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Why so many people in this country (USA) are so agains interacial relationships?
Please, do not tell me because of cultural or interbreeding purity. There is no such a thing.
Read more about genetics and biochemistry.

2006-12-11 03:10:03 · 12 answers · asked by Jola 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

12 answers

People are afraid of what they aren't typically use to. Even though interracial relationships are very common, in some areas of the U.S they are still unheard of. Some people hate people because they don't understand why they are different. Lack of knowledge is the root of all hatred and discrimination. I personally love seeing interracial relationships just simply because it shows progress in how people think and see each other. The whole theory of race is incorrect because it has no biological evidence. People have different phenotypes due to the climate that they inhabit, people share the same amount of biological differences and similarities with non-related individuals regardless of race. Race is a social construct, and really has no real purpose but to keep people divided because of different skin tones. In my psychology course that I am taking, my profession discussed how mixing races is a good thing because, off springs get the best of both worlds. Isolated groups passed on the same traits over and over again so when you mix with another race then you get advantageous traits that you didn't already have. Mixed children have been researched on a average of being the most intelligent.

2006-12-11 04:24:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is a good question. I am 70 years old and I grew up in a time of serious segregation. When I was a child, there were separate rest room and separate water fountains for black and white. Blacks sat on the back of the bus. I had wonderful Christian parents and Grand-parents and the idea of segregation did not make them bad people, it was just the way it was back then. I never attended a public school with black people. Now, things are changed, and thinking is changed. It is harder for us older folks to accept the change, although we know in our hearts it is wrong. I dare say, the time will come when all the prejudices are at a minimum, but I don't believe they will ever be totally gone. When I was in Vietnam, the lighter Vietnamese discriminated against the darker skinned Vietnamese. If your skin was darker that meant you had to do manual labor out in the sun as opposed to the lighter skinned people who either had office jobs or did not work at all. There is probably is bad feeling on the parts of some people when they see mixed marriages due to their total mis understanding of life as it is today.

2006-12-11 03:35:18 · answer #2 · answered by loufedalis 7 · 1 0

Mostly because they're ignorant. Partly because racism, which of course is also ignorant and destructive. Those things coupled with the fact that there are many people with less than average intelligence who can't muster an original thought. They blindly follow the thoughts of those around them. Those who have the most influence. Their parents, family and friends.
It's strange. It's difficult to understand how some people can be so blind. How they can't allow themselves to think objectively and open minded about an issue (many issues). I can't think of a single good reason, and I have never heard one presented, and I keep an open mind to all sides. The only thing close to a good reason that I can think of is that it will have an adverse affect on the children. They will get the glares and stares and hateful remarks. So before you get seriously involved, if you want to have a family some day, you could consider this tidbit. But I don't think it has much weight compared to all other factors. Especially Love. Children who are born to parents that genuinely love each other are especially blessed. They have an advantage over most other children.

2006-12-11 03:34:52 · answer #3 · answered by Duff 1 · 1 0

Zebras are black or darkish animals with white stripes and their bellies have a huge white blotch for camouflage applications. some zebras have brown "shadow stripes" in between the white and black coloring. Zebras are defined as black with white stripes particularly than the opposite for here 3 reasons: a million. White equids would not stay to tell the story properly in the African plains or forests. 2. The quagga, an extinct Plains zebra subspecies, had the zebra striping development in the front of the animal, yet had a depressing rump. 3. while the area between the pigmented bands will become too extensive, secondary stripes emerge, as though suppression substitute into weakening. the incontrovertible fact that some zebras have organic white bellies and legs isn't very stable info for a white history, on the grounds that many animals of distinctive colorings have white or mild colored bellies and legs.

2016-12-18 11:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by mcgeehee 4 · 0 0

Today I saw a boy on the train with his mother. She was black but the father was obviously white (he wasn't there but the boy was quite light and he had curly hair). I am white. My parents are both European but from different countries and I find it hard to associate with any one place. I'm made up of both but am neither X nor Y.

Now just imagine if you throw race in this mix as well it just adds to the seperation. Also how nice will it be if we are all mixed up into one colour. It will sadly eventually happen, whent he world will be almost the same all aover and the races will be mixed into one. It won't be interesting anymore. The characteristics of each people will go until we're all the same. Its rubbish.

2006-12-11 03:17:37 · answer #5 · answered by teh @nn0y3d kItteh (^_^) 3 · 1 0

I am in an interracial relationship. I am white and my husband is Arab. We get stares and even some people say things to us that are negative. My husbands cousin is married to a white American woman, has been for 15 years and they have 4 kids. The kids are growing up with an appreciation for both cultures, learning thing that other kids in American culture won't learn and what kids in the middle eastern cutlure won't learn. They speak both English and Arabic. They are ahead of all the other kids in the school. Mixed race kids have more life experiances and diversity. They get to see the best of both cultures. It helps them relate to people better because they understand people come in different ways.

2006-12-11 03:24:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It really depends on where u live. Im from California (the Bay Area) and noone bats an eye at a interacial coupe here, because its sooooo common.

2006-12-11 04:11:38 · answer #7 · answered by Raynebow_Diva 6 · 1 0

I am white and my husband is black. We have been together for 12 years and married for 7 years going on 8 years. We have 4 beautiful children together. They understand that it doesn't matter what color they are on the outside. It's the inside that makes them who they are. People are beautiful in every color.

For those who are racist, well they are just letting their ignorance show. In todays society no one is one pure color. Remember America wasn't always all white; the Indians were here first.

Below is a survey about the growth of interracial relationships and website for interracial couples.

2006-12-11 03:28:16 · answer #8 · answered by christih_99 3 · 1 0

Ummm, I hope its alright.... Most of my relationships have been with non White Irish girls- so I didn't stick in my gene pool... I have dated black girls, latin girls, asians- it doesn't matter (to me, at least)- the colour of your skin. If I'm into u and your into me- thats it. Lets go out for some coffee.... But then again- I live in Canada. I have never had any of my white firends go, "Ummm, Dude, your dating a black girl?"... NEVER. And if they did- I would let me know a piece of my mind, then tell them it is not their life, its mine; its my girl, not yours, so please, if you don't like it, well, its real simple- *******! But like I said, never had anyone tell me not to date anyone cause of colour, religion... whatever...

Don't know what it is like in the USA. I hope not too may dickheads will respond that whites must stay w/ white, blacks w/ blacks, and that nonsence. If they do- the social movements and backlash against the system must occur again like it did in the 1960's. Your country method of cover our eyes-let Paris Hilton lead the way- see no evil hear no evil is about over I believe. Once you get a grip of what the Bush adminstartion has done to the world, and esp. human rights.... Well, I hope a change of mind will sweep your nation. But I'm blown off topic here...

Let me sum up this with one thought.
I lived in Toronto for a while, and I was intrested in one of my friends girl firends (this friend was a girl too.). Now my friend is from Trinidad, so she isn't white, and her friend was from Trinidad too. At this time, I just broke up with this Korean girl.... And my friend laughed and told me that I like dark meat. I didn't know what that meant, so I asked her what did she mean... She told me I only date dark skin girls, that I don't like white girls... I stood there in shock and look at her- and the only line that came out of my mouth cracked her up-
"No way! Look, your all pink on the inside!"

2006-12-11 03:36:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've been a an interracial relationship before and people would give dirty looks.I don't understand why.I personally prefer Latino guys more so than black guys.I think that interracial couples are one step closer to bringing our society together and letting some people realizing that we are all equal.

2006-12-11 03:17:51 · answer #10 · answered by The wwe diva of 2010 3 · 3 1

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