By this administrations belligerent actions, we have created millions of zealous enemies in the Muslim world and spawned thousands of fervent new recruits for the hostile groups that wish us harm. And while we might imagine we're making ourselves more secure by lashing out at them, our vengeful actions have had the opposite effect, considerably increasing the likelihood that we'll be attacked again-overseas and here within our borders.

Just look where such a policy has gotten the Palestinians and the Israelis during the past 50 or so years, with no end in sight. Jesus said, "Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword." This spares none of the sword wielders, liberal or conservative.

If the terrorists truly " HATE our deviant hedonistic lifestyle " why did they not attack Hollywood or Las Vegas instead of New York (our financial hub) and the Pentagon (our military/foreign policy hub)? Is it not possible that these are the aspects of our culture they despise the most?

2006-12-12 02:46:04 · answer #1 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 6 1

When you come down from your throne...which by the way you lost in the last election please try to remember that since Kennedy died in 1963 we have only enjoyed the presence of two elected Presidents that were Democrats A total of a mear 12 years... vs the almost 31 years of Republican control. So all the problems we are suffering are not "at the hands of the Liberals" contrary to popular Republican belief and propaganda.

The terrorists HATE us because we can't keep our hands and feet out of everyone else's business! If we would ever learn that we are NOT the world's POLICE force and mind our own business they might just begin to leave us alone and concentrate on the problems of their own countries. How would you feel if England suddenly decided that we are idiots (as if they haven't already) and came over here to kick some behind and knock some common sense into our President and Congress? Oops, I'm sorry, common sense and our President don't belong in the same sentence! I think your little conservative group would be pretty unhappy and willing to do anything to get rid of them...don't you?

It doesn't matter what movies we make or the books we write or the religion we follow. It doesn't matter what form of government we have...THEY DON'T CARE. They just want to be free to practice what they believe in their own land their own way. Just because we don't agree with it on any kind of fundamental way doesn't make it wrong. It just makes it wrong for us. That's why people moved here in the first place! You don't see them bombing Canada...maybe that's because Canada minds it's own business. I think there's a lesson there.

Why don't you get off your conservative behind and smell the coffee? The world gets it's perception from what they see us do...not the movies we make etc. Have a great day!

2006-12-12 10:48:14 · answer #2 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 5 2

I'm just wondering something. Do people like you know what the phrase " Get a clue" means? Perhaps you should do a little research into how much terrorism has risen since Bush illegally invaded Iraq. Last I checked, terrorism world wide had risen 300% since the beginning of this debacle in Iraq. Does that answer your question? Am I going to get a violation for telling the truth?

2006-12-12 11:00:41 · answer #3 · answered by Third Uncle 5 · 5 1

You touch on a somewhat valid point but ignore other factors. It is not only the decadent western lifestyle that makes militant Islamists hate us, but also the West's policies in the Middle East for the past several decades, which is not something you can lay wholly at the door of the liberals.

2006-12-12 10:31:49 · answer #4 · answered by Dunrobin 6 · 2 2

That is the stupidest question you've ever asked. I actually had respect for you before this. They hate us becuase we aren't Muslims but Christian. They think their religion is correct and they hate that women don't hide their hair. They see as as infidels becuase of our power over the world which they perceived as imperialistic. I don't care that they hate us. They come from countries where they arranged marriages of the women with the best prospects for money. That is disgusting. They are polygamists. I'm glad they hate us. It means we aren't practicing their customs which I think the majority can agree is bad.

2006-12-12 16:28:52 · answer #5 · answered by cynical 6 · 1 1

Yeah, let's see, the multinational corporations run by conservatives going into the middle east and taking their natural resources have nothing to do with it. The middle east wants to be just like you and your family. That must be it. I thought they loved liberals? make up your mind, do they love liberals or hate us?

2006-12-12 10:40:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Any one that piddles with others business, lifestyles and demand conformity is asking for hatred and rebellion. Right or wrong all human beings have the right to choose for themselves.

2006-12-12 10:45:57 · answer #7 · answered by edubya 5 · 4 0

If one wishes to see a Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam band together under a single unified cause.. just wait until the Pride Paraders attempt to march through the streets of Jerusalem......

2006-12-12 10:31:09 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 3 2

If only we lived more like the terrorists, they wouldn't hate us so much. Let's start by killing a bunch of people, trying to put religion in public schools and legislation, and putting a bunch of anti-feminists in our government, public dialogue, and bookstores.

oh, it's not working.

you want to make the terrorists like us by being how they want us to be? who's the appeaser now?

2006-12-12 10:46:28 · answer #9 · answered by Aleksandr 4 · 3 2

I wasn't aware that it was liberals who put US troops on Saudi Arabian soil, which is a major reason for Bin Ladens's anger at the US.
They don't hate us because of our movies. They hate up because of our foreign policy over the past 50 years.

2006-12-12 10:36:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

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