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what are some soccer terms, like all i know is scrimmage... like things you do in practice... or anything... (and explain them if you can) im doing soccer for my yearbook page and i know NOTHING about soccer... thanks for your help.. this is greatly appreciated

2006-12-11 05:57:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

12 answers

-2 - Essentially, a give-and-go
50/50 ball - A loose ball contested by players from each team.
a gong - to have a shot at goal
advantage - When an official allows play to continue for the attacking team even though a foul occurred.
African - Passing the ball one way around a defender and running the other way and retrieving the ball.
air-mail - A shot or chip sent way over the intended target.
ambitious ball - An overly aggressive pass which had little chance of success.
Ambush - 2 or more players corner a player thus not allowing them to get the ball out.
anchor - outside player who attacks from the flank
and-again - See wall pass, 1-2.
apples - assist. pass before the snipe. this is the ball played for the pre-snipe. nice ball and planned out for the goal.
Ardiles Flick - running or standing: roll the ball to your heal with the other leg. Then you kick it up and over your head.
assist - The pass which leads to a goal.
assistant referee - the referee's assistants; one each 2 of the touchlines lined up to the second to the last defender
'Ave It ! - shoot already!
'Ave It ! - shoot already!
away - Tells a defender to get the ball out their end of the field.
back - your teamate behind you is open. pass your teamate the ball behind you.
back - Pass ball streight behind you.
back and face - Following an attack, when midfield players are in advanced positions, this is an instruction to return to their positions and face the opponents ready for the counter attack.
back door - The furthest goalpost from the ball. (UK)
back of square - Player is just behind a square ball to allow space in case of a bad pass.
backdoor burglar - A player that comes from behind and steels the ball from the opponent
balance - Used to describe the concurrent presence of coverage by a team in important areas on the pitch.
ball watching - defender loses site of his mark (ex. forward) because he is looking at just where the ball is.
banana Kick - A kick that makes the ball bend or swerve in the air instead of going straight.
bangoo - a crossed ball from the endline that is sent to the penalty spot
beauty - Reference to anything beautiful. Example -nice goal , great play.
bending ball - See banana kick.
bicycle kick - A spectacular backwards kick that ends with the player on his back and the ball going the other direction.
block - setting a pic for another player illegally
bob or b.o.b. - body on ball
bollocks - I don't agree.
boodles - when yourleg gives out and fall to the left side but still get the kick to your other teamate
booking - When a player commits a foul and either receives a yellow or red card.
boots - Term used for soccer cleats.
boots - term used for soccer cleets
box it - cross the ball into the 18 yard box
Brazilian bunkup - A celebration performed by Brazilians after scoring.
Brilliant - What the Brits say to a well executed play.
bulls eye - a direct goal or it went straight in
bump - when goal keeper uses fist to block a goal
bunch ball - When too many players crowd around the ball
bunny-ball - Playing a ball to another player in a terrible position in order to make that player look bad.
burned - said when uterly tricked out by opposing player
caps - great defender. no one can capitaiize over the mad defence skill.
caps - A recognition earned by a player for each appearance in an international game for his country.
caught square - When two or more defenders have been beaten by a through ball because they were positioned in a straight line or square to one another.
center - A lateral pass to the inside, similar to a "square pass.
Center Half - Central Defender, played flat with the defensive line.
challenge - To "challenge" the player with the ball.
channel - Space between centre half and full back into which a pass can be played for an attacking player to run onto.
charge the ball - Not waiting for the ball to come to you, but instead running up on the ball and taking it from your opponent.
check - To come back to recieve a ball from a teammate.
check to - An offensive player running towards the ball carrier and usually calling for a pass.
Chilena - Bike it
Chilena - Bike it.
chip - A pass made by a stabbing motion of the kicking foot to the lower half of the ball to loft it over the heads of opponents.
chip shot - a shot aimed over the goalies head
chop - A deliberate change of direction with the ball usually using the inside of the foot.
Clean Sheet - A shutout for the goalkeeper.
clear or clearance - Usually used in the defensive 1/3 of field. To play the ball out of the area taking away the opponents chances of offense.
close down - When a defender gets close to the attacker without letting the attacker get by him with the ball.
coner kick - I don't know it!! I'm asking you, you fat head!!!
contain - Do not allow a person with ball to beat you on the dribble.
Core 2 formation - 2 defenders, 2 midfielders, 2 forwards, 2 wingers, 2 wingbacks, and a goalie
corner kick - kick by the attacking team from the corner
Corridor of Uncertainty - Space between the goalkeeper and defence, particularly when crossing the ball.
cover - To provide defensive cover to the defender pressuring the ball.
craw - this is when you rip of the shirt after you score the golden goal in overtime. its a total snipe. a total craw.
