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It looks like woman are liars to me. Why is it so? Well it needs a bit of explanation. Guys open your eyes. It takes some wisdom to absorb this reality. Well I am taking about both physical and mental attitude which grows out of it. Women in general are not attractive. It is our passion which makes them look attractive. If you discard that passion totally from your mind and see a woman naked it would be very clear. You wouild very soon you definitely don't want to look like that. They know that very well. But they cover it up. They don't like to reveal themselves because they know it is not good to them. They try to hide until man makes all commitments. When she is assured then she will reveal. Inspite of this movies and tv shows show woman in such a way that woman seem attractive. Men are really stupids. They fall prey to all this. And they are nowadays even accepting that woman are more good looking than men. If every man works hard he is really bull and woman a cow. Think over this.

2006-12-11 07:23:28 · 24 answers · asked by Pratap 3 in Social Science Psychology

Well I am not planning to hurt woman. But I am trying to rescue men. They fall prey to wman very quickly. And this money making media also wants to take advanatage of it. Don't you see there is truth in what I said. Men are so much confused with this that they can't think anything other than sex. How much good is that for the society. Think seriouly. And every be honest on my opinion. Don't you think there is truth in what I said earlier? This is not because I wnat to hate woman. I didn't wnat to be a slave nether to woman nor to sex. Thats when I startwd seeing the way out. And best way to see things is become a dispassionate observers. That's the same thing I did and made this observation. I don't think I am wrong. I know every one iks equal. Why beauty has to be given prominence? Similarly confusion should not prevail in this world. If only women be honest on this world probably won't change into hell.

2006-12-11 07:55:05 · update #1

Well I am not planning to hurt woman. But I am trying to rescue men. They fall prey to wman very quickly. And this money making media also wants to take advanatage of it. Don't you see there is truth in what I said. Men are so much confused with this that they can't think anything other than sex. How much good is that for the society. Think seriouly. And every be honest on my opinion. Don't you think there is truth in what I said earlier? This is not because I wnat to hate woman. I didn't wnat to be a slave nether to woman nor to sex. Thats when I startwd seeing the way out. And best way to see things is become a dispassionate observers. That's the same thing I did and made this observation. I don't think I am wrong. I know every one iks equal. Why beauty has to be given prominence? Similarly confusion should not prevail in this world. If only women be honest on this world probably won't change into hell.

2006-12-11 07:55:11 · update #2

It looks like men don't want to help themselves. Rather they like to fall into some ditch and don't even realize what is happening. It is no surprise men of these days are losing hair so fast and are looking more stupid. We people deserve that for your own mistake. Most men wake up with the thought of sex, go to bed desparately with the thought of sex. There are countless people like that. Do you think that pathetic life is good. Even when you marry someone, you don't feel contented with that woman.Since she has committed to you thorougly you don't find any more attractin in here. Then you start looking for different woman. You get more desparate and ultimately die the same way, never realizing what is going on. Don't you think that this is correct?
Its all in the positive thinking. If we think positive god helps everyone automatically. You don't even feel the need for sex. But there are many woman(not all) who want to take advantage of this weakness of men. Isn't this right?

2006-12-11 09:22:04 · update #3

Well it seems no one is convinced that this could be right. I could explain what is the meaning of observation using dispassion. If we see any animal species closely related to us. E.g. goriallas, chimps, orangutans. What do we notice. We are generally attracted to male of the species. This applies to many mammals we know. This is because they look more graceful. If we look at female chimps do we will them? That is the perception you get with dispassion. Yet every male species like other females how unattractive it may be. That is the way males seems to be created. But atleast animals are better they are attracted only during the mating season. But we humans equal to gods should be doing more better. What is wrong with us. We have the power to observe things and look at both positive and negative side of things. Yet, we think of sex every day and night like a big slave. How much fallen creatures are we? Do you think acting this way is going to be useful in anyway? Am I wrong?

2006-12-11 10:08:34 · update #4

24 answers

yes and men too

2006-12-11 07:25:40 · answer #1 · answered by catweazle 5 · 1 1

WOW!!! Where to begin?

First of all...women as a collective term, has no a... that's no lie!
Secondly, I can't keep on with this tangent, because of the NUMEROUS spelling errors ALL OVER your stereotypical, judgmental statement!

So... I am just going to tell you the TRUTH! People are liars, period! Some do it more than others, some get caught, but we've all done it! Including you!

I have to address the fact that you've obviously been hurt by a woman, or are not attracted to women, or both; which is your right to feel however you'd like, but... the misogyny is a tad bit overwhelming!

In addition, I feel I must point out to you that the "mask" you are talking about which women put on is nearly entirely man-made! Men invented high heels, the bra, makeup, etc. If women had a choice in the matter, if they were not judged solely on looks, believe you me, we'd shuck the majority of it! However, the reality is such that men prefer to look at women all "made up".

