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17 answers

My answer is no. Take a good look at the Horoscopes in the original order: Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
-Pisces (2/19-3/20)
Aries (3/21-4/19)
-Taurus (4/20-5/20)
Gemini (5/21-6/21)
-Cancer (6/22-7/22)
Leo (7/23-8/22)
-Virgo (8/23-9/22)
Libra (9/23-10/22)
-Scorpio (10/23-11/21)
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)
-Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
Now remember this good: From now on when you get into a relationship only seek out the signs that are placed as every OTHER sign after your own sign (the ones that I have placed a hyphen by). Now myself being a Virgo, I could date a Taurus woman with sheer confidence, but I could not allow myself to be placed in anything more than a simple friendship with a Sagittarius woman. My father is a Taurus and he is currently married to a Gemini and their relationship absolutely sucks!! But he doesn't know how to express how he feels about her to her but he'll tell me about it all day so it's really getting bad. But that as much advice as I have time to give you right now, but if you have anymore questions or issues to discuss, then you can email me at one of my two email addresses as follows:

rugim_angel@hotmail.com (this is my main email address)

Good luck!!!!!

2006-12-11 03:20:59 · answer #1 · answered by Melvin H 1 · 1 1

Sagittarius And Taurus Relationship

2016-10-01 01:20:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Sagittarius and Taurus Love Match
When Sagittarius Dates a Taurus
Stable and loyal Taurus make a great companion for a Sagittarius. Taurus can provide Sagittarius with good advice, practical judgment and a rewarding friendship. Sagittarius, on the other hand, can help get the sometimes lazy Taurus moving, and get them more interested in the world around them. On the flip side, Sagittarius is never satisfied with the status quo, and Taurus likes things just the way they are. Problems may arise when Sagittarius feel the need to shake things up. If they can convince themself that stable doesn't always mean boring, Sagittarius might have long-term potential with a Taurus.

2006-12-11 03:03:35 · answer #3 · answered by SuddenSpark22 1 · 4 2

This Site Might Help You.

Is a Taurus man and Sagittarius woman relationship possible?

2015-08-23 09:31:56 · answer #4 · answered by Novella 1 · 0 0

It's possible but it won't work.

Taurus is a stable, stubborn earth sign.
Sag is an overly optimistic, talkative fire sign.

In nature, what does fire do to earth?
What does earth do when tossed on fire?

Not a good combo.

"Taurus is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius needs space to move around and flame brightly; Taurus, on the other hand, is down to earth and needs stability. Sagittarius relies on feeling and impulse to direct them through life, while Taurus is practical and concerned with efficiency. These approaches to life can either be complementary or sources of stress if the two Signs can't learn to understand and accept one another. As long as they both take care to reassure the other that the relationship is special and important (Taurus, especially, needs this reassurance), things will run smoothly between them.

"Taurus is a Fixed Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Taurus is stubborn; once their mind is made up, it takes a lot to convince them to change it. Sagittarius craves variety. If this urge to experience something new strays into the realm of experiencing new partners, Sagittarius had best beware. Taurus does not tolerate infidelity; if cheating occurs, Taurus will be deeply wounded and the relationship may not survive the strain. In turn, Taurus must give Sagittarius the freedom to enjoy other experiences and people (on a platonic level, of course!). Taurus can teach Sagittarius the benefits of a secure relationship; Sagittarius can show Taurus that flexibility is sometimes better than following a set, well-worn path.

"What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Sagittarius relationship? The new perspectives they can give each other once each partner becomes familiar with the ways in which they differ. Theirs is a stable and happy relationship once they understand and accept these differences."

2006-12-11 03:11:35 · answer #5 · answered by C = JD 5 · 1 2

Romantic Compatibility

Provided by Astrology.com
Sagittarius & Taurus

When Taurus and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, it can be an incredibly steamy, passionate union, but they must give themselves time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. They both have much to gain from their union! While Sagittarius thrives when they're constantly experiencing new people, places, foods and more, Taurus can be quite content with routine as it affords them the security they so prize. Early in the relationship, Taurus might tend to demand more commitment and stability than Sagittarius is ready to give, but if Taurus can learn to be patient, Sagittarius can definitely come to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home.

