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i know that in someplaces they ARE legal, but i am doing a debate in class about making abortions legal?


2006-12-11 15:10:25 · 21 answers · asked by Emily<3 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

21 answers

the most fisible legal point is dont make a child's life hell..better abort when they cant feel a thing...
its better forr mentally imbalance or finacially unstable parents to abort then to giv birth to a child with no security in life wat else make sense?
hav anyone talked to those children who wish every moment to be dead & curse parents for not being able to understand & fulfill their least desires...it hurts like hell...if possible why not rather put up law against parents who hav offsprings & cant support them with a healthy happy family envirnment....we are so much worried bout the life in womb which is not yet in real exsitence..while so many lifes of kids rot in streets ,drugs & mental abuse..shouldnt that be of concern..& take those parents to task.....abortions the only healthy more responsible way to correct one's mistake at right time...reproduce when u really can giv that right its true dignity.....
moreover well look at the world can we really go on without abortion? theres no place left on earth...we r heavly over populated...everything scarce...so better hav a small family & a happy one..if all could follow that
best wishes

2006-12-11 17:42:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We cannot let Government control what we do with your body.
This is why this a free Country, no matter what morals we have, We as a Country should not force our beliefs on anybody. I do not agree with weight reducing & cosmetic surgery, but I support the right for someone to have them. Woman are always going to have abortions, for whatever reasons. Laws will not change this, it will only make criminals of Women who have abortions. Women will seek other alternative to get abortions, unliscened Doctors or in different Countries where it is Legal.
If mother who wanted to get abortion due to Medical condition of the baby or unwanted pregancy. The Government has the fininacial responsibilty for the support and Medical Care for the child.

2006-12-14 19:19:12 · answer #2 · answered by art_raiders 2 · 1 0

I have always been against abortion but recently I have learned that there can be good reasons to get one. I am on medication to treat my bipolar and I was told just recently by my doctor that if I get pregnant then my meds will cause bad birth defects. I would hate to bring a child into the world knowing they will have birth defects. Of course I use protection but nothing is 100% reliable to work. If I get pregnant now, I would probably see about getting an abortion. I also believe if a woman's life is in danger then she should get an abortion, or if you are raped. I think it is wrong to get one if you are afraid or don't have enough money. If you are grown up enough to do it, you are grown up enough to handle the consequences. And there is always adoption agencies if you just don't want the baby.

2006-12-12 03:46:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) If abortions are illegal, "back-alley" abortions will still take place, and women will die needlessly. Legal abortions can be done in a clean, safe environment.

2) Legal abortion allows a woman to make a choice that is consonant with her physical and emotional health. If she has been raped, she has the power to deal with at least one consequence of her experience. If she is very young, she can have a second chance to make a contribution to society instead of being a drain on it. If she is not in an emotional state (for whatever reason) to be able to effectively parent a child, she has a way be free from something which may be literally impossible for her.

3) Legal abortion gives a woman control of her own body, free from the interference of government, religion, or opinion.

2006-12-11 15:23:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

For the very same reason that abortion "can't" be legal. There's a large portion of the population who believes that prostitution is not moral. It is legal in some places though, even in the U.S. Some parts of Nevada for example. Yeah. I was a fetus that was wanted. My mother wanted to have me. She didn't have a bunch of POS using lies, emotional manipulation, guilt, shame, or even threats to force her to have me. My mother consented to have me in her fetus, despite the fact that I could cause her serious harm, or even kill her. On both accounts, I nearly did. If she didn't want me, I wouldn't have known about it. That's the grand thing about being a fetus in the first few months. You're not aware of yourself and can't feel pain. So when the end comes, you were never aware that there was a beginning. Abortion allows a person to embrace their rights. Their right to their own body. Their right not to be forced into becoming a life support machine, or a incubator. Prostitution has all kinds of problems. Most of those problems are of course caused by rape culture, but sex trade, rape, and murder are all of course very common.

2016-05-23 07:38:23 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is my body and my choice; why should a man decide my future? If they are so strong about keeping a baby I think they should come up with a method to carry those children, they are so smart, right? I think from now on before having sex with someine I will ask him what he thinks because I surrely will NOT complicate my life and the life of another innocent beeing just because he has issues regarding this subject.

