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bunch of camel jockeys?

2006-12-11 12:15:02 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

let me 1st say that I am NOT anti-troops. I want to see them win as much as any true American & I don't think the US has lost but they certainly aren't winning and I know they're not winning because they ain't walking down Broadway in a ticket tape parade. That's when I know they're won & I won't need a politican or General to tell me that. Bottom line is the US has major problems with "limited wars".

2006-12-11 14:08:23 · update #1

31 answers

You lie, you want America to lose! I looked at all your biased question and answers. You should be ashamed to call yourself American. Those young men are dying to protect our country.

2006-12-11 15:45:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It's like the World Series winning NY Yankees showing up at Yankee stadium to play a ball game against Al Quaeda:

The Yankees go down to the field to play a conventional game of baseball, and Al Qaeda sits hidden in the stands and takes sniper shots, killing them one by one. I'm not joking, it really is like that. Doesn't matter that the Yankees are much better at baseball than Al Quaeda, they'll still lose because the opponents aren't playing the same game, or using the rulebook.

You see, like the Yankees, the US shows up to fight a conventional war, with the best team ever assembled, and money is no (well, little) object. We got special teams, the best tools, the best training, etc. But the opposing team has no intention of playing the conventional game. When we show up on the field, they disappear.

Basically, there is no military in the world, no country, no nothin that wants to fight the US military in a conventional war, military to military. Why would they? You'd get yer *** handed to you. So, they fight guerilla warfare, which we consider the low road, but they consider survival.

These particular guerillas are also terrorists. Not just that they bomb us in our countries, but more that they cut off heads and maim and torture as part of the war. Hey, they can't win by fighting by the rules, so they choose not to have rules. This lowers the enemy's resolve. Brave though our soldiers may be, this kind of risk is not something people often voluteer for. We don't like our soldiers hurt at all, let alone degraded and disrespected like that (note, neither do they per Abu Ghraib).

Because of guerilla warfare, the home team always has an advantage. They blend into the local population. they will always "stay the course" because they have nowhere else to go. And the more you @#$ up their country by fighting there, the more destruction there is, and the more people have nothing to lose but fight. Add to that the fact that the US presence is a magnet for every US-hater in the region to show up and fight us, and you see we have a never-ending supply of insurgent guerrilla fighters.

Maybe it's hindsight, but the best way out of this war was never to go in.

2006-12-11 12:33:53 · answer #2 · answered by Derek K 2 · 2 0

How do you define "Losing" in your question? If you mean, we didn't do our original plan of ousting Saddam, than well, you're wrong.... We won that one. This question makes you sound anti-troops. Our Military is doing a fantastic job fighting this Civil War in Iraq. Notice i said Civil War? The war between the US and Iraq government is over. Now we are trying to help implement a new kind of government, and well.... as with any new government, some people are objective. We are fighting the few extremists left in the country. The hard part about fighting them is that their put so much fear into the hearts of civilians, that it makes it harder to get information.

2006-12-11 12:25:33 · answer #3 · answered by joka629 2 · 2 0

The us. has not done so well since world war 2 . You know how
that one was ended. Other governments or factions have
learned how to fight and hide among innocent citizens. Our
military are doing a fine job. I believe all america supports them.
We simply do not have enough manpower to search an entire
country for small bands of enemies. If that must be done it
would require the help of many more concerned countrys.
For whatever reasons most are sitting it out. America in a all
out war, certainly can defeat it's enemies. I hope it doesn't come to that. Given the cards their delt our troops are doing a fine job. God bless them. And you should to.

2006-12-11 13:33:36 · answer #4 · answered by grglnds 1 · 1 0

First, is it really a war a lie or the best damn commercial to sell the public a "Brooklyn Bridge"? I'm going with the bridge, and I'm a veteran. The same knuckleheads that voted for Bush are the same dummies that believe there is a war on terror. Give me a brake. Why not call it what it is. Under the guidance of our administration, corporations are stealing from Iraq, using our taxes for cheap labor (i.e., our military). Also, using the term "camel jockeys" is ignorant. It is the same ignorance that enhances fear, and it is that fear that makes you an easy target for the Bush administration.

