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2006-12-11 06:37:06 · 39 answers · asked by Don 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

39 answers

You do absolutely nothing to harm yourself.

Seek professional help. Talk to people about how you are feeling. If you are not comfortable with talking to someone in person, please call a hotline.

1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK
Teen Suicide Hotline: 1-800-367-7287

More info: www.suicidal.com

2006-12-11 06:38:36 · answer #1 · answered by Melli 6 · 2 0


its what the " who ever the **** made the universe" did.

But you dont have to procreate.

Just create.

Make mud scuptors.
tape grass to your walls.
Collect your toenails for a year, and then re-create a scene from your favorite movie or something.

Learn quantum physics.
Travel, hitchhike.
Write all your living family memebers a letter on how you 'really' feel about them.
start counting to a million.
call random number and ask for susie, one day you'll reach her. Start a conversation.

work out.
learn to cook.
build bikes.
go on a spiritual quest
smoke pot and listen to Bjork
join the military then figure out a way to get kicked out.

stalk the mail man
sit in a tree; learn to be one with nature.
make hats out of nut shells and toothpicks
take pictures
talk into a fan

What I personally did when I wanted to die....actually I wanted to be put into a mental institution because I felt the world was an endless cycle of moronic overtones of world corruption and money grubbing, but what SAVED me was the idea, the notion that I could CREATE something that would make people think. I could CREATE something that not everyone would get, but the ones that mattered would get and some how shape or form change the world.

Figure out how to change the world.

2006-12-11 09:13:18 · answer #2 · answered by theycallmesigh 1 · 1 0

What has happened to make you feel this way? Certainly you did not just wake up one day and decided you did not want to live.I have several reasons to live. One , because god gave my the opportunity to experience this life and world and has been good to me. Yes, there have been hard times in between but, i choose to be a survivor.I have beautiful children and grand and great grand children.They love me and i them.I certainly hope this is not over a broken relationship. I have had those, plus widowed twice. While some people complain about growing old, some never had a chance to. Get involved in volunteer work, join a club. There are reasons to live you just have to find your place in life and live it. I really hope you do not do anything foolish. If you believe in god, then you know it is a sin to take you own life. He gave it and he will take it in his own time. Only he knows the end from the beginning. I hope you get to feeling better.

2006-12-11 06:46:27 · answer #3 · answered by shyone 3 · 4 0

What do you do...? Seek methods of death, find them painful themselves, perhaps trying them. Finding non-existence, and true death impossible, become bitter for a while, ease... Contentment, forgetting of self begins, and general well being improves.

Love finds it's home when one has become dead to themselves and alive only for truth, for truth must be actualized, created in the temporary, or the impermanence is worse than death.

Anything which is not preserved by its essential truth will ultimely die, or pass away. Life is life, and death, death, and each is measured to their worth, and what can die is already as non-existent, attachment to its permanance is therefore impossible, though often tried.

Whatever is perfect is eternal, all else is mere fancy, however important you have deemed it. The essence of all things is perfection of the same, whilst impurities cause the same to be something other than itself, and must be purged for the True Element to shine as pure gold.

Example: poisoned milk is not milk but a poisoning agent. Steel is not a pure diamond, but burdened with the relative softness of iron, preventing the pure carbon diamond from remaining, as firm.

Everything takes on the properties it has been forged with, therefore ignorange must be forged into knowledge, impurity to purity, staleness into freshness, distain into good spirits, for all else is merely the impurities preventing the properties of the essential to be revealed...

Consciousness is a measure of orders, heirarchy, and discernment, and must be arrived at all unto itself, not randomly begotten, for there'd be no coherance to it, no self encompassment, and hence not conscious at all.

Be therefore conscious, and not confused of the inmost realities of things.

2006-12-11 20:17:07 · answer #4 · answered by Gravitar or not... 5 · 0 0

I would say to admit yourself to a reputable mental health facility. People who voluntarily seek inpatient treatment want help. Hearing their stories often puts things in perspective...especially when you encounter someone who has an undeniable reason to question the value of living (terminal disease, chronic pain, tragic death of a loved one, etc). And many times you are able to receive immediate treatment from quality phychiatrists in the area who often have waiting lists that are months, if not years, long.