These two Signs approach life quite differently. Taurus tends to be sedate and practical, which offsets Sagittarius's restless demeanor. Sagittarius may have trouble with Taurus's seemingly dull complacency, and will try to rev Taurus up -- which is about as smart and works about as well as trying to spark a slow, steady Bull to action! (In other words, watch out for those horns!) Taurus actually has much to offer Sagittarius, though Sagittarius may have trouble admitting their need for a secure base. Sagittarius can bring lots of fun and adventure into Taurus's life.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Luck). The Venus influence lends Taurus their love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures. The Jupiter influence is what marks Sagittarius as the Teacher of the Zodiac -- Jupiter is concerned with philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of beauty and expansion, masculine and feminine energy is why these two Signs admire and sustain one another.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius needs space to move around and flame brightly; Taurus, on the other hand, is down to earth and needs stability. Sagittarius relies on feeling and impulse to direct them through life, while Taurus is practical and concerned with efficiency. These approaches to life can either be complementary or sources of stress if the two Signs can't learn to understand and accept one another. As long as they both take care to reassure the other that the relationship is special and important (Taurus, especially, needs this reassurance), things will run smoothly between them.

Taurus is a Fixed Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Taurus is stubborn; once their mind is made up, it takes a lot to convince them to change it. Sagittarius craves variety. If this urge to experience something new strays into the realm of experiencing new partners, Sagittarius had best beware. Taurus does not tolerate infidelity; if cheating occurs, Taurus will be deeply wounded and the relationship may not survive the strain. In turn, Taurus must give Sagittarius the freedom to enjoy other experiences and people (on a platonic level, of course!). Taurus can teach Sagittarius the benefits of a secure relationship; Sagittarius can show Taurus that flexibility is sometimes better than following a set, well-worn path.

What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Sagittarius relationship? The new perspectives they can give each other once each partner becomes familiar with the ways in which they differ. Theirs is a stable and happy relationship once they understand and accept these differences.

2006-12-11 03:03:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Men aren’t “supposed” to seek out advice on how to get women or ask their friends how do I get a girl. We don’t sit around analyzing each other’s relationships. Still, picking up beautiful women is a skill that anyone can learn with enough time, practice, and access to the right resources. Read here https://tr.im/55pzy
There is a ton of stuff ( to help you get started. Sometimes the techniques go against “conventional wisdom” or what seems to work in movies and romance novels. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and try them – they DO work and they are a huge advantage over the competition.

2016-05-18 17:53:55 · answer #7 · answered by june 2 · 0 0

Any zodiac combo is "possible" - some are just more challenging!

Taurus (Earth) and Sag (Fire) will be a challenge, but all the more rewarding for it.

More info:

Taurus and Sagittarius are attracted to each other physically, for Taurus's passions are ignited by Sagittarius's uninhibited lovemaking. But Taurus finds it difficult to deal with Sagittarius's roving eye and search for novelty. This might work if Taurus can tie a string to Sagittarius's kite and hold on tight. Sagittarius has an easy live-and-let live attitude about sex and everything else, whereas Taurus is both serious and possessive. Sagittarius refuses to stay under someone else's thumb. No dull moments-but a good deal of quarreling. An affair can be fun.


Optimistic, Freedom-Loving, Jovial, Good-Humored, Honest, Straightforward, Intellectual and Philosophical Patient, Reliable, Warmhearted, Loving, Persistent, Determined, Placid and Security Loving Blindly Optimistic, Careless, Irresponsible, Superficial, Tactless and Restless Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Inflexible, Self-Indulgent and Greedy

While Sagittarians are the nomads of the Zodiac, they do not wander aimlessly. They are seekers of the truth and will go anywhere and talk to anyone for answers to their questions. Knowledge and wisdom drive them and provide the energy for their liberal approach to life. Sagittarians are drawn to the philosophical and spiritual because these subjects provide answers to the questions that burn inside them.

Sagittarians are the intellectuals of the Zodiac. They are lucid thinkers who appreciate others agreeing with their conclusions. Sometimes they are so confident their deductions are beyond dispute they become dogmatic and argumentative. Still, the Sagittarian quest for information drives them to listen to anyone and absorb what they find useful and quickly disregard the rest.