2006-12-11 12:51:56 · answer #5 · answered by J G 1 · 1 1

With the Declaration of Independence, when the US told Great Britain to take a hike, guess what they called Patrick Henry: An insurgent! We are losing over there for the EXACT same reason you're not speaking the Queen's English: We're INVADERS wearing the white hat and marching in a straight line while the guerrilla warriors defending their homes pick us off one by one. Its not as if there aren't plenty of history lessons telling us to get the **** out of there. You don't have to be a military genius to know that this war isn't winnable (I know, I know: "Nuke Their *** and Take Their Gas) , nor do we have any business there. Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home. HTH, HB

2006-12-11 12:41:20 · answer #6 · answered by Hunter B 2 · 1 1

You can't win or lose a "free for all". We are not fighting a specific enemy in Iraq, we are fighting two (possibly three) groups that hate each other, and are using the US action as an excuse to shoot at each other and us.

It would be funny (if it wasn't so sad) that so many people predicted this was exactly what was going to happen. We might do well to notice what it was so many of them said was going to happen next...

2006-12-11 14:04:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We, both military and American civilian are not fighting! The military is fighting and the American population is say, Gee Wizz, look what you did to that guy!

87% of the American population has no clue as to war is! Worse, congress and our president fall into that category!

There is nothing sweet and kind, fair and nice about war! These adjectives mean, stay human - don't go to war!

Since most Americans have no clue, never been bombed, never had their friend killed by their side, never been in an attack by the enemy, never seen everyone mowed down by machine gun fire, never tried to fight a tank, nothing. Americans do not have a clue about being hungry, nothing about war.

So the sit before the TV and scream about what our troops are doing! When Iraq executed 4 captured solders, the arm chair Americans did not say a word. That's America’s problem.

To keep from going to war, your enemy has to be afraid of you!
They have tobe convinced that without question they will lose.
Just like everybody does not go out and rob the bank, we all KNOW that is jail time. Yes some fools try it, and go to jail.

Our enemy knows that! They fight to kill, and the American population says to our troops, that isn’t the way to fight, that isn’t fair!

How do we change the issue? Every time they shoot at us from some area, Carpet bomb the whole area and asks. 'Who’s next?"

You get more volunteers to be next, make them next! We should never get in a one on one fire fight! Line up 80 howitzers and walk it in on them, fire a round jack it up a click and fire another!

Anybody don't like it, tell them to step up to the plate because they are next!

The BIBLE says, first offers terms of peace, if they refuse, take them all out, people animals, trees and don’t even eat the fruit of the tree.

War is just like any other street fight, you either whip their butt the first time or you will be looking at a butt whipping the rest of your life.

From other countries, bomb them as the cross the boarder, if the country cries, tell them keep your folks home or your butt is out too. Now make a move!

2006-12-11 14:23:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The fact that you call the enemy camel jockeys points to the heart of the problem.

We never respected our enemy, his capabilities, his determination. We never understood our enemy, never even tried for the most part. And, we had nothing but contempt for the enemy and their abilities. 5 thousand years of warfare has taught that one should never underestimate your enemy, but that is what we did. We confused raw power with skill, and expected it to carry us to victory. Read Sun Tzu, Clauswitz, or modern authors like Robert Leonhard, and you'll see that we broke almost every rule of warfare going in.

Attitude is everything. For example, I remember reading an interview with a Special Forces officer (who really should have know better) complaining that the Taliban were cowards who wouldn't stand and fight, who ambushed with IED's and ran away. This officer failed to appreciate that the enemy was doing exactly what he was supposed to; trying to win, regardless of western notions of honor. The statement was doubly ironic since the SF are historically designed to be ambushers and saboteurs, not line infantry. It is triply ironic since the British complained of the same thing about our irregular forces during the revolution.

We failed to learn, so now we pay the piper. In blood and treasure, we're paying.

2006-12-11 14:32:07 · answer #9 · answered by Chance20_m 5 · 0 1

For your information, The US has not loss the war......they have already dismembered a govt., occupies a country, and now is in the middle of that countries own stupidity of not moving forward. America has and still are the most POWERFUL country in the WORLD ! Unfortunately, terrorist support have grown for Iraq, the only losers I see in the future, if Iraqis don't take control of their own affairs, WILL BE ONLY IRAQIS.....

2006-12-11 12:57:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The same as Vietnam. We aren't fighting a regular army. Just like Vietnam, the only way to win would be to eliminate the total population.

2006-12-11 12:28:56 · answer #11 · answered by da_hammerhead 6 · 1 0

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