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22 answers

How delusional!

2006-12-11 04:20:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Not so slick. Republicans made the Bill of Rights, including free speech and other freedoms. I think we helped come up with the Constitution too. You didnt give any reasons to why you asked this question, so I dont know where you are coming from.

2006-12-11 05:24:19 · answer #2 · answered by Daniel 6 · 3 1

Republicans today (the party is controlled by Neo-Cons) are trying to destroy the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution in their "War on Terrorism". The Fourth Amendment, freedom from unreasonable search they tell us, protects terrorists. If we have nothing to hide, we should not object to them checking on what books we borrow from the library or what videos we rent. And we certainly wouldn't object to them intercepting our phone conversations and e-mail. The, there is the part about breaking into someone's home without a warrant to search for evidence.
The Fifth Amendment, the right to a public trial, to know the charges against you, to consult with an attorney, and to confront your accusers again we are told, aid the terrorists. And now, we have a president advocating torture? Does this sound like the Republican Party of small government, low taxes, and limited government?
But considered the Democrat alternative: the First Amendment says Congress shall make NO law respecting the establishment of religion. All restriction is on Congress, but the Democrats tell us that WE can't pray in school. As you see, they have stood the First Amendment on its head. I can pray anywhere I want, and the state can't stop me. At the same time, the state cannot compell me to pray. This is what the First Amendment says,
When it comes to the Second Amendment, most of the Democrats seem to think that it gives government the right to keep and bear arms. Does this make any sense? When you understand that the militia is US, not them, it becomes very clear that the Second Amendment, like all to rest of the Bill of Rights, apply to OUR Rights, and restrictions on government. And the Second Amendment is not about duck hunting. It is about the people having sufficient power that no tyrannical government would challenge them.
Getting back to the question of Free Speech, it is true the Republicans are trying to control free speech in the name of "Campaign Finance Reform". This is a case of criminals trying to write a law to deal with their own criminality. In essence, politicians want to make it illegal for anyone to publish their voting record before an election. If you read the Constitution, you will discover that all election laws are left to the states. The Federal Elections Committee is unconstitutional, like the Departments of Energy, Education, and a whold lot more.
It seems to me that both Democrat and Republican Parties have a problem with freedom and the Constitution. That's why I generally vote third party.

2006-12-11 04:42:50 · answer #3 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 3

Because they are out for one thing and one thing only...their personal agendas. If it means bending the truth, ignoring the laws of science or the basic rights and laws that they initially swore an oath to protect...they will do so. I mean honestly, these are supposed to be our "God bless America", "do or die", "if you're not with us you're against us", "true red blooded americans" and yet, there is more corruption, more hate, more bending of the truth than ever before.

Do not get me wrong this is not the first time we have been lied to and it will not be the last. But I swear if I have to hear one more moronic politician try and debunk the truth as "fake science", or tell me that "global warming is not related to pollution" then I guess I want to know where he got his research from, and what his credentials are.

The U.S. is going to crap and the sooner we get Bush out of office the sooner we can get back to taking care of our own problems and seeing to our own needs and future as a society.... I am tired of "big oil" running this country. Why? Because the Republican party which thrived under Reagan has turned into nothing but a lot of "self serving fat cats" that fill their pockets while the rest of our country suffers and struggles to make ends meet.

Thanks Bush....I guess this IS what we can expect from a "C" student.

The times are changing let us just hope the next candidate has more than one brain cell.

But I am sure I will recieve some form of hate mail from this.... but after all am I not allowed to utilize MY freedom of speech?

what about all men being equal? pursuit of happiness? Freedom of religion?..... I guess only if these are THEIR beliefs also.....

it seems these benefits are for some but not all.

That's not the America I believe in.

2006-12-11 04:38:36 · answer #4 · answered by Tanya N (thesingingbeaner) 3 · 0 3

Sadly you must have been listening to the college teacher in Colorado called Mr. Churchill. He thinks that all Americans are idiots and you have just proved his point.
The Republicans do not hate free speach but when was the last time you heard a Liberal say it was alright to tell someone that Christ is their Lord and Savior without the Liberial saying that you are a bigot for thinking that or when you try to say that Muslims are causing the problems in the world? From them you get you are now a hate monger.

2006-12-11 04:56:22 · answer #5 · answered by fatboysdaddy 7 · 2 1

they have not any good to concoct the variety of bill. they have not any good to create a study of such an unConstitutional theory. basically who might choose for precisely what's "Violent Radicalization."? basically what's Homegrown Terrorism? We have already got rules against blowing up homes, and so on., so why is something necessary? this form of bill, no count if surpassed or not, is an abomination. It proves that somebody, someplace in government, is having recommendations of stifling freedom, curbing liberty and making a mockery of our shape. There comes a time while human beings had greater effective sit down up and take observe. The Patriot Act could desire to be repealed. costs like this could desire to be tagged and whoever is dreaming them up could desire to permit his emotions be well-known, so as that his factors can verify he or she loses the legislative seat. we've sat idly with the help of and allowed those inequities to grow to be the norm. I observe that many posters right here shrug, declare exaggeration, and so on. like the Germans who basically did not see the livestock autos crammed with human beings chugging with the help of, human beings had greater effective awaken. If it is an "extremist theory equipment," so be it!

2016-10-14 11:18:34 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Which is why rebublicans, and not the democrats, are in favor of speech codes being enforced at universities, and liberals like Jessie Jackson are in favor of making the utterance of certain words illegal.

Or why liberals want to use the power of the FCC to eliminate talk radio? There are flakes on both side of the bell curve that cheapen the rhetoric of both the right and the left. Remember, it was the belvoed FDR (liberal) that was the last president to enforce sedition laws.

2006-12-11 04:29:54 · answer #7 · answered by lundstroms2004 6 · 3 1

"Grace"...something you have little of btw, you have your facts a bit distorted, it's the liberal left that has abandoned the greatest constitution ever implemented, not the conservative right.
Do you even know what the constitution says??
You might try a little research into your history books, I think you may learn a few important facts that your selected party has distorted to an unbelievable degree! Here is a link to the constitution in it's entirety .


2006-12-11 04:34:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Liberals like Obama hate this country.

2014-10-09 17:01:57 · answer #9 · answered by PatrickKs8294 2 · 0 0

Why do some hate the fact that our country was founded with morals based on a beleif in God?

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. -George Washington

2006-12-11 04:23:17 · answer #10 · answered by CP 4 · 4 1

Does your Father still beat your Mother? Silly, biased question you asked. It isn't helping anyone or anything.

2006-12-11 04:21:19 · answer #11 · answered by Rich B 5 · 4 0

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