cross - Pass or kick the ball across the mouth of the opponent's goal.
cross-in - when a player passes the ball from the side of the park to the middle.
Cryuff Cut - when you cut the ball back between your legs
Cut Back - A pass back up the field esp in frount of goal or where the defenders are running and therefore unable to quickly respond.
Damping - Stoping speed and direction of ball
dangerous kicking - when you kick the balll in the air and your foot is over your shoulder
Dangle - to deek out the opposing player. Many players seem to think they can dangle. But usually just end up looking like a idiot. Stick to being a plumber if ya can't pull the moves.
dispossess - To take the ball away from a dribbler.
dive - To fall down deliberately with the intention of fooling the referee into giving a foul.
dolly - take the ball and bounce at an angle off player to another player
don't dive - Telling a defender to stay on his feet against a dribbler.
double-teaming - 2 people are guarding the same person. That means one player from the other team will not be guarded.
Dream sequence - A header goal off of a corner kick-perfect and dreamlike.
dribble - To keep the ball from the other team by kicking it between your two feet and around the other team.
Drills - all
drive - Hitting a low, hard shot on goal with the instep.
drop - To pass the ball back to a supporting player.
drop and mark - The defending team needs to move to their goal, picking up and marking opponents.
drop ball - referee droping ball
drop in - support on defense
dummy - To let the ball go past or through your legs to a teammate.
dummy run - A run by player without the ball to draw one or more defenders away from the area under attack.
duster - This term refers to those unfortunate souls who usually only step on the feild with no skill at all. The coach finally calls the "dusters" number and does so in a way that the duster feels like he is finally getting an opportunity to showcase the talent he doesn't really possess. Why the term duster? Cause this plug has been sitting on the bench the entire game.............Collecting dust. Always the worst player on team.
earn your shirt - Put in the effort in practice to get to play in the game.
eat your butt - you eat your butt and say yummmmmm!!!
elastico - a cut using outside of foot to inside
endline - boundry lines at the goal ends of the pitch
even number - far pass in corner kicks
eyebrows - A flick on header at the near post from a corner-Ron Atkinson classic.
face up - Face the direction of the ball. Don't turn back on ball during any stoppage of play.
far post - The goal post furthest from the ball.
Farrelly - An over aggresive player
field goal - When ball is blasted over the net {looks good that's all}.
finish - When a player shoots the ball into the goal using anything but an instep kick.
Fire - Alerting a team they are Offside
first take - shoot or pass the ball with the first touch
first time - Shoot or pass the ball with the first touch.
flat pass - pass to your left or right.
flick - Adavnce the ball past the defenders for a teammate.
flip kick - get the ball in to the air and kick it while your doing bacward flip
flip throw - a throw in after flipping over the ball resulting in extra length
football - The proper name of the sport.
foul - intentionally tripping, hitting, pushing etc. another player of the other team.
Foward - Position in front of the opposition goal, more creative thant the Striker.
free kick - An unobstructed kick of a stationary ball, as in soccer or Rugby, especially one awarded when the opposition commits a foul.
Front - A move by a forward to play with the back to the defender (goal) and be in a position to receive the ball
Full back - wide defenders playing flat with the central defenders in a "flat back four".
futbol - forign name for soccer
futbol - The proper (Spanish) name for the sport.
Garbage Man - The player on the team who will score from outfront of the net either on deflections or rebounds
get chalky - Get to the outside of the field
get chalky - Get to the outside of the field
Get Depth - Asking the central defender to drop and support in the center of pitch as not to get caught "flat"
get stuck in - to tackle
get up on that - Means to get up for a challenge in the air, and don't let the ball hit the ground. Or, to challenge in the air for a cross, dive or a collision with the opponent as a goalkeeper.
get up/out - usually used by keepers to clear defense out of box
ghost - An extra position where you wonder around on your half of the field playing defense.
Ghosting - Your definition is wrong, ghosting refers to strikers getting literally behind defenders out of their sight and then moving forward and away towards goal
give him an oscar - When players fake injury.
give it the eyebrows - Flicking the ball on using your head.
give-and-go - see WALL PASS
give-and-go - To pass the ball to a teammate, run past the defender, and the teammate returns the ball.
goal side - to be defending nearest toward your goal
Goalie - the person who protects the goal
Goalie Gloves - Protective gear for the hands of a goalie
goal-side - The defender positioned between the goal and the offensive player.
golas - Foreign term for Goal!
golden goal - A goal scored in overtime which ends the match.
good out - A well cleared ball by a defender.
good up - A good attempt at an executed head ball.
got it - when the goalie means to move out of the way
got me - i'm safe kick me the ball
hack - Someone who fouls way too much or an act of delivering a hard foul.
half volley - Hitting the ball with the instep just after the ball has bounced off the ground.
