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I just found out im pregnant and Im worried all the time about everything. Here are some specific questions if you know or have been pregnant before please help!

1. Is it okay to drink pepsi if I drink like 1 every couple of days?

2. I cut back on smoking to 1 a day but I should I totally quit?

3. Is lying on your back bad for the baby?
Can you still lay on it during sex?

4. What kind of things can I drink besides water, Im getting tired of drinking just that.

5. What are some safe/good exercises to do. I usually do 30 mins of Denise Austin

6. What are good healthy foods to eat?

If you have any more advice please feel free to leave some!

2006-12-11 11:06:10 · 18 answers · asked by hisbabygirl4life 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

Quit smoking! People who say that their docs have told them to keep smoking because quitting will stress out the baby and cause withdrawl are full of sh!t. What happens when the baby is born? The baby will still go through withdrawl. Would you rather go through withdrawl in a nice comfy womb or after you've gone through something as traumatic as being born? That baby will have enough to adjust to after birth without going through that!

If someone walked up to you and said that if you can quit smoking for 9 months, they'll give you a million dollars... would you do it? Probably... right? Well the health of your child is priceless. People will say... " I smoked with my baby and he/she is OK." How do they know? There could be learning disabilities, allergy problems, as well as many other problems that smoking during pregnancy can cause. And besides... common sense tells you that if those people hadn't smoked, than their baby would be even better than they are now.... and as parents, isn't that what we are supposed to want for our children? The very BEST then we can possibly give them??

2006-12-11 11:30:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Is it okay to drink Pepsi if I drink like 1 every couple of days? --it's ok, probably better if you could handle the taste of the caffeine free stuff, it's not so much the pop then it is the caffeine.

2. I cut back on smoking to 1 a day but I should I totally quit?-- It's better for the baby if you quit

3. Is lying on your back bad for the baby? --I think it's ok, I always felt like my lungs were being crushed when the baby got bigger.

Can you still lay on it during sex? --yes, although you need to be careful with any position you take

4. What kind of things can I drink besides water, I'm getting tired of drinking just that.-- Milk is perfect, anything really just make sure if you drink a pop, match it with as much water, bladder infections are very unpleasant.

5. What are some safe/good exercises to do. I usually do 30 mins of Denise Austin-- There are some pregnancy workout things, before doing anything I'd consult your doctor, if your body is used to it then it'll be ok, but if your body isn't used to the workout they may tell you to not workout.

6. What are good healthy foods to eat?-- again really any foods, I'd avoid a lot of greasy or spicy foods, it's kinda trial and error as to what settles or what doesn't same with what gives you heartburn.

Congrats on the baby!

2006-12-11 11:19:13 · answer #2 · answered by Kitikat 6 · 0 0

Ok, first that all pay attention to this cause my man is a gyn/obs and I know about this. You can drink pepsi or coke but not so often. If you can quit drinking pepsi a lot better but If you want to drink it, try to not drink too much, cause the caffeine is not good for the baby. Don't smoke at all, that something you must do, quit smoking. It is not bad to lay on your back, but as time passes by you'll feel that is uncomfortably, and yes you can lay on your back when you have sex. You can drink loads of different things as long as they don't have alcohol or caffeine. Exercises are good as long as you feel you can do it, you're not going to go running if you're 7 months pregnant, do you know what I mean? With time you'll realize that there are many things you cannot do. Vegetables, fruit, chicken, meat, try to not eat a lot of junky food or food with loads of fat and sugar. Go walking and swimming those exercises are really good for pregnant women.

2006-12-11 11:14:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A pepsi every couple of days is fine. I allow myself a small amount of caffeine every day by drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and that is it.

You should quit smoking totally!!!! For your baby growing inside of you. Every drag you take your baby's blood vessels are constricting and your baby is not getting any oxygen.

Once you get bigger while pregnant then it is not safe to lay on your back because again the circulation is cut off to your baby. During sex is fine, but not for long periods of time.

You can drink juice, decaf tea, decaf coffee, stuff like that.

You can continue doing any exercise that you were doing prepregnancy. I do yoga while pregnant and bellydancing.

You need to be eating a good healthy diet. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, meats, protein, etc.

A wonderful book to get is "What to expect when you are expecting" It will tell you step by step what to expect and all about diet, exercise, sex, etc.

Good Luck!!!! This is very exciting!!!!

2006-12-11 11:20:27 · answer #4 · answered by Pink 2 · 0 0

1. Personally, I think Pepsi is fine, everyday, in moderation. Having one every couple of days would be perfectly fine.

2. I think you should totally quit smoking, just for your health in general, but that my opinion.

3. This one is difficult for me. Don't have the answer, but I know you can lay in that positon to have sex...until you belly gets too big, then you have to get creative.

4. You can drink anything that doesn't contain alcohol. But juices are great! Try adding lemon to your water for some flavor, too.

5. Don't see why you can't continue your Denise Austin exercises, maybe just tone it down a little.

6. Good healthy foods to eat are the normal heathy foods to eat, with the exception of fish...I've heard that fish isn't always good for pg women. Cooked is usually fine, but not the raw stuff...who would want to eat that anyway?!?!? lol

My advice is to not worry so much. Sounds like you're doing just fine. Just try to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. Good luck!!

2006-12-11 11:17:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been pregnant, this is my experience, I hope it helps.

