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.....at first i didnt want toi breast feed due to the fact that i felt i would be unconfortable from the sensation, since the only mouth that was on my breast was my babys father. but now im starting to think that it might not be that bad seeing that i am having a girl. i dont want to do it for the whole time but i was concidering on doing it for the "colostrium?" breast milk is the best i know but i dont think i can go through with it for a while due to the fact that bi will have to start medication again for my pituitary tumor when the baby is born. so my question is.....is it even worth doing if i am only going to do it for about 4-5 days anyway?

2006-12-11 19:57:12 · 10 answers · asked by vmidiri 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

10 answers

Every single drop of breastmilk that you are able to give your baby is a benefit to both of you. The longer you nurse, the more benefits. But if you are only willing/able to do it for a few days, that's still a GREAT gift to your child.

Trust me, it feels very different to have a baby nursing than to be fooling around with your man. :-) It's not at all sexual or arousing. It's actually relaxing, thanks to the hormones associated with breastfeeding. You may find that you really enjoy it and want to continue.

It may be that the medication you have to take is fine to take while you continue to nurse. Have someone look it up in the book "Medications & Mother's Milk" by Hale. (DO NOT just trust what your doc says as his source is probably the PDR or the manufacturer's inserts, both of which basically say that nothing is safe.) You need the info from Hale's book as it is the most accurate. A Lactation Consultant or a La Leche League Leader can look it up in Hale's book and give you the info. (Or if you message me the name of the drug or post it here, I can look it up in my copy.)

2006-12-12 00:18:03 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 1 0

you shouldn't really think of it as an uncomfortable sensation since the only mouth that was on your breast was the baby's father. The breast was actually made for the baby's benefit. Not the father's! That's just a bonus.
Anyhow, breastfeeding is really the best for baby, and also in a practical sense -- you save a lot of money (Formula is Expensive!) and it's convenient because the breast is always ready ...no preparation and sterilisation of bottles. But, you should be prepared that your breasts will hurt in the beginning and that you will be very very tired. Baby will eat often in the beginning (maybe every 2 hours), and sometimes for a long amount of time (20-40mins) and it will feel like you just fed her and barely had time to breathe before it will be time for her to feed again. Every 2 hours includes the amount of time you feed her for.ie: you start feeding at 7am, she feeds for 45minutes, so you finish at 7.45am - you'll need to burp her etc then you have about an hour before you have to feed again at 9am. -- get someone else to help you with burping and changing the baby as much as possible so that you can get the much needed rest, even if its just an extra few minutes. It was really difficult for me and I wanted to give up everyday for the first two months but made it to 8months!
also, ask your doctor if the medication you have been prescribed for your tumour is safe if you are breastfeeding. Sometimes the medication is ok. If not, you just BF for as long as possible.Good luck.

2006-12-11 20:23:37 · answer #2 · answered by chuppala 2 · 1 0

shudder with revulsion? i'm not a breast feeder but I think that is carried away. Women were meant to breastfeed. Its the natural thing, up until the 50's women always breastfed. I think its really immature and ridicules to even say such a thing. Go ahead and bottle feed, thats fine. I bottle feed to. BUT...i would give anything to have been able to breast feed her. She just had problems with latching on. I think its revolting to bottle feed your baby, the only reason i'm doing it is because of nursing problems. Trust me, if i could breast feed i would. Just from that comment on breastfeeding it shows your level of maturity and education. Also you must have head problems of some sort to feel so disgusted by it in the first place, maybe a sexual hangup? just a guess

2016-05-23 08:08:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes its worth doing! Thc colostrum is the best and most nutitious part! It will help build up ur babies immune system. If u dont like the sensation of the mouth on your breast you can express into a syringe or cup and feed it to the baby from that! Ask ur midwife!

2006-12-11 20:01:06 · answer #4 · answered by ce_ben1 5 · 1 0

Breast feeding is hugely beneficial to both you and your baby; I hope that you take advantage of whatever amount of time is available to you.
Babies who are breast fed receive antibodies from their mothers, which help to protect them from various diseases. (The colostrum they get from you in those first few days is especially beneficial.) They are also less likely to develop food allergies.
Breast feeding also has benefits for the mother. When the baby nurses, it causes your uterus to contract, and while this sometimes may cause some cramping, it also speeds up your return to your "pre-baby" state. And you generally will not have your period during the time you nurse, and most women consider that a plus. (You need to be aware that even though you may not be menstruating, you can still get pregnant, so you still need to take precautions in that area.)
The biggest benefit is the serenity and intense bond as you nurse your child.
You might want to check with La Leche League, (listed in most phone books, or information probably available from your doctor or hospital). They are very supportive and can help you with any concerns or questions.
Congratulations on your impending motherhood!

2006-12-11 20:25:05 · answer #5 · answered by PJPeach 5 · 1 0

i had a little boy 2 weeks ago and im breest feeding and trust me it doesnt hurt as long as the baby is latching on right at first i didnt want to do it cause i was a having a boy but now im glad i did you bond so much with your little one. but if your only going to do it for a couple of days i wouldnt to it at all just for the fact once your milk comes in your boobs are going to hurt so bad i now the colostrium is good for the baby but you also need to think about wats going to be good for you as well your baby will will be fine if you do or do not breast feed just think about it and talk to your doc maybe hell be able to help you decide

2006-12-12 00:47:38 · answer #6 · answered by Alyson C 2 · 1 0

yes! yes! yes! I don't think the American public understands how important breastfeeding is to the long-term health of their infants. Babies are meant to be nursed HUMAN breast milk for 2 years... and our babies don't get any sometimes. It is natural and normal and a beautiful gift of lifelong health that you're giving to your daughter. Even if you just breast feed for the first week (aim for a month though... it'll be tough... you may be sore... but she'll really benefit) you're giving her the gift of great immunities that could protect her from serious illness in the newborn stage.

Google: benefits of breastfeeding...

you'll be amazed at how beneficial it is for both Mom and Baby.

2006-12-11 20:03:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes. The colostrum is full of vital nutrients for your baby and it is essential that the baby receives the colostrum. Even if you're only doing it for a couple of days it's better than mothing as the colostrum is the most important bit and can help to boost your baby's immune system. I breastfeed and wouldn't have it any other way.

2006-12-11 20:03:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Even if only for a small time...a little is better then none.Love your baby and do it for her.The colustrum is the most benificial for her.

2006-12-11 20:57:32 · answer #9 · answered by doshidoe 2 · 1 0

yes nothing to worry about, clean ur breast with fresh water after and before and goahead

2006-12-11 20:08:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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