2006-12-12 17:26:53 · answer #5 · answered by marieclaire1995 2 · 0 0

Well first of all I think this is a very valuable question. It depends on how down in the dumps and persistent this thought is. I'm sure the majority of us have thought about not living, or just not being in this existence anymore, but if has been going on for awhile, more than a week or two I heavily advise anyone to seek therapy. Therapy is not just for those who may be in need of critical healing process, but its for all of us who from time to time cognitive thinking is off. Many times this easy diagnosed concern can be corrected with just talk sessions with someone who is degreed and cerifide in this area.

In the mean time remember that you really have control over your body. From the thoughts to the feelings. For example I don't know how old you are, but let's look at feelings and emotions. You can't help who your heart falls for. Many times in our lives we will have encountered a person whom we just pine for, but their feelings are not receptive. There is nothing we can do to make that person like us, or like us more, or the same. The only thing we can control is our actions. We can accept the fact that this person is just not that into us and move on. Easier said than done, but it is certainly the lesser of the other choices.

Happiness comes from within and most people joy comes from their inner faith source. Either way their does not exist anything nor anybody that can be your happiness or your joy. You can accept this as a truth. To not want to live anymore is a painful place to be, but the fact is, is that in times like this you have to stir up your happiness and joy, by accepting somethings as the way they are, while willing to be a willing spirit to change the things that I can, and may God give me the wisdom to know the difference.

Besides life is short anyway when you think about it. We all have experation dates. You may as well play this time out. Look for the better in every situation and the good in people. Look closely at you and self examine yourself honestly. What do you like about you? What don't you like about you? why. Get a journel write your thoughts down. What is going on in your life when the thought that you just dont want to live anymore. Who are around you at that time? What was said? This is not about blamming others for your thoughts and actions, but more to help you understand what may be triggering these thoughts and devise a way to discontinue them.

These are some of the things I think and do to get myself out of such a dark and lonely place. Seeing a Therapist may be one of the best things you could do for self. Most people are very depressed around this time of year. But seek out the help you may need. That's a step toward loving yourself.

Live, Love, Laugh and Dare to Dream

2006-12-11 07:59:33 · answer #6 · answered by simplyarty 1 · 2 0

sit tight and wait until you do want to live again. chances are the feeling of not wanting to live will go away with time, if you give it a chance. the time it takes to make that feeling go away can be dramatically shortened by seeking medical and psychological help. it also usually helps to spend time with animals or young children. the healing power of children is the main theme of most of jd salinger's writing, especially "the catcher in the rye"

if you have ever been happy, or ever felt like you do want to live, then you have a frame of reference which should inform your mind that it is possible to feel that way again. it is illogical to assume that your happiness or your will to live is gone forever. just give yourself time, and try to accept the treatment that your health providers recommend. try to look at happiness as an aspect of your health instead of an aspect of your circumstances, and treat it as a health issue. unhappy circumstances can always appear and make you sad. but the choice to stay sad is entirely within your control if you take the time to learn the skills that empower you to choose happiness.

spirituality helps. try reading the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale. it is a bit preachy and religious in its orientation (which many people find repellant these days), but it is still solid advice. a lot of his recommendations center on scripture and prayer. if you are not religious, then think of prayer as "positive self talk" or "affirmations". and you do not have to be religious to find the tales of the bible inspiring and encouraging. after all, people find "the lord of the rings" and "star wars" inspiring, as well as other movies and books. if stories that never were or can never be motivate people, then surely the bible, which has been one of the strongest foundations and influences in western civilization can do so as well

2006-12-11 07:07:33 · answer #7 · answered by Paul S 3 · 3 0

seek appropriate counseling if "at the brink". when calmed down a bit, regular exercise, meditation, other "energy work" such as tai chi, chi kung, reiki, yoga, etc. read *the complete idiot's guide to toltec wisdom* it will help you to a clearer understanding of what human life is about. your entire being can be helped by your being involved in applying vibrational methods to your system. the higher your personal frequency and consciousness, the happier you will be. read the book, do the work. you will be amazed at the changes. best of luck ;-)

2006-12-11 06:46:30 · answer #8 · answered by drakke1 6 · 2 0

That's when you're about to make a huge change in your life. Your life will soon change and you will have new opportunities. This is something most people go through. It's sorta like a test. You have to get through it and things will be better than ever.

2006-12-11 06:40:10 · answer #9 · answered by Mama R 5 · 3 0

you try to find new meaning in life, maybe find someone who is less fortunate to help, in turn it will give you new meaning. Become a big brother/big sister.

Excersize it might just be depression, if it's not go see a doctor.

Move to a new place. Anything, anything at all.

2006-12-11 06:39:32 · answer #10 · answered by Jimena S 3 · 1 0

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