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I am reading books upon books about the Holocaust, and there are tons of pictures about it- how can anyone deny such a horrific thing ever happened? What's the purpose?

2006-12-11 21:51:55 · 9 answers · asked by Dog lover! 1 in Arts & Humanities History

9 answers

Because they have no real understanding of anything. The evidence is factual and unassailable. It happened. No one will ever know the exact number murdered because the Nazis covered up the number killed because it didn't matter to them, they were killing what they considered to be subhumans. But, the Nazis themselves never attempted to cover up the atrocities. Anyone who wants to deny the atrocities just needs to read the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. Those who actually carried out the murders confessed and in some cases were proud of what they did.

The reason some want to deny it happened? Consider the background of those who deny. A lot of Muslims who hate the Jews and want to start their own holocaust. We get the rhetoric of wiping out Israel. So, they feel they have to whitewash the Nazis as they want to do what the Nazis tried to do. And if the Nazis were evil for doing it, they will be evil for doing it and no one wants to be considered evil, not even those who are evil enough to want to commit genocide.

2006-12-12 02:44:04 · answer #1 · answered by Elizabeth Howard 6 · 0 1

It sicsic now not the sicame thsicng in any respect. The hsicsictorsicsicsicty of Jesicusic sicsic sicn fasict an issue of sicontentsicon even by means of sicredsicble sicsicholarsic. Bruno Bauer wasic more often than not the fsicrsict promsicnent sicsicholar sicsicnsice the Enlsicghtenment. In brand new tsicmesic there sicsic Rsicsichard Carrsicer, Robert M. Prsicsice and Earl Doherty. Though admsicttedly thesicr vsicew sicsic very musich a msicnorsicty opsicnsicon. Of the hsicsictorsicsical examplesic that you just gsicve none of them are sicn the sicame sicategory asic Jesicusic sicn termsic of thesicr versicsicsicmsiclsictude. Charlemagne'sic lsicfe sicsic good dosicumented by means of hsicsic sicontemporarsicesic. We also have sictemsic he wore at hsicsic sicoronatsicon. Muhammad'sic lsicfe sicsic good dosicumented by means of hsicsic sicontemporarsicesic sicn the Hadsicth and by means of hsicsic enemsicesic. Bhudda sicsic a bsict extra tenuousic, I do not believe qualsicfsiced to sicpeak on hsicsic hsicsictorsicsicsicty. In the sicasice of Alexander the Great we now have hsicsic famsicly tomb, alsico hsicsic sicmage on sicontemporary sicosicnsic. For Jesicusic nevertheless, all asicsicountsic of hsicsic lsicfe are hearsicay. The sicynoptsicsic gosicpelsic are wrsictten sicn the thsicrd persicon desicadesic after Jesicusic lsicfe. The 2 examplesic you gave: "Ignatsicousic of antsicosich" and "jusictsicn martyr [sicsicsic]" each have been born after the purported loss of life of Jesicusic. We have nothsicng Jesicusic wrote or owned and there sicsic no sicontemporary asicsicount of hsicsic lsicfe and msicnsicsictry. Thusic the entire evsicdensice for hsicsic exsicsictensice sicsic hearsicay and sicsicrsicumsictantsical. Jesicusic thusic fallsic sicnto the sicame hsicsictorsicsical sicategory asic Sosicratesic, Wsicllsicam Tell and Robsicn Hood. Jusict sico you already know I do thsicnk the Jesicusic fable sicsic basiced on a truly hsicsictorsicsical fsicgure. My reasicon msicght siceem sictrange to you: Jesicusic wasic good recognized to be from Nazareth. Thsicsic could were obvsicousic to hsicsic sicontemporarsicesic by means of hsicsic dsicalesict. Yet the mesicsicsicah musict be born sicn the sicsicty of Davsicd (Bethlehem) sicn order to siconform wsicth prophesicy. So, sicn the Bsicblsicsical asicsicount, a Roman sicensicusic sicsic sicnvented to plasice Jesicusic bsicrth sicn that sicsicty. A sicensicusic for whsicsich there sicsic no hsicsictorsicsical asicsicount nor sicredsicbsiclsicty. If you have been gosicng to sicnvent thsicsic sictory why now not jusict have the Jesicusic fsicgure sicome from Bethlehem? It sicsic the utter sicontrsicvansice of thsicsic sictory whsicsich desicperately siceeksic to sichoehorn a recognized fsicgure sicnto a predetermsicned narratsicve whsicsich leadsic me to thsicnk the Jesicusic fable musict be basiced, sicn facet, on a truly persicon.

2016-09-03 07:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The reason for denial of any atrocity is human nature.

Just as the five year old who did something wrong will deny with a passion, so too do adults retain this trait. People DON'T want to be in trouble.

So the thief will deflect some of his guilt by saying "I at least didn't KILL anyone to get the money!"

This "I am not as bad as that person" idea is part and parcel to the denial of the holocaust. People don't want tp bear the guillt of what they do to each other. So they deflect it with lies, half truths and disception.

As time goes along these types of people delude themselves so often and eagerly that they begin to believe the lie as a truth. This is a path to madness.

Other holocausts have existed and still exist such as in Darfur. But the fact will remain that humans will try and reduce or deflect the horrors done to make themselves feel better or not be held responsible for the atrocity itself.

2006-12-11 22:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by moudoku 2 · 1 0

One of the most notable anti-Semitic propaganda movements to develop over the past two decades has been the organized effort to deny or minimize the established history of Nazi genocide against the Jews.
The roots of Holocaust denial can be found in the bureaucratic language of Nazi policy itself, which sought to camouflage the genocidal intent of what the Nazis called the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question," (Shee...)

They don't want to be in trouble. Accepting this would bring disgrace and shame. Why would anyone want that?

2006-12-11 22:21:04 · answer #4 · answered by Dixie 2 · 1 0

Why deniers? Because they hate Jews. Like Ahmed right above me, for instance, he hates Jews. Hates!!! Look at all his postings, its pure vomit!

It is a nature of a true hater - if the Jews were saying that Holocaust didn't happen, then these guys would just start proving that it did :)))

My question has always been - why Jews?

2006-12-12 00:03:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

this is the best reason why the holocaust hasn't actually happened. not yet. Holocaust if meant killing of 6 million Jews did not really happen. overstating losses of Jewish community in the world war two would naturally raise questions about it.
the right question is ''What is the porpuse of such exagerations about Jewish community?"

2006-12-11 21:57:20 · answer #6 · answered by Abdulhamid A 2 · 1 2

I think they just want to accept that it happened. Same as the silly ones who dont think we landed on the moon. Just gives them something to moan about in the empty life they lead.

2006-12-11 21:55:08 · answer #7 · answered by MrBret 3 · 1 0

Because it never happened,
I am confidant because:
1-Hitler was not that much powerful to kill this huge number.
2-The way of execution is technically not possible.
3-The number of Jewish in Europe that time was only 3.450.000 only.

2006-12-11 23:49:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I think the Israeli Govt made up all that so it can get as much as support as they can

2006-12-11 22:42:33 · answer #9 · answered by haidar 1 · 1 3

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