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So, some of you are saying...If I have a induced labor and plan to have it vaginaly without drugs then it will be harder vs. letting the baby come on its own. If I want to have to induced then have a c-section?? I just really want my mother to be here but I don't want a c-section, I want to give birth naturally.

2006-12-11 15:02:20 · 8 answers · asked by mrsfornkohl 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

8 answers

Every woman and pregnancy and delivery is different! I can't stress this enough. For some women, induction really kicks labor into high gear and it speeds right through. For some women, it takes just as long as "natural" labor. While I know that many women talk about induced labor hurting a lot more, I wonder exactly how they can know since labor is different every single time. A woman can have two labors, both of them exactly the same with no induction or medical intervention and one can be pain-free and easy while the other may be long, painful, and strenuous. There can be some negatives to induction (the Pitocin made me throw up while pushing) those things can also happen in a labor with no induction. Other than the throwing up, my labor was smooth and easy, and I would not say it was pain-free, but it was manageable. You just have to take the advice of your doctor, decide what you want, and go for it. Best of luck!

2006-12-11 15:16:47 · answer #1 · answered by bigcitygrl2000 2 · 1 1

I was induced not by the pitocin drip but by the pill they put behind your cervix, affectionately called "the bomb" by the nurses as it works 99% of the time and the labor hits like, well, a bomb!

I can't say if induced labor hurt more than natural as i've only had one baby. All i can say is labor hurts. The degree that it hurts will be different for every woman. Some women have easy labors and don't need pain killers. Others (like me) have strong labors and need the pain killers. I got the epidural and have not regret it one bit! Of course, i ended up having to have a c-section due to my son not engaging in the birth canal, so i would have gotten it no matter what.

The risks of c-section after being induced are kind of ambiguous in my opinion. For me, the induction sped things up and so did the epidural. I labored for 7 hours from the time i got to the hospital to the time i had the c-section. It all just depends upon how your body is going to take things, and no one (not even the doctors) can tell you what's going to happen.

I would just do what you feel is best. Best of luck to you!

2006-12-11 23:53:35 · answer #2 · answered by nenya_of_adamant 2 · 1 0

There are real and valid reasons for inducing labor, and none
of them should be frivolous. Inducing labor can be done for
a baby who is in stress of any kind. For the mother: there
is gestational diabetes/having a longer than normal pregnancy/
general weakness of the mother. The need then would be
to deliver the baby asap.
If you can wait and have a normal delivery, that is much better
on you and the baby. It does take quite some time for the
baby to work its way down--that's why the contractions.

As far as pain, you will probably have the same amount IF
you use no anesthetic. La Maize is wonderful to teach
a prospective mother how really easy a birthing can be.
This is a normal process. It's been done thousands of years
and without hospitals, doctors, or even sterile conditions.
It's a lot of work, but given a few days, you will not even
remember the pain OR the work. Yoga is a great pre-birth

2006-12-11 23:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Almost everybody is induced nowadays. One nice thing about induction is that they can really keep their eye on you and monitor your pain. Plus, it makes your labor go a lot faster (or it's supposed to).

I know you say you don't want to have "drugs" but epiderals are really nice for the pain, and the doctors would not give them if they felt that it would harm the baby. Before doing it completely natural, talk to your doctor and maybe an anesthiologist (sp?) and see what kind of facts they can give you.

I was in labor with my first when I went to the hospital and it took ten hours to even get to the pushing stage, and after four hours of pushing they did a c-section, which I thought was a great!

With my second, he was supposed to be a csection and my water broke on it's own, and then out he came without much work, and with no drugs. The contractions were painful, the birth was just shocking, and the recovery, I thought was worse.

With the third, another scheduled c section, but my labor started early (again) but this time we were able to do the c. I was up and grocery shopping on my way home from the hospital. I know, not typical, but I was just much more comfortable, you know....in certain places!

Nonetheless, however your baby is born will be the right way for you. Have trust in your doctor, and everything will be ok. They know what they're doing!


2006-12-11 23:15:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

In my personal experience. I was induced with my son, and was in labor for 26 hours. I had him vaginally. When I went in they started me on pitocin, and then we just had to wait. I progressed VERY slowly. When I started I was already dilated at a 3 and it took about 20 hours for me to get to 10 and then had 6 hours of hard labor/pushing before they FINALLY used forceps to pull him out. I would NOT suggest being induced unless you have to be. Traditionally it takes a lot longer than just letting it happen naturally. I am pregnant now, and really hope that I can go into labor at home, and THEN go to the hospital to have my baby. This is just MY experience. It could be different for you. Good luck on whatever you choose!

What is up with the JERK giving out thumbs down to our personal life experiences? GET A LIFE LOOOOOSER!!!

2006-12-11 23:10:36 · answer #5 · answered by One Race The Human Race 5 · 0 1

i know for a fact that inducing hurts like hell, but having a baby hurts like hell especially w/o drugs and vaginally and even if you have c=section with inducing it is still going to be painful until they give you drugs when inducing labor is when the contraction harder because your forcing the baby out instead of letting take its place but i would get and inducement if it is to help the baby and myself

2006-12-11 23:11:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Induction hurts, because they turn on the pitocin harmone and BAM, you are in labor. It's not gradual like real labor.

Good Luck!

2006-12-11 23:09:51 · answer #7 · answered by RiverGirl 7 · 1 1

I was given pitocin with my son because they thought I needed an extra boost and the contractions got alot worst and came right on top of each other...So it`s up to you..Are you planing on having an epidural?? Mine wasn`t placed right and never worked..Good luck to you..It all depends on what you want to do..

2006-12-11 23:12:29 · answer #8 · answered by bad kitty 4 · 1 1

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