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i feel we should get rid of the dole as it allows generations of families to be lazy and not work it also allows aslyum seekers access to free money. i feel we should change this system to pay out what you have paid in. what do you think?

2006-12-11 10:27:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

19 answers

Yes it is OK criticising the poor people of this land, but most of the Brits have worked in the past too, maybe some are too ill to work and maybe some have been made redundant from their jobs like I was. Not everyone are scroungers. Look at the Immigrants and Asylum Seekers walking into the UK and having everything put on a plate for them and laughing at us BRITS. WHY. My late father worked all his life and when he was diagnosed of having cancer he could not get a penny from this Government, and when he only had 6 weeks left of his life they wrote to him telling him he was entitled to Attendance Allowance. My mother told them where to stick it. He had served in the last war and from a young lad he has never asked for dime from this Government. So please don't believe what you read or hear. There are genuine people on benefits of no fault of their own.

2006-12-11 10:36:54 · answer #1 · answered by CT 6 · 1 0

I agree ... but ...
They don't have to pay rent, no council tax to worry about. They don't vote, are not interested in what happens in the world as long as their rent gets paid and they can go about as they please. The government likes them. No matter if it's labour or conservative. What if they get rid of the system? Or change it and at the next election all these silent voices will be heard?
Can't say i blame them. Many others struggle on minimuum wage jobs to make ends meet and why would they want to be like them?
It's not just income support that needs adressing. The whole system is outdated. Britain could learn a lot from other European countries. But they won't. Shame, shame, shame.

Ps. talking of income support herre. Job seekers allowance is a different story, too tired too go into one on that. I do feel for people in donna27's situation.

2006-12-11 15:56:10 · answer #2 · answered by Part Time Cynic 7 · 0 0

I am from the States, and I am not totally familiar with this system, but it sounds llike a mixture of the U.S. systems of welfare and social security. Both systems are extremely flawed, but paved with good intents, and we know know where good intents have gotten us in the past.

The welfare system is given to those who do not work and recieve money and food from the government. This system has been abused countless times throughout the years. Just recently most States have adopted welfare reform including time limits one can be on welfare.

Social Security is a system started by U.S. President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt in the 1930' and 1940's. It is simply that once a person reaches the age of 65 they are given a check by the government. This is paid for by deductions from every paycheck from every working American. The problem here is that we had a baby bom following WWII creating the largest influx in population The U.S. has ever seen. Soon there will be more retired people over the age of 65 than there are working people putting money into the system. Following the current system it will be bankrupt in less than 40 years. What makes it worse is that immigrants who are now citizens are entitled to this benifit even though they did not work here their whole lives and therefore did not put as much money in. A similar problem is people who abused welfare and didn't work for much of their lives are also entitled.

These are both socialist systems hard at work.

I hope this helps to answer your question by looking at similar systems in another country.

2006-12-11 10:53:51 · answer #3 · answered by lotstodo 3 · 0 0

Some people will always take advantage but others need help as they find themselves in a situation they can't help.
I had to request jobseekers allowance today for the first time ever I don't like having to do it but found myself unemployed through no fault of my own - there is a certain stigma attached but im doing everythiing possible to try avoid it and get a job. Its frightening especially when you have bills and committments to meet. I come from a low income family - i went to uni got my degree and a mountain of debt. Im qualified but can't get a job in my field and don't have the luxury of a rich family - i need to be able to try support them rather than them having to still try support me. The amount paid in jobseekers is crap could you live on 57.45 a week??? and the minimum wage in UK is not much better and prob explains why people try to take advantage and 'do the double'. When your family has worked all their lives paying all their taxes and contributions - supporting the system then yes they should be entitled to support back when they need it. And its not free money - have you seen the forms?? interviews and apparently reg appointments to see what ur doing to get work plus being sent for jobs you know aren't right for you, that will make you miserable unhappy, if not sucicidal, and earn you buttons!!!!! I hope I can sort myself out and get a job before I have to go anywhere near social security for my 1st interview but in the meantime i have to apply cos if can't find a job how do I live - off what???????????????????????????

