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I mean, I understand people can use it as a meaning to ALL blacks in general. So I understand why the good black people get mad at that. But why do the ones that wear their pants half way down there @ss's and listen to rap get bothered by it? They call me a cracker or a honkey. And besides, n***** is actually just a slang word for negra which came from *****. What do you wanna be called? You get mad at ***** or negra because it sounds like n*****. You get mad at black because you say color doesn't matter, and you get mad at African American because you say your not African. And I'd like to point something out (and this is not meant to offend, just inform)......if it wasn't for slavery and what your ancestors went through, most likely you would be living in Africa right now or likely not exist.

2006-12-11 11:22:35 · 39 answers · asked by country 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

I see some are saying I'm not educated about it. But what in there doesnt make a good point? I don't call decent blacks *******. They don't deserve it. Some are hard working good people. But some say even worst things about whites. So is it they think they're better and can say whatever they want. Do they think they have special rights over whites. I don't see any equality in that. Isn't that what they want, equality? So if they call me a honkey, I call them a ******. That seems equal. If you read it carefully, in parenthesis is say "not to offend". I did mention "African American". But recently they got mad because they say there not "African". I said that in my original paragraph.

2006-12-11 11:36:20 · update #1

I did mean this as a sincere question. And Smoove, I really appreciate your answer. You seem like a really good person. You should never be called a ******. If you are called one, then who ever did is truly racist, because they don't take time to see your personality. Racism is, in this case, calling somebody that JUST for the color of their skin. I know plenty of people who use the word ******, but MOST of them don't call them all that. Just certain types of blacks. But they don't necesarily stereotype. And yes, Smoove, I see how not ALL the blacks in the U.S. today came from Africa or who are descendants from slaves. There just wouldn't be as many. I think there is 18% black in the U.S. We just wouldn't have as many. Thanks to all who answered my question nicely and sincerely and understand that I didn't mean it to offend.

2006-12-11 11:59:52 · update #2

39 answers

its demeaning, it was a name used when blacks didnt have equal rights with other people in America,,, the same way many women get offended when men they dont know call them baby or sweety or bytch,,,,,,,,, that carries meaning from a time when women were also not given equal rights,,,,
also, your last sentence is insulting to all Americans, for you to act like slavery did anyone a favor!

2006-12-11 11:30:06 · answer #1 · answered by dlin333 7 · 6 1

First off, black people from Africa migrated to Europe and other countries and they didn't need slavery to do so. to say if black people didn't come to america as slaves they would be in Africa or dead is just a plain wrong statement with no factual support.

Second, while you are correct in the origin of the word, and you make a very good argument, the origin of the word has nothing to do with the degrading nature the word has taken on. I mean when someone uses that word, are they thinking *****/negra, or are they using the word in a sense to degrade another person.

Look, you seem really sweet, your question is very well stated, but sense in which the word is used is wrong and that is why it shouldn't be used. And, I would respond the same to any defamatory word intended to degrade any race.

2006-12-11 11:32:29 · answer #2 · answered by Smoove 4 · 9 0

You are just exuding ignorance. A person is a human being and should be addressed by name or he/she not by the color of their skin. Everyone has there own sense of style so what does it matter if they were their jeans low. And may I say it isn't just blacks who were them that way. Slavery isn't something to be proud of. None of those Africans brought into slavery asked to be here but since they were then live with it. As far as I know whites don't belong here either. Only ones who should have a say here are the Indians and they were killed, or forced to give in. If things were so good and superior in white man land then why didn't you stay there? It is a beautiful thing to see people of all different nationalities come together. We all have something to learn about one another. Living with hate doesn't make you a better person.

2006-12-11 11:32:24 · answer #3 · answered by lanena423 2 · 8 0

It would be one thing if you lived in the antebellum south, when people were (somewhat) comfortably tucked away in their plantation ignorance and lifestyle.

