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-- that you're being governed by people who conspired to murder nearly 3,000 of your fellow Americans, then what are you doing about it?

2006-12-11 11:24:08 · 7 answers · asked by ? 7 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

7 answers

... Personally,.. I watched the towers coming down when it was happening and I felt very strongly at that moment,.. that there was simply no way this could have happened without it having been at least purposely allowed to happen. .... In a country such as this that is so incredibly well secured with tremendous security and defense systems and International Intelligence systems that this country is.. there is simply no way that such an attack could have taken place without it having been purposely allowed to happen.

And why is it that many of those who were in the major roles of responsibility in regards to security on that day were promoted and given pay raises,.. rather than penalised or fired for not doing their job of protecting the nation on that day?

It pissed me off to listen to Bush declaring in the days after 911 that it is his .. ".. job to protect the American people. And I'm going to do my job!" .... well where the hell was he when it mattered the most, on 911? .... That the American people and the media never called him on that seems absolutely pathetic to me.

The only thing that the conspiracy folks could ever hope to accomplish would be to motivate the American people to take back their government. It was hi-jacked a long time ago.

2006-12-11 12:44:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It is really strange that not many people wishes to believe that it was an conspiracy, that brought down the WTC. But the simple fact are that is was. Here is a place that has almost a 100,000 people a day that walks in and out of the WTC. But on what should have been one of their busiest days less than 5000 people were hurt or killed. Yes that is a good thing but a strange thing never the less. Also the way those building collapse. I don't care who,what, the whens of what our
News media or Government states the way that building came down
was really strange. And I have watch enough building collapse when they are imploded. It never seems to amaze me on how people see thing but not see what is happening as they watch it happens...... As for doing anything about it who really want to become a missing person or a victim of an accident that has happen thousands of time before and you turn out to be the only one that have ever died in that kind of accident. Or one day you walk out of your home and someone decides to car-jack your 1999 car to go joy riding in.. After shooting you dead
No thank you. So what can you
do or is willing to do....... NOTHING but sit back and talk about that weird conspiracy...................... And live to talk about the next one that comes about..............................

2006-12-12 07:35:29 · answer #2 · answered by kilroymaster 7 · 1 0

Works and manifestations to navigate to a universe where the American people become fully aware of the pernicious stupidity of Bush and the malevolent lack of caring about individual American lives of those who pull his strings, in such a way that the war powers move back from the office of the President to the Congress.

2006-12-11 22:57:50 · answer #3 · answered by raxivar 5 · 1 0

I don't believe it was the government, but I believe they were taken down by more than just the planes. I don't think there's anything I can do about it because people are tired of hearing about it and get disgusted if you try telling them. It's already 5 years after the fact.

But I don't believe they were taken down by evil geniuses. I actually believe there was a reason behind this. Something greater than we can imagine. We'll see what comes of it in our lifetime.

2006-12-11 19:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by Atlas 6 · 1 1

Telling people like you about this: -



Oh and this is only the tip of the iceberg; I don't think you are ready for the whole chunk

2006-12-11 20:20:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Very good question. But conspiracy nuts don't respond to logic or reality.

2006-12-11 19:32:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Heres why I think 911 theories are biggest BS. It's bad as Holocaust denial.

Some bloggers and 911 theorists say hijackers are found alive and links to BBC article titled ‘Hijack 'suspects' alive and well.’ What they don’t say is that this BBC article is about confusion over hijackers’ true identities. It appears hijackers may have assumed someone else's IDs. Criminals using false IDs? Hard to believe? BBC article ends by saying “FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.” That’s why the title put quotation mark around ‘suspects’ when it says ‘suspects alive and well.’

You can read this BBC entire article here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1559151.stm
You’ll notice in the middle of this BBC article titled ‘Hijack 'suspects' alive and well’ it also says in bold face ‘Mistaken Identity.’ Conspiracy gurus never even finished the entire article it appears and have reading comprehension of sixth grader. This article is used to claim that hijackers are made up/fake people in this ‘conspiracy.’ Yes, it’s sad. This BBC article is about confusion over identities not that hijackers actually alive or gov is hiding something.

Twin towers never fell at free fall speed as Professor Jones claims. He makes eye ball estimate and do not make actual measurements. Several have made calculations showing the towers fell close to free fall because of massive kinetic energy, but frame by frame calculation shows it does not fall at ‘free fall’ speed. You can actually see some debris falling faster than building is collapsing in some footages.

Building 7 had a giant hole stretching over 10 floors and its picture exists, but conspiracy theorists probably don't want you to see since it dampens their 'demolition' theory. See the photo here. http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm Conspiracy theorists do not discuss this massive structural damage, but talk about ‘pull’ quote that is very vague and arbitrary. Why would Silverstein, who is not familiar with demolition at all, use demolition slang to admit something so odd on national TV? That doesn’t make sense.

911 conspiracy theory claim Rumsfeld said flight 93 was shot down. On 9-11-01 it is Cheney who mistakenly believes 2 planes were shot down by Airforce during the attacks. Cheney have ordered to take down any hijacked planes that may be heading for a target after WTC was hit. Rumsfeld tells Cheney he knows one plane is down, but can’t confirm who brought down the plane (flight 93). This episode was explained in PBS’s Frontline: Dark Side. They had obtained actual transcript of their conversation. You can see this transcript here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/darkside/view/ Cheney/Rumsfeld conversation is shown in ‘part one’ at beginning of documentary.

Rumsfeld was in Pentagon when it was hit and helped rescue crew which was caught on video. Why would he or others order missile to hit it when they're in the building. Several light poles at near by high way were knocked down short ways from Pentagon. Did single missile swerve around in chasing after skinny light poles before hitting pentagon? Was it a big fat Tomahawk missile that is wide as commercial airliner’s wing span? http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/conspiracy/q0274.shtml

Many claim Pentagon had auto missile defense that could have shot down planes entering its airspace, but such project really never took full effect because of fear that civilian plane may be shot down and might pose danger to neighboring residents. Can you imagine some newly licensed pilot flying single engine Cessna into Pentagon air space getting shot down by missile or anti aircraft guns? Richard Clarke, former counter-terrorism official explained this. Ask him about it. How many times do you see planes go off course by accident? Gov officials didn’t want to endanger its own citizens for extremely unlikely scenario.

Some claim debunking911 websites are debunked and links to infowar website, but there they only discuss ‘pull’ comment again which is very vague and arbitrary and they do not discuss other countless flaws in 911 conspiracy theory. They do not explain the fact that many experts have explained ‘molten metals’ and several structural engineers and experts have disputed Steve Jones’s (physicist and not structural engineer) theory.

Debunking911 websites were never debunked, because 911 theorists never explained why things in debunking911 websites are wrong. There are just too many odd assumptions in these 911 theories. 911 theorists do engage in what we now call ‘cherry picking of information’ in order to complete their picture of reality.

Why would government kill 3000 of it own citizens to make case for a war when they can just generate evidence of WMD using intelligence which is so much easier? The US went to war without UN Security Council clearance anyways and have taken military actions without UN clearance in the past. If we can go to war whenever we want to why kill 3000 people? Just for the fun?

2006-12-13 02:51:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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