halfback - midfielder
Handbags - A small insignificant fight on the field. From the term "handbags at dawn" as apposed to "guns at dawn" which would obviously be more serious.
Handball - When the ball hits your hand and then it is the other teams free kick from the spot you were standing
hard tackle - A fair, but rough tackle.
hat someone - flick over your opponents head and receiving it behind them
hat trick - Three goals in a game by a player.
have a go - when a player takes a direct shot on goal
have one - Tells a player to go ahead and take a shot at goal.
header - striking the ball with the forehead
heal - Backwards pass with the heal of your foot.
hold - Usually means hold the ball while a player moves into a supporting position for a pass.
Hold the ball up - To keep Possession of the ball, or an instruction to do so.
hospital pass - A pass which might result in injury to a teammmate striving to reach it first.
hump and run - playing the long ball; making long passes forcing the attackers to make long runs.
in swinger - Kicker will deliver corner kick swinging towards the goal.
In Your Grill - When Defending the player extremley close
inners - offensive player[;
instep - laces part of boot not inside
instep - useing the inside of your foot to kick the ball
jackknife - slicer kick down middle of the field
Jeffer - When u try to force off a penalty but you don't deserve it : 'dive'
jockey - slow down the attacking player who has the ball with your back to your own goal trying to make attacker go wide being close enough to him that if he shoots you will block it. No attempt to play the ball is made while JOCKEYING.
Jumpers For Goalposts - Grassroots football, often nostalgic.
karaoke - Moving sidewase in a fast motion and crossing legs.
keeper - Stay the hell away from the ball, the goalkeeper is coming out!
keeper - goalkeeper; one who may use their hands in an 18 m box
Keepy Uppy - To keep the ball in the air with both feet
Kickoff - This starts a soccer game on the center line in the circle. This is where the attacking team starts. All players on the other team MUST be outside the circle. One player on the attacking team then passes the ball forward to a teammate.
kicks - a term used for you soccer cleats.
killer pass - A pass that splits two defenders and puts your teammate in a great position.
kit - Another word for uniform.
knocker - when a payer gets hit in the 'sensitive' spot
lake - open space on field
late tackle - A tackle after the ball was played by the offensive player. Should result in a foul.
leave It - Don't touch the ball, let it roll by you.
let - Letting a pass to you go to your teammate.
let him know you - Make contact with the striker early in match in attempt to put him off his game.
libby - A massachusetts term for when a player fakes an injury
libero - Italian original, a sweeper who also goes forward to organanise and/or support the attack.
line - Requesting a pass up touch line.
Linia Way - Play the ball down the line
Liniker - To score with an unorthadox but ligitimate bodypart, after Garry Liniker.
lob - Arching the ball above the goalie to score
Lolly pop - it's a stepover.sold him a LOLLY POP!!!
Long Ball - When outclassed in midfield to play hopeful long passes to strikers.
man on - An opponent is approaching the player with the ball from behind.
Man On - Said by a teammate when the player on the ball is under pressure as an opponent is advancing on their position, so the player with the ball can pass it to a teammate
man to man marking - Follow him everywhere.
Mandela - pass it
Maradona - The act of dribbling the opponents end of the field to end in a goal.
Maradona - a move in which both feet touch the ball and 360 is done. also known as a garinccha (spelling?) or roller coaster
Mark it up! - Said from one player to another meaning move up field.
mark up - Telling your teammates to leave no one unmarked.
marking back - A fullback whose primary responsibility is to mark one of the opposing forwards.
meg - When the ball is dribbled or passed between the legs of a defender.
Midfield General / Govenor - Powerful (or simply agressive) central midfielder stamping authority on the game.
my bad - Said from one teammate to another to appologize for a poorly played ball.
near post - The goal post nearest the ball.
Neish Keit - Not good
nothing - Either to tell your defender's that there will be no getting through them, or to clear the ball away out of the back field!
nuetral - not taking either side of any party midfielders in the game controls this formation and gives defenders and forwards enough room to close out or in on attackers or the goal area whenever long balls or through balls are passed back and forth the pitch during a match
nutmeg - To put the ball between an opponent's legs.
nuttie - To put the ball between an opponents legs.(AUS)
off the line - Referring to the goalkeeper moving from the goal line to get the ball.
Olympic goal - Score a goal from the corner kick.
on me head - An invitation to a team mate to deliver the ball to one's cranium.
on the carpet - Pass on the ground.
one more - Let a crossing pass through or pass to the next guy.
one on - requesting only one defender pressuring the ball
One Two - A pass returned with the first touch. Often where the first player continues to run and passes a defender while briefly without the ball.
one two - See all pass.
one-timer - A goal scored on a cross or corner kick that is booted into the goal before it touches the ground.
open goal - A completely unprotected goal, with no obstacles between the ball and the goal at all.