2006-12-11 12:22:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is not an incentive to do anything more. some people live quite happily on it. they are like bums under bridges, but with apartments. there should be a time frame, and child limitation. A guy I worked with had 6 kids (all 9-10 months apart!) and he was creaming heaps in income support. was not contributing to society and was sending his money back home to the pacific islands. his kids still had nothing but his village had the tax payers income support.

the amount of V8 cars, booze, parties that the dole heads have are unbelievable. I saw a V8 late model ford outside a foodbank once and couldnt believe it. my partner is a school teacher and many times when the school has had to investigate home life, there is no carpet or heating, but instead plasma TVs, V8 cars, Xbox 360's, top model sound systems... the list goes on. the middle class supports the lower class, and they are currently the winners.and laughing out loud by showing off all their cars in public... in your face tax payers, I want a turbo!


2006-12-11 10:50:03 · answer #5 · answered by SAINT G 5 · 1 0

I agree with you in some of the things you say yes there are scroungers I get benefit as I am not able to work I was shocked at being told of some benefits I could claim only do not some of those who get disability do not deserve it as some have even been caught and on the news. There are lots who could and should work and if they are on income support this should be reduced as it is all too easy nowadays for them to cheat the system I feel very sorry for those who are trying to work and in some areas there is not much work both of my grown up kids have always worked and have never had benefits. The whole system is not working at all I can understand how it must feel for those who pay tax and are angry as I used to work very hard wish I could now only not possible

2006-12-11 11:32:37 · answer #6 · answered by Bernie c 6 · 1 0

lots worse; at one time you should get 2 O stages, learn on the interest, and then get a very good occupation / income. Now, the inflow of foreigners who will artwork affordably, ability you would be on the minimum salary for evermore. Plus, the upward push of those with valueless ranges has additionally placed rigidity on the working type from above - wherein a level will become the minimum requirement for clerking and so on. of course, there are a brilliant number of alternative factors that one must be right here all day - societies with lots greater incidence of casual violence than Britain (traditionally) have rubbed off on us negatively while they arrive to stay right here. to call yet purely another element. the final loss of manners and admire for others is a significant replace too.

2016-10-18 03:21:24 · answer #7 · answered by atalanta 4 · 0 0

Absolutely, we've spawned a whole new social underclass that believe you can sit on your lazy backside and get everything handed to you on a plate. We are taxed more and more each year just so it can be handed out to wasters, professional dole scroungers, lazy bastards and the latest batch of foreign waste straight off the banana boat from all corners of the globe.

Typical example, guy that used to drink in the same working mens club that i used to - 39 years old, never worked - EVER, married, 6 kids, free house, free mobility car because his wife did a good impression of someone with a chronic back condition, and nearly £250 a week handed out in cash so him and his scrawny little troll of a wife can go to the club 7 nights a week while their scruffy spawn are out and about doing god knows what - they dont care as long as they can drink and smoke for free, which is why their 15 year old daughter has 2 kids and her 13 year old was up the duff last i heard. I'd like to drive a tank through their house - it'd save the country a fortune, but what really REALLY pisses me off is how the scrawny troll refers to the day they get handed out their cash as 'pay day' scum, total and utter scum - and you know the really sad part? their 6 kids will do exactly the same, why should they do any different? they've seen what being idle scum gets you - wheres the incentive to be anything else? with scum like they have for parents they dont even know what personal pride is let alone have any.

2006-12-11 10:51:01 · answer #8 · answered by thecoldvoiceofreason 6 · 1 2

people in receipt of 'dole' have to sign a declaration to say they are available for & actively seeking work so, since there is plenty of work to be done in this country (tho not necessarily actual jobs) it would make sense to expect someone in receipt of the benefit to work a given number of hours per week on a community project or something.....but they should be paid at the going rate & given time for job applications/interviews etc.
if its contributory jobseekers allowance then they have paid in for it.

2006-12-11 10:40:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm highly qualified, hardworking and over my lifetime have so far had a total of four years unemployment. I was desperate to work on each occasion. The dole was demoralising - it certainly didn't encourage me to be lazy.

2006-12-11 10:34:49 · answer #10 · answered by filmwatcher59 4 · 5 0

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