It is the nature of Sagittarians to roam freely. If they feel intellectually or physically restricted they may become bad-tempered very quickly. When Sagittarians are given the freedom they need they are kind, optimistic, lucky and not afraid of taking an occasional risk. They are also a charming lot who can be self-indulgent procrastinators. Overall, Sagittarians allowed the freedom they need are a delight to be around. Taureans love pleasure and material gain. For them the outcome is all that matters, and it only matters if they have gained. They are physically sensual and tender, and love to bask in excess. Their ultimate pursuit is "the good life" in every sense of the phrase.

Like the bull that represents them, Taureans are often seen as stubborn. However, what some see as stubbornness is actually the Taurean's will to stay their chosen course to reach their goals. Bulls are pragmatic and dependable, and left to trudge along at their own speed usually attain that which they seek.

Being born in the House of Venus, it really should come as no surprise these self-indulgent pleasure seekers are also great lovers of the arts and all things beautiful. They need to be surrounded by beauty to be happy. Taureans also value tradition, stability and loyalty. At times they may be very sentimental, emotional. Conversely, there is nothing impractical about the slightly conservative Taurean. They are not risk takers. Nor are they likely to fall for get rich quick schemes. While the ways of the stable Taurean may not suit others, they ensure these Bulls will find the earthly rewards they seek.

The Sagitarian In Love:

Sagittarians love any new form of sexual expression that challenges and excites them. Both tolerant and eager to please, their honesty can sometimes prove too much for those who prefer a more mysterious, or veiled approach to love.

Sagittarians are best involved with a steadier, stronger personality, who can understand their need for independence, yet still be there after an occasional flair of temper. Their frank and open motives are often misunderstood, threatening to more subdued signs.

Although they hate to be tied down, they are willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles. As long as their partner is able to keep up with their wide-ranging interests and is prepared to come up with new experiments in lovemaking (and certainly does not mind them doing the same), their relationship will be exciting and reasonably long lasting. Mutual honesty is the key to success for the Sagittarian.

The Taurean In Love:

Taureans are deeply romantic and very loyal. They value the harmony a happy home life creates. They will go to extremes to keep their mate happy, which, when it comes to love, is no sacrifice to the sensuous Bull. The Taurean need for the good life is equaled by their need to share that life with someone special.

Sexually, Taureans are straightforward and down-to-earth. A no-nonsense approach is favored and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurean trait. This does not mean they are not capable of feeling love. Indeed, the depth of a Taurean's passion may not be understood by others. Music or other forms of sensual, non-verbal expression will strike a chord in the Taurean nature. Very faithful to friends and family, Taureans prefer long-lasting relationships and seek to build strong alliances, although they can be misled by their sensual natures, especially when young.

Famous Sagitarians Include:

Sir Winston Churchill, Ludwig van Beethoven, Mark Twain, Francis Albert Sinatra, Jim Morrison, Walt Disney, Dale Carnegie, Bruce Lee, Steven Spielberg , Phil Donahue, Jane Fonda, Uri Geller, and the Dali-Lama

Famous Taureans Include:

Fred Astaire, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Barbara Streisand, Malcolm X, Leonardo de Vinci, Willie Nelson, Orson Welles, Katharine Hepburn, George Lucas, William Hewlett, Cher and Adolf Hitler.

Ideal Jobs Include:

Sagittarians are well-suited to careers as travel agents, explorers, professors, photographers, ambassadors, import-export traders and thrill-seekers. Taureans are well-suited to be bankers, artists, accountants, musicians, gardeners or any profession that requires patience, determination and a strong beauty aesthetic.

Lucky Numbers Sagittarius:

9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54

Lucky Numbers Taurus:

2, 11, 29, 29, 37, 56

Planet Sagittarius: Jupiter

Planet Taurus: Venus

---------- Good luck! -------------

2006-12-11 03:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by skatoolaki 3 · 2 1

It's very possible~and it depends on many aspects. The main one that can outweigh many bad aspects would be if the Sag-woman had her moon in Taurus.

2006-12-11 03:34:53 · answer #9 · answered by Little Jeannie 4 · 0 1

well i'm going to say no...im a Sag Man and was married to a taurus woman...to this day she is the bane of my existance..lol

2006-12-11 03:03:51 · answer #10 · answered by Cesar G 3 · 0 0

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