open up - Use wingers and play wide.
out of the box - last player in the defense yell to the rest of the team, after a coner kick.
out swinger - Kicker will deliver corner kick with a ball swinging away from the goal.
Outside - Using the wall to deflect and pass the ball to oneself(indoor only)
Over the Top - To chip a ball over the defence into space for the fowards to run on to.
overlap - When a player runs around and ahead of the ball for a pass into space.
Overloads - Creating situations where you have more players than the opposition, i.e. 3v1.
Own Goal - Goal conceded by own player
pace - Referring to the speed of the ball from a pass.
parry - A controlled and deliberate deflection by the goalkeeper using the hands.
pass and go - when 1 player passes it to another player, then runs to open space, then passes it back.
Penetrative pass - A pressured pass such as a split pass or through ball. Usually perfectly weighted to get players on goal.
Pinball - Where the area of play is so congested that every attempt to shoot/ pass/ clear rebounds from players.
pinch - Generally two players closing from the left and right of a opponent with the ball.
pitch - soccer field
pitch - Another term for soccer field.
pk - pentally kick. 12 yard line.
PK - hhfh
play around them - To switch the ball from one side of the field to another with a sucession of passes.
play feet. - To pass a ball directly to a teammate's feet.
play on - Yelled and signalled by the referee when he sees a foul but allows the play to continue because an advantage for the attacking team.
play space - To push a ball into an open area of the field for another player to run on to, as opposed to playing to feet.
play the way your facing - Keep football simple and pass the way you are facing then move to space.
playing kickball - When a team uses the system of just kicking the ball as far as they can with no regard to passing.
Playmaker - Creative midfielder
popeye - When someone pops the ball off of the goal causing the ball to come back at a player
poser - A player who looks good but has no game.
pressure - Refers to a defender placing pressure on his opponent with the ball.
professional foul - A deliberate foul calculated to obtain an advantage such as intimidation of the opposition, or prevention of a subsequent goal scoring opportunity.
pulling the string - A shot off a free kick that looks as if it will go over the crossbar but at the last second dips into the goal.
push-up - A sweeper telling his/her fellow defenders to stop lagging in the back, in an attempt to draw the opposing team off sides, or to get the defenders to get in on the offensive transition.
put it in the mixer (mix it) - To lob a ball into the area of best playability so as to score a goal.
rainbow - When a player pops the ball up and flicks the ball over their head in a forward motion with the back of their heel.
rainbow - flick over the head to get away from oponent
ranbow - you roll the ball up your leg really quick and while doing that kick the ball back with the other leg. Whitch makes it go up in the air.
recover - When a defender gets beat he turns and sprints to get between the ball and the goal.
recovery - Referring to a beaten defender running to get back into a defensive position.
Red Card - Similar to a yellow card except it means that you are withdrawn from the game
red card - a expulsion from that game only
Red Card - Similar to a yellow card, but sudden ejection from the game when the Referee gives it.
referee - the person who calls all the fould and is in charge of the game
rip - to shoot a very hard shot
Rocket - when you shoot it knee high at the keeper
roll Infield - Switch positions with another player in the middle of the game.
row z - as in 'put it in row z!' kicking the ball as far into the stand as you can... usually to buy/waste time.
Salamander - A head first dive at a ball in the air, in which a player heads the ball usually in an attempt to score.
Sb - SB
scisser - passing the ball behind one leg to another player
screen - to block a member of the other team from seeing the ball
Sell/ Sold - To succeed in fooling a defender or goalkeeper as to your intentions.
Set your line - Drop your defenders (set line) to where the keeper will play the goal goal kick
Shadow - To guard one person (Usually the best on the other team) with allyour might like a shadow
shape - The players positioning on the field in relation to the formation and the ball location.
shell - A drop back past to the mid player with a shot and goal.
Shepard - To force an attacking player away from the front of the goal and into a corner or second defender.
shootout - pk
show - Move from a position with an intervening defender to a position with a clear line to the ball.
skinned - where a defender is turned inside out by a skilled dribbler
skip - Let it run to another player.
skipper - captain
skipper - is the caption of the team
slide tackle - To slide the ball away from your opponent.
smoked - When an offensive player performs a great move and leaves the defender in the dust.
snap Him - Get stuck in and tackle him hard.
snipe - a sweet goal that is usually one timed or just a really good shot
sniper - Yelled when someone takes a dive with little or no contact.
sniper. - a goal scorer. not just any goal scorer. but its the type of player that makes the goal look like a true snipe. this player has mad game and is all about the snipes.
soft touch - A player has this when he can trap any pass that comes to him at any speed or height.
sold him like a kipper - Sent him the wrong way with a turn.
split - To pass the ball between two defenders.
Sponge - #1 scorer in the game
