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bush says there is no global warming
bush says we are winning the war in iraq
bush says we need to drill for oil in national parks
bush says its ok to wipe out national forests

2006-12-11 13:31:29 · 28 answers · asked by grumpy 5 in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

Bad question.

The planet has been warming since it was cooling. What kind of car do YOU drive?
We are winning in regard to aiding the Iraqis in setting up a democratic government in a former dictatorship.
We need to drill for OIL anywhere it exists. There are clean ways to do this.
He NEVER said it was OK to wipe out national forests.

Why was it OK for Hilary Clinton to have Foster killed?
Why was it OK for Hilary to look into citizen's FBI files?
Why was it OK for Bill to lie about performing sex in the White House with his intern? Or in Little Rock with many others?

2006-12-11 13:37:31 · answer #1 · answered by Hushyanoize 5 · 2 2

True, there is global warming, but, some people are not that bright and they think if the president says so, it's true. There are actually a lot of people who aren't that bright, so maybe(not saying this is true, but it is one of the theorys I have) he thinks that by saying that he can at least put some of the country at rest, because, really, the people who believe that won't have much of a hand in helping to stop global warming and won't be around to really see the damage of it. About winning the war in Iraq, that's just him looking at the statistics. Statistiacally, we actually are winning the war. But, really, it is not a very good battle for either side. I'm sorry, I truely feel that the war is for the greater good, but this is definatly not the way that I would prefer it be. About drilling for oil, I really have nothing to say about that because I haven't heard very much about that. I know that Bush said that, and yeah, I agree it's kinda stupid. I don't agree that he said it's ok to wipe out the forests, what I think he said was that it wouldn't harm the forests too much if we use some of that wood. Again, not the best thing to say, but I don't totally disagree with him. All in all, I know Bush lies. All the presidents lie. Look at Clinton. Not saying that its ok, but that seems to come with presidency. I think that Bush truely wants the best for the American people, I just don't think that he really knows how to be the best leader. But truely, there is so much more involved than anyone thinks about being president. You really can't be too judgemental until you really understand what's going on. I try to stay fairly neutral, but I think that Bush has some good things to offer to our country. But I would like to see a new leader who is better than Bush.

2006-12-11 21:40:45 · answer #2 · answered by dumbblonde131313 2 · 0 0

I'm rather interested in how you would run the 1st world's economy! Gore had 8 years in power. Best I can tell he did nothing to change the economics of Renewable Energy. Gore's family wealth is from oil. What does Gore's foot print look like on the environment. Even better what does your foot print look like.

Most individuals, I see aren't willing to sacrifice their life style for global warming. Would have Bush been re-elected if he killed the US economy for the Global warming people? If he could some how snap his fingers & have the world sing the Coca-Cola song would you say he had too much power?

Many of our forests are burning in part because the dead wood isn't being removed.

2006-12-11 21:46:19 · answer #3 · answered by viablerenewables 7 · 1 1

First of you sound like a left wing biased nut case who thinks Bush couldn't tie his own shoes and watches rugrats.
There is no global warming, all it is is the polar ice caps melting because we just came off an ice age and Earth goes through ice ages and this is "global warming"
We are losing and winning in Iraq. We got rid of a dictator that has been responsible for the deaths of thousands, but we are still loosing the war on terror.
If we drill for oil in national parks because if we do it will mean less money for Muslim terrorist. Do you want to give money to a country that might have nukes? That's almost an already answered question.
As for wiping out forest never heard of it and I think that is a lie.

2006-12-11 21:36:28 · answer #4 · answered by gratis_dawg 2 · 4 3

When did a president not lie to the American public????

Don't pick on Bush because your guy did not win. You don't have to like him but support the office. He represents you and me to the world. We can't afford to show a weak face to our enemies. Remember, the terrorists attacked on Clinton's watch too.

Global warming, drilling for oil, national forests, and the way in Iraq are not important in the face of terror attacks. Prioritize.

2006-12-11 21:43:28 · answer #5 · answered by D.A. S 5 · 1 1

Why worry about it? In all honesty, is it really worth getting that worked up over? Most likely, nothing is going to be done about a lot of the things that need to be fixed in our government. I don't bother and i don't give my opinion because i don't have one. I don't see things changing for the better for a long time or even at all. My boyfriend makes a good point. "I don't bother voting or talking about what i stand for because no matter what you say or vote for there is always going to be someone pissed off at you." Face it. The US is going down the shitter and so is the rest of the world.

Also to all of you that think we are going and saving that country and being such good semaritans. Guess what! The English army are the ones who should get the thank you's because they have been there for at the very least 2 years already trying to help that country! Americans need to get off there high horse.

2006-12-11 21:38:21 · answer #6 · answered by mrd1 2 · 1 1

Global Warming has been disputed. Just a few years ago some said we were going to have another ice age.

Iraq is bad but who said war was easy. be patient. we are americans!!!!

what national park. the frozen tundra in alaska. who the hell cares. it's not going to hurt anything. the only bad thing will be that the caribeau will thrive because of the warmth from the pipeline. they eat all the vegetation and starve.

2006-12-11 21:40:10 · answer #7 · answered by moley 2 · 1 1

To all Clinton supporters: explain why it is o.k. for him to lie to the American people & distort facts????

Why was it o.k. for clinton to ignore the facts about Iraq & Bin Laden until it ended up in our own backyard???

He did NOT have sex with that woman...
He did Not inhale....
How about Vince Foster & the other 20 or so mysterious deaths associated with the clinton circus???
How about white water???
I could go on & on....

Don't point fingers, because there are ALWAYS THREE MORE pointing back at YOU!!!!!!

Wiping out the National Forests??? Who said that?? A democrat is my guess. You people DO know that trees grow back don't you??? You are out there hugging them enough, you should know this by now....

2006-12-11 21:37:27 · answer #8 · answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6 · 2 2

Boy....No one ever talks about Bill Clinton lying to the most sacred court in this country. No one gave 2 seconds to that one. But god everyone hates Bush.....
I don't get it....
Two points modern technologies make it feasible to extract oil without permanent damage to the environment and then when someone farts in the middle east we aren't paying 4 bucks a gallon
And 2 their trees....they grow back....and if too many of them grow we get really nasty forest fires which damage the forest more than logging ever would.

2006-12-11 21:40:34 · answer #9 · answered by Brummy 2 · 3 1

1. There really isn't a problem with global warming, it has been proven that the temperature on Earth tends to spike every so often, and the Earth is unpredictable and can do what it wants
2. We are helping to make the world a better place by being in Iraq and creating a more free world.
3.Why is it ok for any other Liberal to lie about whatever they want and then contradict themselves and charge President Bush with lying?

hmmm... is that not the real question?

2006-12-11 21:35:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

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