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i'm a gemini, but i've heard that they are kinda complicated... so waht kind of match would be good? am i REALLY supposed to be two-faced? i've never really believed this stuff, but lately.....

2006-12-11 07:31:44 · 10 answers · asked by just_another_rainy_day 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

10 answers

I am a Gemini, and I don't have a split personality.


2006-12-11 07:41:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm a gemini and it's not two-faced it's diverse.. Like I personally have an opinion about practically everything but I can also see about 100 different sides to the same subject, I personally think we're the awesome! It's just there are bad gemini's who are gossipy, deceptive, etc. I know though that they say we're indecisive which to be honest I am until I come down to an exact answer for something and then I stick... It's like a mild bi-polar but not really if that makes any sense... Besides look at Tupac, he was a gemini and he was a "gangster" but before that and I believe deep inside he was a poet and activist... Besides we're for the most part born leaders..

2006-12-11 10:09:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're not two-faced. Geminis are ALWAYS and NEVER the same. Calvin Klein made the fragrance Contradiction which is inspired by us (Geminians). We are distinctively two very different people in one person. With time and maturety, we learn to channel these two into an even medium, but never really intergrate. It's not as bad as it sounds, we have a lot to offer those who dare to understand us. Even though we thrive on confusing people and being mystic. I don't date any sign but aquarius and libra, the two other air signs, stay in your element. If you like it hot, fire signs work okay, except sagittarius our opposite. Aries and leo are fun but "iffy" they get too hot-headed about our detached nature and we have to air out the flame to keep them from burning the bridge, you feel me?

2006-12-11 07:55:43 · answer #3 · answered by wildblackflower 2 · 1 0

Hey I resent that...I'm a gemini..and no thats folklore.. but we are more complicated than any other sign...The matches we are good with are other Geminis, Aries, Libra, and Aquarius. Hope that helps :)

2006-12-11 07:35:34 · answer #4 · answered by nessadipity 3 · 1 0

You're symbol is the twins...for good reason! Because you have two different sides to you! Geminis are moody, fickle, but great conversationalists! Wit personified! You are best with other air signs (Libra, Aquarius) or fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo).

2006-12-11 07:41:47 · answer #5 · answered by Christabelle 6 · 1 0

Chatty Gemini is your star sign, which tells us that the Sun awakened the dual sign of the Twins in the Zodiac on your birthday. The Sun in astrology stands for our inner nature. The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini, a masculine sign, is ruled by the quick and lively planet Mercury, the messenger of the gods. A mutable (fluid and changeable) sign, Gemini governs communications, intellectual matters, and gossip! It is an air sign, which means Gemini people are ingenious, quick-witted communicators, although you are often restless, easily bored and can become frustrated by things moving too slowly.

The Sun, ruler of our inner nature, is bright in Gemini. It favours writing, other forms of communication, and travel (although beware of running around in circles just for the sake of it, or because others have imposed on your good nature). Geminians are great talkers and are usually very much in demand socially, because you are so entertaining. You'd make a great talk-show host. Gemini is the life of the party.

A Dual Sign
Being a dual sign has (of course) both an up and a down-side. You are vitally interested in what's new and fashionable, though you have a healthy skepticism which allows you to see both sides of the image. You are a party animal, but like to sit back and analyse, or send up the whole procedure.

You multiply the effects of other people's energy, but can become deflated if you are out of the limelight for any length of time. Your sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make you a good raconteur, although you have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with your relationships.

Ironic Wit
You really have little faith in yourself, which you mask with ironic wit or sarcasm, but in truth you can use your flexible mind to better yourself in a surprising number of ways. You spend more time talking than eating, so you are able to stay fairly slim. Your flexible bod enjoys agile sports: gymnastics, bicycling, swimming, and so on. Favorites are tennis, racquetball and similar games involving a partner. Gemini talents include design, interior decoration, arts and crafts, magic and illusion, and music.

As the day-throne of Mercury, your strengths are in communication, both the spoken and the written word, media, gossip and trivia of every conceivable variety. A mutable (changeable) sign, you are chameleon-like in your ability to blend in with your environment, yet you stand out like a beacon when you become the life of the party, with your witty remarks and seemingly limitless knowledge about all and sundry.

Multi-faceted Personality
You love zooming around, running right left and centre. As a source of information you are unparalleled and you love to keep in touch with your friends, neighbours and indeed anyone who is on your wavelength. The mobile phone, if not invented by a Gemini, was definitely invented for you – and is certainly your most treasured accessory!

Gemini rules the hands and arms, lungs, thymus gland and upper ribs; people with Gemini active in their charts are subject to injury or infection in these areas and should resist the temptation to smoke. Geminians are also subject to mental distraction and hovering between alternatives, or attempting to pursue mutually conflicting goals.

Gemini colours are yellow and light blue, and mixed colours. Your birthstone is the agate, attractively streaked with colours like the multi-faceted Geminian personality. Gemini flowers include the lilac, azalea, and lily-of-the-valley.

2006-12-11 16:08:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A good match is Aquarius or Libra, then Leo or Aries. Pick 2 or you'll feel trapped in a commitment - how deathly boring to you.

2006-12-11 08:17:33 · answer #7 · answered by mecasa 4 · 0 0

i wouldnt two-faced. its just that the "general idea" of a gemini is to have more like split ideas in thinking.

2006-12-11 12:05:36 · answer #8 · answered by Lil Tiff 3 · 0 0

YES and no!!! one minute i can love someone next minute they are worthless to me. i see different perspectives of thing doesnt mean a completely diff personality but we look at things in more then one way which is good. we are naturally curious.

2006-12-12 10:48:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The ones i know are i call it having a borderline personality disorder.

2006-12-11 07:52:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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