I am a new eBay user and I purchased a branded handbag from eBay last week, which was described as genuine. But I was shocked when I received the bag as it is different as described and doesn't seem genuine. The bag was sent from China instead of US as described, and it looks really cheap, like a product made in China. I contacted the seller via email but didn't get any reply. I checked the seller's details from eBay and it shows that the seller is no longer a registered user. Then I reported this problem to eBay and yet, there is no response or reply too. Is this the kind of service they provide to their users? Are they trying to protect the seller? Is this a scam or what? I really have no idea what is going on. I am really disappointed as I never thought this could happen on eBay. I thought eBay is the safest and trusted online marketplace. I've lost confidence with eBay and I will NOT recommend eBay to anyone!
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