spool - trick the other opponent and beat them
spot kick - A penalty kick.
spun like a top - A defender who gets turned by a skilled dribbler.
square - a lateral pass (straight as in the lines of a square)
square - when a player is perpendicular to the player with the ball with relevance to the field
Stay Central - Defend the center of the field
steal - To take away the ball from the other team. You know like stealing something
steel - To take away the ball from the other team.
step or step It. - Instruction for defensive line to pull out for offside trap.
Stick - Defensive player effectively foils offensive movement towards the goal
Stoppage time - time added to the end of any period, according to the referee's judgment, for time lost due to player injuries, substitutions, or intentional stalling by a team
stopper - The defender assigned to mark the other team's best forward.
strike - a shot or volley to goal.
Striker - Solitary forward pressing the defense looking for a breakaway on a ball played forward or through.
striker - A forward, an attacker.
Striker - Position played right in front of the goal and predominantly shooting at all costs. See Foward.
Strip - Cleanly stealing the ball from opponent and gaining control of the ball
support - I am here in case you want to pass me the ball, or if you try to take on an opponent and loose posession I will be here to challange immediately for the ball.
swaze - to kick the ball with spin on it go to left or right Don,t know if spelled right
sweeper - The player positioned behind the fullbacks and in front of the goalie who has the authority to play either the right, middle or left side of the field (hence sweeps)to block the opposing team's shot or player.
swing it - changing the side of attack by passing around the back
switch - Means to switch the point of attack (i.e. switch the ball from the right side of the field to the left).
switch off - Trade marking assignments on defense.
tackle - Trying to take the ball from opposing player. Always play the ball first, if contact is made with the player first a foul is usually committed.
take ball - Put pressure on the dribbler now!
Taxi - called when a player has been 'done' or has an embaressing incident e.g a nutmeg. TAXI!
Terrier - Tireless player, esp of agressive midfielders.
The Hole - The space between an opositions defence and midfield, hence for an ofensive midfielder or defensive foward to play "in the hole".
third man running - the third man of a play who makes a pass and then must run to keep up the play (( usually results in a cross the a shot))
through ball - To serve the ball through a flat defensive alignment into a forward space creating an opportunity on goal.
through pass - pass straight ahead of you.
time - Having enough time to control ball and look around before a defender can pressure you.
top cheese - top corner goal
touchline - sideline boundry of the pitch
touchline - sideline boundry of pitch, now player does a vthrowin hence the word touchline
trail - I'm behind you if you need to pass it back.
transition - when team gains possession of (goes on offense) or loses possession (goes on defense)of the ball.
trap - to keep the ball in your feet
Tuck In - To move into the center and drop
turn - Telling your teammate he has time to control the ball and turn up field.
turn and face - Turn around and get ready for the kick.
twinkletoes - A player with exceptional ball control.
two-touch - To either shoot or pass a ball with the second touch, the touch after controlling the ball.
UMF Farm tackle - a legal slide tackle that "lights up" your opponent
unlucky - A nice short way of saying, "That wasn't your fault, just bad luck."
upper v - The intersection of the crossbar and goalpost.
venue - location where a competion is held.
volley - the act of kicking the ball in midair.
wall - A human barrier between the ball and the goal on a free kick.
wall pass - To pass the ball to a teammate, run past the defender, and have the teammate return the ball.
weak side - The side of the field without the ball.
well done - Great execution of a skill.
well marshalled - Tightly marked. To defend and stay with a very good player with one or two designated players.
what a cracker - A hard shot.
what you see - The player with the ball has no one marking them, in other words, they are unmarked.
wheel man - Central midfielder with primary responsibility for distributing the ball when team is on the attack.
Wim C-er - When u play the ball between the legs of an opponent
win the ball - wining the ball over an oposing player
Wing back - Outside defender on defense that moves up to play outside midfielder on the attack.
Wing back - Wide defenders played in advance for the central defenders. Sometimes combined with a sweeper.
Wing it - To throw the ball as far as you can.
wing it - to throw yhe ball as far as you can
winger - a wide attacker
Winger - An attacker that is wide.
Winger - Outside Midfielder on defense that moves up to play forward on the attack.
winger - a Wide attacker
winger - A wide attacker.
With You - Alerting a team mate to your availabity.
Wraight Clive - One of the greatest Managers of all time
yellow card - a playing card-sized card that a referee holds up to warn a player of dangerous or unsprtsmalike behavior.
yellowcard - a playing card-sized card that a referee holds up to warn a player for dangerous or unsportsmanlike behavior; also called a caution; 2 yellow cards in one game earns a player an automatic red card, signaling his removal from the game.
zippy - where you run by a defender and do a scisser
zippy - to run by a defender, do a sissor

