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i mean the dude never told the truth, on sex, selling our military secrets, killing vince foster, who hired craig livingstone, whitewater, and when he wasnt lying he was letting terrorists attack and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. what a b a s tard.

2006-12-11 16:48:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

that retard that put that propaganda down there goes around with that same line of crap. im surprised hes smart enuff to cut and paste. clinton said all of those same things about iraq, as did 93 other countries that signed the treaty to go to war with that stooge saddam. im sorry bush caught yer buddy saddamie libtard and killed yer butt buddy al zarqawi, abd billy boy and his drug dealing brother are still the biggest liars on earth, and i noticed u never responded in all that crap u wrote to anything i said. the truth hurts i know lol

2006-12-11 17:00:39 · update #1

to that retard in the santa hat---there was no surplus, thats another lie clinton told u, check the national debt over clintons 8 years, went up every year stoopid. lol u fall for every stupid lie of clintons. when did he not do anything to stop the terrorists??? are u daft? how bout the first bombing of the twin towers in 1993?? wht did he do? what about the cole? what did he do? wake up moron CLINTON is a LIAR and his wife is a LIAR. policy is not lying , thats all u idiots say about bush when its you that lie. after clinton u have no right to even mention honesty in politics none.

2006-12-11 17:11:42 · update #2

to the person who couldnt respond to my question but said conservatives had been rejected? LOL when was that? democrats ran candidates all over the south and west pretending to be more conservative than their republcan counterparts. u dont understand that though do u simpleton. u will in 1 year and 11 months tho. lol

2006-12-11 17:18:22 · update #3

17 answers

So much crap - the Vince Foster comment is a lie and you know it. The Clinton haters spent 60 million bucks to prosecute a private embarrassing sexual act.

It was Clinton's group that specifically warned Bush about OBL and Bush and Rice chose to ignore it. Bush is responsible for OBL's heinous attack 9/11.

Your type give Bush a free ride. Now where are those Iraqis showering our troops with flowers? Probably busy making those WMD. Lies, lies, lies. That's all the GOP knows.

2006-12-12 01:41:05 · answer #1 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 1 0

no bush and Cheney are the biggest liars and ppl are fools to believe these grand dragon KKK rulers in officer killing off all the young men and women serving our great country while they sit at home getting there bonus checks from haliburton, chevron , shell and BP .. Its all a game they keep young ppl from having chance to go to college so they give the promise of give me your life for military and we'll pay your college. Its sad how everyone is still blaming Clinton for stuff yall need to be impeaching mob Boss Cheney and Bush .. or are yall too stupid to not be blind and lied to like how Bush is just greedy and want all the oil wells for him and his family. How is getting a head worser than a man whom stole and election. Wake up an look at how the poverty rate is back up ppl on drugs worse than ever unemployment is up all over the USA. An this only happens when the Republicans get in office . We suffered under Reaganomics's and Bush SR. and now this dumb inarticulates back wood hick The Dub Ya. Wake up you lost fools thinking the republican or democratic parties even care about the real issues at hand everyone all want to point fingers and blame this person that person . Blame the Lil Bush and the Dick for all our problems cus they are the ones messing up the USA and letting the Supreme court delete all our civil rights WAKE UP PPL

2006-12-12 01:00:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Next to Dubya, President Clinton is an angel.

You obviously have a severe problem with Mr. Clinton. I think that you are sadly mistaken in your observations, but pointing out your errors wouldn't do a thing to change your very closed, very small mind. "Letting terrorists attack"??? Oh really?! And when was that?

Don't forget WMD.

Oh yeah! And what happened to the budget surplus we had when Bill left office? Did it go up George's nose? What happened to the peace we lived in? Who lied to start an unnecessary war? Don't answer--just think about it.

I don't think that the hands of anyone who is in politics are completely clean.

edit: I just read your comments, and though I do not have to justify myself to the likes of you, for the benefit of others I will say that I am NOT a "retard" (what @ss says that word or uses it as a put down these days???). I am a 60 yr. old, well educated Liberal woman. I have almost never read such garbage as your question and the following comments. You sound very naive, under-educated, angry, and, well, just plain stupid! You will never convince anyone of your beliefs by ranting on and on and calling names, denigrating public officials, etc. Maybe you are an undercover Liberal...because your brand of rant will send readers scurrying to the opposite side.
Or, maybe you have such lack of self-esteem that you need other red neck kooks to praise you and agree with you in order to feel validated. (Sorry! I forgot your status...Do you need any of these words defined? Do you have someone to interpret English for you?)

2006-12-12 01:04:24 · answer #3 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 3 1

Just about everyone lies or distorts the truth. Politicians at a high level are experts at lying and equivocating. Unfortunately, honesty doesn't reward people like Clinton.
"Yeah, I did have sex with that girl, Monica, and everyone else with a hole!" would not go over well.
"No choice. I killed them all, it was great!" Honesty is the best policy?
"Well, they helped me get into office, so of course I had to reward them." People wouldn't like that too much.
"Who cares if I sold military secrets. We all need money." Liars prosper.

2006-12-12 01:03:31 · answer #4 · answered by Lightbringer 6 · 1 1

Let Hillary answer that one!
It is good that Al Zarqawi was caught!!! They are in a different type of boat. Although he May Have given himself to be martyred (in their minds -which is completely false & wrong use of the word) cuz they had someone else lined up to take his place & it really didn't deter them. I admire our soldiers who are over there working for peace to stop terrorists. They need to be curbed & not run wild causing terror to others because of their hateful ideologies. They are forcing our soldiers to try and protect citizens from their hate. The bible says that peace officers are God's ministers for good. Not to be a terror to those who do good but to those who do evil. Do you not want to be afraid of the authorities? Do what's right. For they do not bear the sword in vain. But will bring wrath down on those who do evil. It's a delicate, hard job! Like Present Bush said, "the evil-doers must be stopped!" One must be sensitive & careful in the way that they execute it. And be reverent in all manners of death. I like to use the 3 Muskateers movie as an example... the one with Charlie Sheen, Keifer Sutherland... etc, he (Charlie Sheen)always made the cross over his enemies -meaning go in peace or rest in peace. And Dartanian (Chris O'Donnell) asked the muskateers why he did that. They said, "because he takes death seriously." We shouldn't become numb or unreverent of killings or you risk having the same calloused attitude of the terrorists.

2006-12-12 00:50:51 · answer #5 · answered by Nocine 4 · 1 1

Tony Blair rates highly in the liar stakes, the word Liar is even concealed within his name

2006-12-12 00:58:14 · answer #6 · answered by PomOnTour 3 · 1 1

You are frothing at the mouth dude. It is so easy and fun to watch you neocon nutjobs lose it.

Ever since America rejected your philosphy you guys have really gone off the deep end.

2006-12-12 01:02:16 · answer #7 · answered by James A 3 · 3 1

Hard to say the biggest liar...most politician lie.

2006-12-12 04:04:40 · answer #8 · answered by foleycat 3 · 0 0

YES! And Hillary is running a close second!

2006-12-12 09:24:49 · answer #9 · answered by FEVER 3 · 0 0

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