2006-12-11 07:35:01 · answer #2 · answered by purplepartygirrl 4 · 2 1

This view point is almost too bizarre for words.
I can't tell in you're man with latent tendencies or a self loathing woman.
Either way you are so far off base it's mind boggling.
Both men and women are equally attractive.
Most often, one is more attractive than the other to the individual.
You speak of passion but you clearly have no understanding of it.
What do you think inspires passion?! Jesus Christ on a crutch!
1. physical beauty 2. mental engagement & 3. emotional intimacy
The order of which varies unto the individual.
To top it all off you have given no specific example of where women lie.
You have only made referrence to where you appear to lied to yourself.
All I can say to that is grow up and accept responsibility for your own choices.

2006-12-11 07:38:42 · answer #3 · answered by octopussy 3 · 2 1

So, you asked the question, and then you answered the question. Are you angry about women? Because, seriously, this question seems to be more like a very in-depth exposition on "Why WorkForTruth Believes Women are Dishonest", which might be more appropriate for a blog, which is something everyone with access to a computer should have.

Anyway, I know lots of men who lie. And I know lots of women are devoted to honesty. Your entire little philosophy sounds idiosyncratic to say the least. If you don't find women attractive, don't pursue them romantically. Maybe men could be a good alternative for you, or - since you seem to be focusing on sexual attraction, rather than friendship or shared interests - self-love always works in a pinch!

Regardless, neither your question, nor your answer is exactly what would be called social science. Maybe this is gender question? In fact, I dare you to post it in the women's studies forum.

2006-12-11 07:34:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Huh? So, women are liars and men aren't? And what do you mean by "If you discard that passion totally from your mind and see a woman naked it would be very clear. You wouild very soon you definitely don't want to look like that."? As far as I know, most heterosexual males have no desire whatever to look like women. As for "they are nowadays even accepting that woman are more good looking than men", that's just nonsensical. Men and women are not usually compared to one another in terms of looks. Hmmm....I really will have to think this weird and nonsensical question over in order to find any sense in it.

2006-12-11 07:36:44 · answer #5 · answered by Zantha 2 · 1 1

i'm not going to say that i've never told a lie, but i'm also not going to say that they weren't with good intentions. I avoid lying whenever possible, and when i do (which is rare) it is only because the truth will do no good. society forces both men and women to lie. I feel sorry for you because you have obviously been hurt deeply and i scorn the awful woman who has done that to you, but i don't think that women should all be grouped so maliciously to fit some self-serving category that brings others down, is sexist, and just helps you feel more sorry for yourself. you need to find a more productive and less harmful way of dealing with your emotions.

2006-12-11 08:45:00 · answer #6 · answered by oleander 3 · 0 1

And what interstellar shuttle dropped you off? Men AND women are liars. As for women being unattractive???? Thats nuts. Well.., actually I have seen some beautiful women who were such bimbo's or had hateful attributes that made them ugly to the core. And I have seen some physically ugly women who were as sexy as anything a man could imagine because their personalities were so intense.

You need to get out more and stop dating the same old women. Varicose veined chicks in general are highly unattractive (sexually) unless you're old and blind equally in that order.

2006-12-11 07:37:43 · answer #7 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 1 1

You said it! 'Women are liars' and 'men are stupid'. You said so yourself. Ah well.

I am not a liar. May tell a fib here and there. Married to same man for 38 years. Now what? Raise the 5 kids we have and pray for mercy from above. Sounds good to me!

Your analysis is based on 'ramble' and 'stream of consciousness'

2006-12-11 07:29:55 · answer #8 · answered by thisbrit 7 · 1 1

not all woman are liars. seems such as you're choosing up the incorrect variety of woman. the place do you meet your undemanding woman? you will possibly choose a metamorphosis of venue. attempt starting to be a member of an interest club the place woman are welcome. you have gotten greater helpful success and advance your existence besides.

2016-10-18 03:04:43 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My, you do love yourself and fellow men don't you?. women tell no more lies than men,If it was not for women where would you be today? do men have babies, do men rear those children AND hold a job down, as for the passion in men bringing out the attractiveness in women you are talking out of your backside.
I have thought over this long and hard , do you want the name of a good therapist? you need one fast.

2006-12-11 08:47:05 · answer #10 · answered by poetrygirl on line 3 · 1 1

You just haven't find the right one... not dissing you or anything.

Just because you been having bad luck with gilr that lied to you,
it doesnt mean that we women are all liars... yes there are some bad ladies out there and they screw everything up for the good ladies, so when a good lady is looking for a good man.. hes probably been done wrong by other girls and then its sucks for both the good girl and the ex good boy...

you Just have to find them, you cant just find a good girl anywhere, you really have to look to find her.

good luck

2006-12-11 07:35:46 · answer #11 · answered by Jahaira Cochrane 1 · 2 1

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