But for someone such as yourself, who can seemingly construct a couple of (somewhat) intelligible, coherent thoughts, living in today's techno-connected world, you'd have to live in a cave to not realize why it's SO wrong to use this word.

Anyway, do yourself a favor. If you want to get into the good graces of decent society, take a leap of faith and give a response like Homie's, Flywho's, Lanena's, Smoove's, Lindsey's or ChocDream's the best answer nod. They all speak volumes of reasonable, unbiased sense and have gotten nothing but thumbs-ups from the masses. Makes sense to me.

2006-12-12 13:13:54 · answer #4 · answered by Wyatt B 2 · 1 0

You oughta be ashamed of yourself!

Young lady (and I use the term loosely), there's nothing more insidious than hate-mongering cloaked in innocence.

Your previous answer attempted to legitimize the KKK, I noticed.

You're obviously the product of a closed-minded, racist environment, yet you seem intelligent enough to know the difference between right and wrong.

I don't need to tell you that had you asked this question in the 'real world' and not had the anonymous world of the internet to hide behind, a very quick 'education' would've been bestowed on you.

My advice is to stop trying to justify your hate-filled, backward beliefs and grow up.

Life's short. Best of luck.

2006-12-12 10:11:37 · answer #5 · answered by Abe Simpson 2 · 1 0

They don't like the N word because it is derogatory. Just because they sag their pants and listen to rap doesnt mean they are an N word. Just because you wear tight pants and a tank top doesnt make you a slut. Its a stupid stereotype, and THAT is why they get mad. There are always going to be the few jackrabbits who use racial slurs, but they shouldnt set the standard for everyone. Also...EVERYONE in America is an immigrant, forced or not. EXCEPT for native americans. So technically, you have no claim to this country either, so I dont think you have any right to bring up the "if you werent here from slavery" issue.

2006-12-11 11:27:17 · answer #6 · answered by Moops 5 · 8 0

You are ignorant. Do you not understand what slavery was and and what happened during slavery. Try reading some books on slavery. Read Frederick Douglass or even a contemporary book like Kindred. To justify slavery by saying that black people would not exist because of slavery is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. You obviously do not understand the word at all.

After reading some of these answers I am reminded of how truly ignorant America is.

2006-12-11 11:28:41 · answer #7 · answered by The Witness 2 · 8 0

People should get to decided what they get called by others. You can't generalize and assume that what applies for one, applies for all. Besides it's insulting. I'm not saying that it's right for them to call you names, either, but why respond to hate with hate. Be the bigger person if the situation honestly calls for it. I hate it when my friend Jeremy uses the word "beaner" and I've told him so, so he no longer says it in front of me. But I don't attack him for using it.

Besides, you can't even begin to compare the years of slavery that the black race has experienced to the past 20+ years of racism against the white race. In the end, they have a right to be angry. Not to be racist. But to be indignant.

2006-12-11 11:37:00 · answer #8 · answered by Love, Jealous One, Love 3 · 4 0

They get mad because that's what the racist white slave drivers called them. When a white person calls them that, it could refer to them as a slave, and no one wants to be refered to that. They can call white people crackers because black people never did anything wrong to white people so it doesn't really have much of an affect. And are you saying that you're glad there was slavery? Well, I guess that's why you're called redneckgal!

2006-12-11 11:28:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Do you LIKE being called a honey or a cracker?
If not, don't call others ******.
Do onto others as you'd like them to do onto you.
I hear that you weren't personally responsible for the cruel abduction and misuse of people stolen from their homelands and families, used as breeding stock, deprived of personal freedom and property, etc.
Yes, I also think that the crimes of our past as a nation must eventually find forgiveness and that people must go on and make the best of the future.
Using derogatory terms such as the word in question is NOT the way to accomplish this.
If others insist on insulting you when you don't insult them, just stay away.

2006-12-11 11:27:58 · answer #10 · answered by flywho 5 · 12 0

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