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Is it fair to blame the papparazzi for the stupidity of the celeb.?

I'm sick of seeing LaLohan complain about not being able to go out....but then why eat out in public? Or Britney flaunting her new found freedom, all the while obviously leaving her small children in the care of someone other than the parents? (That can't be good for her custody issue.)

2006-12-12 00:27:27 · 17 answers · asked by pinkchicchild 3 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

17 answers

stars want to have their cake and eat it too.. they want to be stars when they want to be stars, but they want privacy when they want privacy.. can't have it both ways!

2006-12-12 00:35:21 · answer #1 · answered by Byakuya 7 · 0 0

Both sides are to blame. In the beginning an up and coming actor tips off the press or volunteers to help fill in a crowd by standing around and looking beautiful or handsome. If they make it to the top, then the photographers become a real nuisance. By that time they're making enough money to afford the type of security they need.

Celebrities get a lot of free things just for showing up -- they don't really buy those latest products, they just go out for showing off the product.

Who in real life would pay $800 for what is basically an umstroller unless Courtney Cox allowed her name to be printed in People magazine as buying one and loving it.

2006-12-12 08:37:33 · answer #2 · answered by hawkthree 6 · 0 0

Both parties bear some responsibility. Right now I'm leaning toward the celebrities a little bit. I think paparrazi have gone WAY too far, and if I was a celebrity, I'd be nailing them with super soakers or silly string if they got up in my face and were stalking me.

Of course, I suppose society is to blame too... if the world wasnt full of millions of brain-dead, mouth-breathing celebrity worshippers, there wouldn't be a demand for all those pictures, and the stalkarazzi's would be out of business.

2006-12-12 08:31:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Press coverage at public events, premiers, and promotions is quite appropriate. Hiding out in restrooms, and stalking popular people with telephoto lenses is NOT ok. Yes, the "star" is public because of the entertainment industry, but it isn't anyone's "right" to dog, hound, and otherwise photodocument every burp, stumble, and convenience mart toilet paper run. We all need time out of the public eye, the freedom to breathe without being plastered all over the dailies.

Also, these invaders sell their "work" to "papers" who just make up inuendo and rumor to sell stuff. They go too far.

2006-12-12 08:34:11 · answer #4 · answered by DellXPSBuyer 5 · 0 0

If we stop looking at magazines that show off "the RARE stolen moment of Princess Butterfly"... then the magazines will stop publishing those photos...... then they'll stop paying people (independent photographers) for the shots taken by renting helicopters, crashing private rituals, and even worse staged scenes where they provoke someone on purpose to get the "juicy shot".

2006-12-12 08:38:45 · answer #5 · answered by wolf560 5 · 0 0

If someone seeks out fame, they have no right to complain about what goes with it. If you're born into a famous family and wish to be left alone but have no choice in the matter that's different.

2006-12-12 08:33:21 · answer #6 · answered by Debra D 7 · 0 0

Hey if they want to act stupid that's on them. I'd take a picture of it and sell it too. They need to have a little more sense than that. Sure we all make mistakes and are entitled to but they need to be more conscientious because they are in the public eye.

2006-12-12 08:32:00 · answer #7 · answered by I'm a ninja darnit! 3 · 0 0

I agree with you. It is sickening to hear Celbs complain when they chose to be in the lime light. I don't agree with the paparrazzi going to extrems though like with Princess Di. They should also know when is enough, and when too know when to stop.

2006-12-12 08:32:02 · answer #8 · answered by Right Wing Extremist 7 · 0 0

From what I understand, most celebrities tip off the press that they are going to be doing something so they can get photographed. They will then pretend to be angry- they have to have their pictures taken or nobody would know who they are. It really is perverse but keeps the money flowing.

2006-12-12 08:30:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To a point, but if I am on vacation somewhere, away from the public eye, they DO NOT have a right to use a telephoto lens to snap shots of me

2006-12-12 08:31:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, as you have said, stars have chosen to be viewed in the public eye. so if they don't want embarrassing pics, they should be on their guard at all times or quit being a star(yeah, right. like they would really do that.) lol. :-)

2006-12-12 08:51:24 · answer #11 · answered by johnathon k 1 · 0 0

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