2006-12-11 05:59:34 · answer #1 · answered by saharj007 3 · 2 3

I hope when you're older and own a vehicle or a house, something you worked really hard for gets a brick thrown at it. Grow up! If your friend really did throw it without you realizing, then you need to find a new friend. She's really stupid, immature and irresponsible. If you're Mom does find out, just tell her the truth, that your stupid friend did it without you knowing until it was already thrown. But I'm sure you did know what was going on. You were both probably laughing about even though it was her arm that threw it. I hope you tards get in lots of trouble. Grow a brain. You obviously weren't raised right dumb hoodlum.

2016-03-13 05:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well there's the goalie, they guard the net. Dribbling is basically when you run with the ball (you kick the ball when you run with it). Offense is who has the ball, and defense stays back by the net and waits for the opposing offense to come with the ball. That's all I remember, but this is from.. at least seven years ago. It's pretty basic, but I hope it helps!

2006-12-11 06:03:17 · answer #3 · answered by xcupcaitx 2 · 0 0

soccer. 1 team is 11 players, with 11 substitution players. 2x45 minutes game with 15minutes break.

2006-12-11 05:59:59 · answer #4 · answered by LiL PumPkiN♥ 4 · 1 0

You don't have to beg, here's a nickel.

2006-12-11 06:00:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

That's not wrong

2016-08-08 21:21:12 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2006-12-11 06:00:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ball kicker.

2006-12-11 06:00:45 · answer #8 · answered by Special Olympian 1 · 0 2

goalie, ball, players, team, lines in the grass, kick

2006-12-11 06:00:09 · answer #9 · answered by IMHO 6 · 0 1

can dispute sahar j

2006-12-11 06:01:28 · answer #10 · answered by DR. WHO 3 · 0 1

these should give you a good start....

2006-12-11 06:01:54 · answer #11 · answered by christy 6 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers