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Air signs are killing me . Im a water sign and find them very interestesting but they are like spock on Star Trek. I want them immensely and they repel me at the same time.

2006-12-11 17:56:40 · 19 answers · asked by Sepiatone01 3 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

19 answers

Its all rubbish... get a life

2006-12-11 18:01:58 · answer #1 · answered by 2 good 2 miss 6 · 2 3

Air signs are very thinking people. They get turned on by somebody who they can have endless discussions on subjects. Most signs would be interested in either sexy outfits or physical pleasures or deep feelings, air signs truely like you for yourself, your mind and what you are rather than what you look like or what an excellent cook you are or how much money you have. You can be the best looking girl in town who is just about to inherit a great fortune etc. if your mind doesn't excite the Aquarian (or the air sign) then that's it. You'll never get him.

2006-12-14 09:02:18 · answer #2 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 0 1

They repel you? Oh dear! Maybe you should think about going for different men! My former boyfriends loved the fact that I was Spock-like! I think that's the whole mysterious/enigmatic element. I don't know about aloof. I would say we are perhaps a bit too logical and clinical about things at times but we can be passionate and animated too. I am also pretty independent and always attract men who want the challenge of tying me down (they never can!). :) I guess the thing my former boyfriends liked most is Aquarians are, apparently, pretty intelligent - one of the smartest signs in the zodiac. My ex husband always used to say he was glad our son inherited my brains! (Our son is an Aquarian too). Thankfully my ex was good looking and our son has inherited his father's looks! :P

By the way, my ex was a Virgo. We were doomed from the outset (although I didn't know it) because he was way, way too needy and clingy and I couldn't be @rsed to deal with it! We had that whole role reversal thing going on, which most women do not want from their men. I am not sure I believe 100% in astronomy but I do think the time of year a person is born in influences the way they are in life. There are studies that say chidren born at a certain time of year are more likely to have depressive illnesses when they are adults, for example. Plus there are more than 2 personality types. Astrology is but one aspect, Chinese Horoscopes are another and, if you bother to look up your sign, most people would be shocked at how accurate they are when viewed in conjunction with regular astronomy...

2006-12-12 09:30:12 · answer #3 · answered by Hallber 5 · 0 2

yes i know what you mean, im not sure as if they appear like that just to us water signs though


.... Difficult to Live With!
Aquarians are very unpredictable, and will stubbornly choose to behave contrary to what is expected. It's all a game and the intention is to stay free from restriction. They neither like to be considered boring or conventional, and will delight in challenging your beliefs about who you are. If you don't share Aquarians' love of gizmos and gadgets then steer clear.

We love you at your Best ...
When you dare to be yourself, step outside of the norm and indulge you desire to go the opposite way to everyone else. You can challenge conventional thinking and refuse to get drawn into long discussions about your feelings, but nevertheless you are still extremely sensitive - you are simply very good at using the Saturnian ability to create a cool exterior. Underneath beats a passionate heart which can sometimes extend beyond the boundaries of nearest and dearest and embrace the planet.

Humanitarian, friendly, independent, quirky, willing, progressive, an original thinker, inventive, creative, loyal, idealistic yet rational.

Aquarius is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this Sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. These folks are humanitarian, philanthropic and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they'd like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work).

Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

The Sign of Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas. Luckily for Aquarians (and the rest of us), they are at a near-genius level, so their minds churn out some amazing things. Their thought process is also inventive and original. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Naysayers will quickly find out that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree. Yes, these folks can be quite fixed in their opinions, in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign. Even though Aquarians are happy to give, and they do, it's often on their terms and within their comfort level. Generally, that means ample space, since these folks are freedom-loving and individualistic and need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate,

they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian's heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.

2006-12-12 05:45:56 · answer #4 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 3

I am the same.

I do not get on with Aquarians at all. I think we're the least compatable signs ever. It's worse with women Aquarians than men. I simply cannot see their reasoning, and they don't care less about me. It's not their fault or mine, we just completely clash. Can't stand them.

I am a Pisces.

2006-12-13 10:37:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We are not always detached, as although it sometimes appears like that ,we are actually weighing things up in our minds and wondering what is going to happen next. We don't like being rejected either so we don't always show our emotions until we are totally comfortable with someone. When we are connected we can be very passionate but any sign of rejection we can turn to stone again. Sadly our minds work too well and we can over analyse things. I would love to be a sexy and fiery Sagittariun instead

2006-12-12 09:08:14 · answer #6 · answered by feebee 3 · 2 3

I am also a water sign, and once dated a aquarius...they are extremely aloof and detached so you never know what they are feeling. Water and Air def dont mix, esp since water signs are very emotional and sensitive and air is just the opposite. You can try to get some emotions out of them, but your most likely going to end up with an expression less face. Goodluck!

2006-12-12 02:07:57 · answer #7 · answered by Layla 1 · 1 4

Astrology is a pile of crap. Your personality is determined by your experiences in life, not what star constellation was visible on the day of your birth!. Astrology is just superstition. What makes you think that there are only 12 personality types in this world of more than 6 billion people? It's pathetic!

I'm supposedly an Aquarius, and I've looked at what I'm supposed to be like. I'm nothing like it! I'm not distanced or holier-than-thou. I'm a kind, friendly, sensitive sort (or so my mates say). Ignore this horoscope crap and don't let it rule your life! Would you honestly turn away from the partner of your dreams because he's the wrong star sign?

2006-12-12 03:00:54 · answer #8 · answered by genghis41f 6 · 1 5

i'm an aquarian- and yet it is wrong for people to generalise all aquarians that way. i don't agree with everything people say about my horoscope sign, as some of it is untrue and not reflective of me as a person anyway. i wouldn't say i am offended by what you just said, but i think you shouldn't jump into any rash conclusions straightaway and imply that all people born under the aquarius sign cut themselves off from others and who don't like conversing with their peers and people in general. because those type of things are utter crap

2006-12-12 04:34:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Some people are really into Astrology. I find that there are a few that I am repulsed by and then I learn of their birthday. Makes sense then. For the most part, I find it interesting, but I don't give it much credence.


2006-12-12 02:04:29 · answer #10 · answered by whadda-dingo-gal 6 · 2 2

One aloof aquarius came down to real earth for a moment and asked me in confidence if I sometimes felt superior to everyone else.

There is no doubt - they sure are "up there".

2006-12-12 19:10:39 · answer #11 · answered by mecasa 4 · 1 2

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