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24 answers

Don't look for support here online. All you'll get is judgement. Talk to your OB about post partum depression and about support groups/therapy. Giving up your baby should be the LAST resort - not the first one as so many on here seem to think.

You CAN get through this, and it DOES get easier. The first 6 weeks are very hard (my son is 6 months) and it can feel overwhelming. Beleive me, we all go through it.

2006-12-11 07:14:48 · answer #1 · answered by apt230 2 · 3 0

Hun my baby sister went thru the same thing when she had her daughter she was 15 when she had her and it was post partum depression with your body being so young it went thru some drastic changes and is still trying to cope but believe it it will get better just let your family and doctor know what you are feeling it took my sister a few months to get in the grove of things and now she is a good mom she just needed a little help at the begining. Just take your time everything will turn out fine as long as you remember your baby will love you unconditionally and that everyone makes mistakes in their lives but God only gives you what be knows you can handle...Good Luck Hun and may God watch over your and your precious angel..

2006-12-11 09:24:11 · answer #2 · answered by shell b 3 · 0 0

You didn't give very much info on what exactly you cant deal with but most moms especially young ones like you that feel like you do have post partum depression. Is there anyone you can ask for help? You need to go see a doctor ASAP!!!! and get on meds I did and it changed my life I went from being an OK mom to being a terrific mom to my kids and if that doesn't work I would consider adoption you are still a child yourself and having someone to look after and take care of can get to be alot on a young person ....... heck it can get to be alot on anyone but especially the young ones. Get help as soon as you can I would hate to see something happen to that baby.

2006-12-11 07:11:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

im 19 and have a 2month old daughter...trust me the first few weeks or so are hard..the getting up in the middle of the night and the crying..try to sleep when the baby sleeps so your caught up on your rest...is there anybody who can help you? family?..friends? its always good to have support..if you havent already had your post partum dr visit be sure to tell the dr how you are feeling it could be post partum depression which is very normal and can be helped..if you need some alone time to just relax...try taking a shower or laying down while your son is napping..be sure to take a monitor with you in case he starts to cry...good luck and i hope everything works out okay..hang in there it WILL get better and love that baby with all you have..i have learned that loving for your baby isnt like any other love..just think a couple more months and that baby will have a big smile on his face when he sees his mommy

2006-12-11 09:19:01 · answer #4 · answered by Jen 1 · 0 0

It will get better. Just have some patience. Talk with someone and you can get through it. If it's still too hard, think about adoption. I'm 18 and I went through the same thing when my baby was born. I though I couldn't deal with it, but I did it with help from my mom. It's good to have some help. My baby is four months now and we're as happy as ever.

2006-12-11 09:16:42 · answer #5 · answered by lala321 1 · 0 0

hahaha, it'll only get worse sweetie.
okay, seriously, first of all dont listen to any negativity on here cause it's only gonna bring you down even more. second, what are you doing when the baby is asleep? take more naps and do more for yourself. paint your nails or take a long hot shower.
newborns are super annoying but the most wonderful things in the world all at the same time and the first few weeks are the hardest. just never forget: as difficult and frustrating as it is, you love Chandon and would do anything necessary for him.

... and if that isn't true, maybe you should consider the whole adoption thing

2006-12-11 07:12:10 · answer #6 · answered by i rock 2 · 1 0

1.) Are your parents / guardians / relatives willing to be involved with Chandon? Try seeking their help.

2.) If you are considering adoption, do some research concerning local adoption agencies, what kind of adoption you think would fit you and your child best, etc. If you make a decision now without too much though and research, you may end up very unhappy years from now.

3.) Most of all, base your decision on what is best for Chandon. Good luck!

2006-12-11 07:06:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need support. You are capable of being a mother, but what did you think it would be like? Honestly. You should get the support from your parents, or else from organizations out there, speak to you doctor about this immideitly, because you may be putting your childs life in danger otherwise. I hope it all works out for you and I hope you keep this baby because it did not come into this world asking to be given away because you didnt have the brain capasity to keep your legs closed. Please seek help.

2006-12-11 07:28:56 · answer #8 · answered by jennyve25 4 · 1 0

Hang in there and welcome to the best club ever Parenthood. Your baby is the most important thing in your world and how you treat the weakest among us is what defines you as a person at the deepest core of your being. An awesome responsibility ? OH YES an incapacitating responsibility? NO You are that little PERSONS everything right now so what ever you do hang in there your baby needs you.

2006-12-11 07:11:36 · answer #9 · answered by crawler 4 · 1 0

Usually the first couple of weeks it's just the baby blues but if I were you I wuld go to see the doctor cause it could possible be post partum. So I would go and see the doctor and get it taken care of just in case. It's not something to really play around with. Good Luck!

2006-12-11 07:05:48 · answer #10 · answered by Holly S 1 · 2 0

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