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I'd prefer if only Democrats answered this, but others can feel free. Now of course, Obama has not declared that he will run for president, but I would like to know if among Democrats, would his race play an important part in voting for the Democratic candidate? In addition, if he were selected as the Democratic canditate for president, do you think that this would make the Democratic party lose strength and another Republican president will be elected? I don't know what to think about him, personally. I know that he has a lot of appeal to the African American community, and his meetings have been sold out. Is this due to curiosity or is this genuine interest from actual supporters? What do you all think?

2006-12-11 04:05:12 · 23 answers · asked by Heidi D 3 in Politics & Government Elections

Please don't think that I am asking this to be racist or whatever. At this point, I'm just a little bit skeptical... like thinking, can this man really do this? As of now I'm undecided. And again, please don't think there is any malice in my question :o)

2006-12-11 04:26:35 · update #1

Oh, and I'm sorry to disappoint anyone, but at the end of the day, I usually DO NOT choose the best answer for my yahoo questions... Instead, I leave that for other people to choose. I don't care really who has the best answer for this question. there is NO best answer... All I want is opinions. You should be able to tell from my question that I am UNDECIDED so for someone who is sitting on the fence, there is no absolute best answer.

2006-12-11 07:20:41 · update #2

23 answers

Sorry to disappoint you , I am an African American Small business owner and I am Republican , I know you only wanted Democrats to answer , Hey at this point I think he could get elected because he could do one thing right now that no other candidate could do , bring Democrats and Republicans together , If you have done your research you will see he leans toward both sides on a lot of the issues , do your research , we need someone who is going to bring all sides together and fix our great country because we have some serious problems now and we can only work together Democrats and Republicans to fix these problems One group will not get it done .

2006-12-11 04:20:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think that America is ready for both a female or a black man to be president, for that matter I think we're equally ready for a black woman to be president. I just don't think America is ready for, or can stand what it would do to the country, for Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama to be president, and that isn't because Hillary is female and Barak is black.

2016-05-23 05:28:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't personally know what the man stands for so I can't really say if he would be a good president or not. My issue is not his race but the fact that he might get the vote of the black community JUST because he's black. I certainly hope a black candidate wouldn't cause their party to lose strength either - like you questioned. I think the color of people should be irrelevant. All that should matter is that they are qualified and stand for what I believe in. Maybe if more black candidates could get involved - then it wouldn't be a novelty and people might start looking past the color of the person.

(As for some of the other posts - If he or any other black people were elected I wouldn't speak about them possibly being killed - I would speak prayer over them that they weren't.)

2006-12-11 04:20:43 · answer #3 · answered by flirshous 2 · 1 1

I know most people are ready for a black president. As long as he is the right person for the job, race shouldn't matter. However, I don't think America, regardless of their race, is ready for a black president. I think it has to do with individual perceptions of what having a black president would mean. I think the same issue people initially had with JFK being catholic, would be the same issue people would have with electing a black man as president. This of course is ridiculous. However, as JFK did get elected, I think most of us in America are smart enough to elect the right person, black or not. People are simply afraid of change. I think people are genuinely interested in Barak Obama. He is an intelligent, charismatic, interesting man with some radical thoughts.
On the other hand, I think Hillary Clinton is more likely to declare her run for candidacy and I think the Democratic party is more likely to go with her then Barak Obama. But that doesn't mean that they may not have him on the ballot too. Do you think America is ready for a woman president?

2006-12-11 04:54:44 · answer #4 · answered by trvlbug 2 · 0 1

Barak Obama has everything he needs to run our country. People can speak of lack of experience all day long but, if you look in the past, many presidents had little experience. In fact one of the country's greatest presidents John F Kennedy was also a senator with similar experience. It does seem that to run for President in the present day experience is not necessarily the issue but, how much money you have and the special interest groups that support you are. Obama has squarely put his issues out so that there is no questions about him and his voting record very clearly follows what he says his issues are. Obama is the real deal and whether he runs now or later he will go down in history for being a great leader of this country.

2006-12-11 06:37:11 · answer #5 · answered by c_sf 2 · 1 2

America is a country that, unfortunately still labors under the burden of racism. There is a certain percentage of people in this country who wouldn't vote for an African American if he were running against Satan, himself. That being said Obama faces an uphill battle for reasons that have nothing to do with color. He is against the death penalty and for National Health Care. It is extremely difficult to get elected to national office in this country when you hold these positions as openly as he does. Personally, right now, I support John Edwards. But if it ends up being a race between Obama and Clinton by the time the Florida primary rolls around, I'm voting for Obama.

2006-12-11 13:23:05 · answer #6 · answered by redhotsillypepper 5 · 1 2

I think it would be good with most people and they would accept it! Would be a lot of bad groups out after him and with all due respect would probably be assasinated due to that whole white supremecy stuff! I for one would like a black president ( even though I dont live there) just to prove that america really is the land of the free and oppurtunities can arise from nowhere!

2006-12-11 04:14:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes we are ready for a GOOD President, one with values unlike the witchbitch Hillary. She's doesn't care about us. I live in Michigan so I got to see Obamas commercials and he is so much like the first President I voted for, JFK. Unfortunately, if he does win, he may very likely take a bullet just like JFK.

I am supporting Obama here in Detroit and finally my personal calling can be something more than "Anybody but Hillary" and can be Obama, our first President of Color.

2006-12-12 14:30:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

personally race has nothing to do with it. I just simply find him lacking in many areas. he is hungry I'll say that for him but he is awfully young and I have to wonder how he can hold himself on the world stage. I will have to get to know him much better before he gets my vote and I feel a lot of Americans feel the same way.
He pretty much just came out of left field

2006-12-11 04:20:18 · answer #9 · answered by Enigma 6 · 1 1

Race would not be a factor in my vote, but the quality of a persons character. I've seen several interviews with Barak and I truely think he would be a worthy candiate for the office of President of this great country.

2006-12-11 04:24:49 · answer #10 · answered by Jeff S 2 · 1 2

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