Don't get me wrong I love children; I don't know if I would be a good mother but if the moment comes and I feel that I can bring a child into this world and make him happy;if I can, and know, how to raise him to be a good person I will have that child even if in the first place I didn't want it to happen.

By the way I am not a person that likes casual sex, I strongly belive in marriage and family and not giving yourself to the first one to pass by. But I also strongly belive you should not make a child suffer just because you couldn't "kill" some cells before they become a human beeing.

This shouldn't be a political mater cause it can cause to much pain and suffering; it will never make us better human beeings denying the right to decide your life and the future of your children.

2006-12-13 01:23:10 · answer #6 · answered by shugubeatza 1 · 0 1

I think it is interesting how many other countries make abortion an option for women. Really, the US is behind the times. Here abortion is used as a topic to organize the right wing. In other countries, it is a medical procedure and it is the woman's choice, not in the power of some old politician who claims to be religious. I am amazed at the people who want to control a woman's reproductive organs. It is no one's business. In my state, the pro-life organizer is a mouth-breathing, uneducated, creep who likes to go around spouting off rhetoric about abortion and he can barely write! It makes me sick that people like this are thinking about my uterus and planning what I should do with it. I am not going to be controlled by a person like that, and I will fight with my last dying breath to prevent them from taking control of women.

2006-12-11 16:06:03 · answer #7 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 5 0

Abortions can be good because of many instances. Such as if a girl is raped, or a teenager of like age 14 gets pregnant etc... Basically abortions if made legal in most places should be to help out those women who have fallen pregnant unintentionally or due to a 2nd party not meeting their wishes.

As for if it is murder or not... depends whether you call a fetus a human.. Is the 1 week old embryo also murder?? IT's a very complex topic and you really have to be one sided i think.

2006-12-11 15:20:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I don't agree to abortion anyway, but since ya want a reason to make it legal, here goes...

A fetus inside a womb is connected to it's mother by the tube, and it's survival depends on the mother and the transfer of nutrients through that tube. In short, a fetus is actually not a living being...it's mere part of the mother, just like how a limb, hair, and mole is. If a mother can decide when and how she'ld like to cut off her hair/fingernails, remove her mole, etc etc, she can certainly decide when and how to remove the baby that's inside her.

2006-12-12 01:01:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good points to make it legal? To each their own....you have an amalgam of people with different morals and religions....HENCE making such an option illegal is taking away that free-willed, free choice right. America tries to appease everyone's point of view, and so to make abortion illegal is contradicting that goal.

So the answer is to make abortion legal, BUT...to put sanctions or certain bylaws with it, as to somehow appease the other moral audience.

You got 2 conflicting extremist people in america, those who think abortion is a woman's choice and right to her body as well as an economical tool against overpopulation, the poor and uneducated, and also the children who are having children

Then there's the extremist people in america who think abortion is immoral, it's killing a child, it's the unresponsible act of running from the natural responsibility of having sex. It's an act of playing god and the likes.

Abortion is murder in their eyes, and an answer for the other.

So to please BOTH throug making it legal with bylaws, those who have one point can have their abortion, and those who appose it know that if they're having an abortion, it's for reasons based on absolute conflict, such as being raped, or the mother will die, and...although personally i still believe there's an answer, those who are too poor to take care of a child.

Becaus if you just made it legal, period, you'll have those selfish bastards that just have an abortion cause they made 4,000 mistakes, were hoes, were unresponsible, were naive, the likes, who abuse this, and if you put laws AGAINST those, put restrictions on when you can have abortion...then it will be done for the sake of what is close to being morally right as it can....so that both opposing parties will not be completely contemptuous toward it.

You can't please everyone with one cake, but you can give them portions to at least shut them up.

I personally am not for abortion by any means, you are responsible for your actions, it's called life..sh*t happens, you deal with it as is...personally you can send that child to a foster home if you can't deal with him/her, or find someone who'll love them, but if you do the deed, then dammit you better be a man/woman and take up for what you've done, sex is a responsibility, not a f*ckin toy. Abortion isn't natural, it's somethin created by man for convenience, that involves f*ckin with life itself....so....i'll never agree to it, but i will promote it to be legal, because not everyone thinks like that...if people can accept casual sex as a decent lifestlye then damn, you'll make abortion like selling cocaine if you make it illegal.

2006-12-12 02:16:47 · answer #10 · answered by Dennis 6 · 1 0

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