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My concern is with having a miscarriage...... My sister in law was 11 weeks and lost her baby 3 weeks ago... I am now at 13 weeks... In the last 13 weeks I have only gained 3 pounds, but in the last 2 days, I have weighed myself, and I have actually lost all 3 pounds..... My husband says that it is because we might be having a girl, seeing as how with our son, I had gained around 20 pounds by my 4rth month......, but I am concerned about something maybe being wrong with the baby... as in not growing, or something....... I have not heard the heartbeat, but 3 1/2 weeks ago they did a routine ultrasound and they could see it on the monitor.... I am going to see my obgyn on wed., but I just wanted some opinions, and hopefully someone can ease my mind.

2006-12-11 04:52:16 · 17 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I should also add that I have suffered with ALL DAY sickness this time around, and when I eat, I feel worse, so I don't eat as much, but I still eat something, and regularly. And as far as any health problems, I am really healthy other than being hypoglycemic........ Thanks for any and all answers!!!!!!

2006-12-11 04:53:12 · update #1

Oh, and I don't smoke or drink, or do any kind of drugs.......

2006-12-11 05:48:31 · update #2

17 answers

Well if you spend your day puking, that could explain the weight loss. I wouldn't be too concerned w/ losing 3 lbs that early on--I lost 10 lbs in my first 16 weeks b/c I wasn't eating as much due to just *feeling* nauseous!

I know miscarriage is a scary, SCARY thing to have hanging over your head, especially when it's happened to you or someone close to you before. TRY not to stress too much, 'cause that's bad for the baby too! Hopefully your OB is compassionate enough to realize HOW scary it is and be willing to see you for even the silliest things!

With my first pregnancy, I found out I was pregnant VERY early on, but it ended up being not viable (there was never a heartbeat in the 11 weeks I was "pregnant") and I had a D&C. I got pregnant 2 months later and when I hit 5 weeks I FREAKED! I was worried about history repeating itself. I couldn't explain my panic to ANYONE, but I called my OB and she let me come in for a short ultrasound. She was totally understanding, even though I felt like a blithering idiot for being sooo worried! Eventually I got to see 2 heartbeats and it lead to a wonderful pregnancy and 2 healthy children! But in those first few months, I swore I was going to lose that pregnancy any minute!! I'm not telling you this to scare you, but to let you know that I know what that scared feeling is like from personal experience! I hope you have a happy, healthy baby too! Between now and Wednesday, take it easy! Watch your favorite chick flicks (crying over a movie won't hurt your baby!), have some ice cream, and try Try TRY to focus on the positive!!

2006-12-11 05:04:44 · answer #1 · answered by luvablelds 3 · 1 0

I was also concerned with this problem. In my first trimester I had lost 14 lbs. And my Mid-Wife was concerned. I am now in my 5th month and the baby is doing fine, strong heartbeat and everything. My weight loss was due to "morning"(all day) sickness! And I couldn't eat a thing except for Jello and Yogurt. I am currently still 11 lbs. under weight then what I was at my initial visit. I think you and the baby will be fine. Just keep eating what you can, and DO NOT forget to take your prenatal pills daily.
If you did see the heartbeat on the monitor,that is a very good sign. My Mid-wife told me that the chances of miscarriage after seeing the heartbeat go down pretty dramatically.
Congratulations and Hope all goes well. Keep me posted.

2006-12-11 05:05:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I kind of think you answered your own question. You said you're not feeling well and therefore not eating as much that could be why the weight loss. I know with my daughter I had no morning sickness but with my son I had it for the entire nine months I gained 63 lbs with my daughter and only 20 with my son because I was afraid to eat thinking I'd just get sick. I've heard that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy but that could just be an old wives tale. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned they're used to it and will calm your fears. As for not having heard the heartbeat there could be a number of reasons why you have not. You're still somewhat early in your pregnancy, it could be the position of the baby and if you have a little weight on you it could make it harder as well. Hang in there I'm sure you're baby is just thriving and laughing at your worries. Enjoy the pregnancy as we both know how quickly that part of your life is over.

2006-12-11 04:58:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You lost the weight because you've been sick. I was the same way until I hit 14 weeks. I never gained a pound because I was throwing up all the time. This is usually a good sign too. If you're having symptoms of pregnancy then I wouldn't worry about it.

As for the heartbeat it isn't usually heard until the 12th week I believe and even then sometimes it is hard to hear.

2006-12-11 05:01:10 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa 4 · 0 0

I think everything is fine. Its still best to speak to your Dr. but its very common to loose weight in the first trimester. Between the 12 and 14 week mark your chances of M/C drops A LOT.

Once you hit your second trimester you'll start to gain weight. The baby doesn't actually start growing fat until around 20+ weeks. Even if your loosing the baby will feed off of you. In a way its like a leach. Just try to eat healthy and stay positive. Stress is not good for you or the little one!

2006-12-11 04:58:20 · answer #5 · answered by angelmwilson 5 · 1 0

You know one loses a lot of weight the first months that one is with morning sickness. You cannot gain a lot of weight if you have morning sickness. Most women lose weight the first three or four months. I wouldn't be worry if I were you. Anyway you're seeing the doctor on wed. Everything will be fine. I have a four month old baby so I know what it is to be pregnant and my man is a gyn/obs. Congratulations!!!

2006-12-11 04:58:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had a friend that lost 13 pounds the first 3 months of her pregnancy just from morning sickness. Bring it up to the DR and if he's not worried about it I wouldn't be. Chances are its just from being sick,
Good Luck hun!

2006-12-11 05:11:45 · answer #7 · answered by Trisha 3 · 0 0

dont worry the babys still to small for you to start gaining any weight plus the baby gets what food you eat i know what it feels like i worried with all 3 my pregnancys always thinking is there something wrong many parents have these concerns but just try and relax dr are brill these days and can tell alot from a scan and losing 3lbs is nothing so sit back and relax and enjoy your pregnancy i gained loads of weight with my son and with my 2 girls try not to worry and a big congrats to you and for the sickness my freind lost loads of weight she was carrying twins

2006-12-11 05:03:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every pregnancy is different, just as every child is different.

The day that I gave birth to my daughter they weighed me before I went into the labor room, and I weighed exactly ONE POUND more than I had when they told me I was pregnant.

Some of us just don't gain weight. My daughter is 24 yrs old and very very healthy.

Don't let your stress mess up your hormonal balance - try to remain calm and serene, read good books, listen to soothing music, run your fingers over your tummy and talk to Baby.

Mention your concerns to your OB/Gyn, for certain, but don't let them become so intense that you put stress on your (and Baby's) system. You've got enough going on already.

Good luck

2006-12-11 05:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by sewmouse 3 · 0 0

I lost 12 lbs in the first trimester. As long as your OB is aware of how sick you are and is monitoring you there is no reason to worry about the baby. The baby gets what it needs first.

It took me til week 30 to gain back the 12lbs I lost early. I'm not due in 9 days and only 6lbs over my pregnancy weight. My OB just made sure to monitor me closely. good luck

2006-12-11 04:55:15 · answer #10 · answered by Melissa J 4 · 1 1

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