1. I've heard that people are allowed like one or two cups of coffee a day, I would assume that 1 pepsi every couple of days would be less than the coffee (unless it's like 1 case every couple of days ;-))

2. If you are able to totally quit smoking, that would be the best for the baby, but if you can't, cutting back to as little as possible is good too.

3. I was told that laying on your back can cut off some of the circulation and that lying on your left side is the best, but from experience it is really uncomfortable to lay on you back later in the pregnancy. I started laying on my side as early as I could just to get used to it before I got a lot bigger. Yes, you can still lay on your back during sex, but again, as you get bigger, it isn't very comfortable.

4. Juices are very good. I drank a lot of ginger ale during this last one because it helped with the morning sickness (ginger is supposed to help, it did for me.) I tried to cut out anything with artificial sweetners in them except Splenda.

5. I did deep water aerobics until I was 36 weeks along in my pregnancy. As I got bigger, just being in the water and floating weightless felt SO GOOD. I took it at my local YMCA.

6. Fruits, vegetables and a balanced diet are all good things to eat. You may find there are things you crave, and/or are repulsed by. My first pregnancy I was a beef-aholic, but couldn't keep down cranberry juice. This last one, I craved milk. My nurse said that if I craved things like dirt, sawdust, etc. . . (some women do!) tell your doctor, they can help.

The only other advice I can give is listen to your body and be open and honest with your OBGYN, and GO to the doctor when you are supposed to. They are there to help and keep you and your baby healthy.

I hope this has been helpful for you, like I said before these are my experiences from my past pregnancies, I'm not a doctor or anything. If your doctor has different advice follow it. Enjoy your pregnancy.

2006-12-11 11:35:09 · answer #6 · answered by pntballgrlva 1 · 0 0

Don't drink soda, unless it's caffiene free. You can even drink diet/caffiene free according to the newest version of WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOUR EXPECTING.

Yes you should totally quit smoking. Smoking while pregnant is like sprinkling your baby with poison. I also had to quit and I didn't do it automatically because it would've given me or the baby shock. I luckily found out I was pregnant VERY early and so I stopped smoking within 3 days.

Lying on your back isnt good because it can lead to swelling because it blocks a large vein in your stomach. VERY important to lay on your left side, it's hard to do, so get something to spoon. Like a maternity pillow or body pillow.

Light exercise, like walking.

You need to listen to your body. When you crave sweets, you need fruit. If you crave icecream you need dairy, etc. Stay away from seafood at this time, some seafood is dangerous. Eat veggies, fruits, fruit juice instead of soda, coffee or tea. Take a vitamin, they have chewable ones nowadays. Eat red meat and spinach and anything with IRON because IRON is extremely important during pregnancy. ALSO DRINK WATER!!! Being dehydrated can cause miscarriage or early labor.

2006-12-11 11:22:06 · answer #7 · answered by _Lara_Bell_ 2 · 0 0

totally quit smoking its harmful to your baby you should drink juices and i good tasting healthy juice brand is Tropicana that will give you the nutrition's you need and you will start to eat a lot more now. If you have morning sickness get plenty of rest at night, and try to have a nap during the day.
Try to keep your body temperature cool. I found that being warmer heightenes your sense of nausea.
An hour before getting out of bed, eat some dry soda crackers, then get out of bed slowly. An empty stomach can make nausea worse.
Eat smaller frequent meals throughout the day.
Plan meals that won't leave a smell in the house.
Don't drink a large amount of liquid on an empty stomach.
Ginger is known to help ease the effects of nausea.
Avoid dehydration, especially if you are vomiting. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids in small amounts throughout the day.
Take your prenatal vitamins before bed instead of in the morning.
If it's alright with your doctor, take a vitamin B6 supplement to help with nausea.
you should eat yogurts, salads,

2006-12-11 11:18:51 · answer #8 · answered by sarah j 2 · 0 0

1. It is ok to drink pepsi, but try not to! Caffine isn't healthy for you or the baby!

2. Yes you should totaly quit smoking. Your baby is trying to develope his/her own body and with toxins infesting their body, it makes it harder.

3. Lying on your back is ok. And your sides. But try avoiding lying on your stomach.

4. Water is the BEST thing to drink. But if you are tired of that, try adding fruit juices and some gatorade, things like that. Even try smoothies!

5. Walking is always the best excersize! But their are many others. You can always check online for pregnancy excersize. Sometimes there are pregnancy centers that recommend good excersizes. Just try not to do a lot of arm lifting, back lifting, or strenious stomach workouts.

6. Fruit, vegetables (and plenty of them!), and some meats. Not red meat though-like steaks! Most sandwich type meats are ok. But try not to eat too many processed foods! Those are bad for the both of you!!!!

Take pre natel vitamins. And other supplements, like calcium. You can always ask your doctor when you go in for a check up! (Or mid wife) for good supplements and foods and excersizes! And pretty much all the questions you asked!!!!

2006-12-11 11:33:03 · answer #9 · answered by Teej 2 · 0 0

im 7months pregnant. yes u should stop smoking completely cause even second hand smoke can harm the baby. lying on your back is not bad for the baby untill u start getting bigger. drink juices u don't have to drink water all the time or drink no caffeine drinks. u can still do excersices as long as u don't push your self to hard. healthy foods r vegtables,fruits,everything on the food pyramid. i know u need plenty of 2% milk for babys bones. don't worry so much and talk to your dr.

2006-12-11 11:14:36 · answer #10 · answered by beauty20 2 · 0 0

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