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i had a scan on friday and it showed that i miscarried 2 weeks ago but the baby had stopped growing at 5 weeks(i would have been 10 weeks friday just gone) they sed it was a complete miscarriage and didnt give a time scale to try again just whenever i wanted, how soon do u think i could get pregnant again.

2006-12-11 01:51:49 · 25 answers · asked by liz 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

25 answers

Whenever you feel ready. Good luck

2006-12-11 01:53:03 · answer #1 · answered by Scotty 7 · 0 1

After a miscarriage you are actually very fertile. I have a few friends who have gotton pregnant immediately after miscarrying so as long as the doctors haven't advised you otherwise and you feel ready then you should start trying again immediately! Good luck

2006-12-11 02:57:15 · answer #2 · answered by Kathryn Q 1 · 0 0

Very soon, I lost a baby at 6 1/2 weeks and I was pregnant again a few weeks later, and wasnt even trying. I lost the baby in Dec and was pregnant again by Jan..
Good luck and sorry for your loss.

2006-12-11 02:05:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had a miscarriage and got pregnant a month later....my son is now 9 and very healthy. You can start trying again as soon as you are ready! the best of luck to you!

2006-12-11 01:55:39 · answer #4 · answered by tulips♥77 5 · 0 0

I am so sorry for your loss. I have had two miscarriages and know how painful it is to lose a child.

You can get pregnant again whenever you want. There is no medical reason to wait. However, do give yourself enough time to recover emotionally. Just in case you lose a second child, will be be able to cope?

2006-12-11 01:54:36 · answer #5 · answered by MrsC 4 · 0 0

Its usually better to wait for a couple of months to let your body & emotions recover from your experience. Early in the new year would proboly be a good time to plan some lovin time with your man. Sorry you had to go thru that but most women go on to have a healthy family so dont let it put you off.Good luck

2006-12-12 11:02:24 · answer #6 · answered by la.bruja0805 4 · 0 0

You can try again as soon as you feel ready to, after any bleeding has stopped (to reduce the risk of infection entering your uterus via a partially open cervix).
Many docs recommend waiting until you've had 1 period as it makes it easier to date the pregnancy, should you get pregnant during that cycle.

2006-12-11 04:23:53 · answer #7 · answered by eaglepeagle 1 · 0 0

Getting Pregnant soon is not possible, Try to postpone for 6 months, Mean while take good green food,Which will certain improve. Good Luck for you to get a Good Baby.

2006-12-11 01:58:25 · answer #8 · answered by Satish Kumar 1 · 0 0

When can I attempt another pregnancy?
There is no perfect amount of time to wait before trying to conceive again, but many healthcare providers encourage woman to wait at least a few months to strengthen the chance of a healthy pregnancy. If a woman's body isn't ready to support a pregnancy by the time that she conceives again, she faces an increased risk of experiencing a repeat miscarriage. It takes time for the uterus to recover and for the endometrial lining to become strong and healthy again.

Medically, it is safe to conceive after two or three normal menstrual periods if tests or treatments for the cause of the miscarriage are not being done. Some physicians routinely recommend that couples wait six months to a year before attempting another pregnancy in order to come to terms with their loss, whereas other physicians feel there is no compelling reason to wait so long.

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What are the chances of having another miscarriage?
Many couples who experience a miscarriage worry that it will happen again. Fortunately, at least 85% of women who have had one loss will go on to have a successful pregnancy the next time, as will 75% of those who have experienced two or three losses.

When should a specialist be consulted before attempting to conceive again?
Your health care provider can refer you to the appropriate specialist in maternal-fetal medicine, genetics, or reproductive endocrinology who can help you have the best treatment to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy. You may want to consider seeking help if you:

Have had two or more miscarriages
Are over age 35
Have an illness that may affect your pregnancy (such as diabetes)
Have or had fertility problems
How do we decide when to try again?
Deciding when to try again is a decision only you as a couple can make. Another pregnancy won't replace the lost pregnancy but may help you by refocusing your attention. If there were medical complications with your miscarriage, make sure to discuss the plans to try again with your health care provider first.

How might we feel during the next pregnancy?
Your next pregnancy might not be as joyful as you would like because you've learned that life doesn't always go according to your plans. You can't say it's your first, but it is also difficult to say you are a parent. The following are recommendations to make this time a little easier:

Ask that your pregnancy be monitored carefully.
You may want to avoid early preparation for the baby's arrival. Some couples find it helpful to request that baby showers be held until after the arrival of the baby.
Some people will make suggestions about what you should do or not do to make this pregnancy successful because they are also invested emotionally in your pregnancy. The easiest way to handle their suggestions is to listen, and then do whatever you, your partner, and medical team feel is best.
Your birth experience might be bittersweet because memories may resurface about your loss. You will probably need to do some grieving in addition to celebrating your new baby.
Your parenting may be influenced by your past loss so moments of panic might occur, especially when the new baby is ill, or too quiet.
You may feel the need to protect yourself from more sorrow so you might be cautious bonding with your new baby until you're certain he or she is safe and healthy.
If you feel you are struggling, speak to your healthcare provider about possible support groups or counselors who could help you through this difficult time.

2006-12-11 01:53:55 · answer #9 · answered by cutie girl 2 · 0 1

nicely it would desire to be the two. to respond to your question, it incredibly is achieveable to get pregnant that quickly after, it incredibly is achieveable to get preggo utilising the pull-out, and there is likewise the prospect that your bodys in simple terms getting back to prevalent after the miscarriage. I have been given pregnant utilising pull-out over a 12 months in the past. Yea that replaced right into a super shocker!! in any case I lost that toddler at 6 weeks with the aid of miscarriage. I didnt bleed for terribly long after it befell even though it took a pair of million-2 months after for my sessions to pass back to prevalent. additionally if u think of you're preggo you ought to to ascertain with your physician a pair of blood attempt because of the fact in case you have been to do a HPT it may come back beneficial because of the fact of leftover hormones. i'm hoping that enables!

2016-10-05 04:19:20 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

cutie girl's answer is spot-on-,informative-and detailed
i wanted to get pregnant straightaway after my miscarriage in october-i had very similar circumstances to you,started bleeding at 10\11weeks,was scanned,and they found a 5\6 week foetus but no heartbeat,a missed miscarriage they called it,but i was given the-''when you are ready ''advice
i just wanted to feel normal again i felt like a freak
i wanted to exercise,be in command of my body again,i felt like it had let me down especially as we were both coming to the 'almost 12weeks' stage,it was like i had the rug pulled out from under my feet.
Scarilly,it was a panicky grasp at the world too,wanting to get pregnant again,it was a full month before i felt physically ok,and 2 months later i trust myself not to cry at the drop of a hat,im sure that has to do with crash of hormones aswell as grief.
my gp was really cool,he said-"
it wouldnt be a good idea for you to get pregnant straightaway,but it wouldnt be disasterous,i would rather your health was back to 100% to give you and baby the best chance-you probably wont get pregnant til your body is ready anyway,but you risk early miscarriage if you force the issue before things are quite right"
sound advice -wait a few months,take precautions,iron,multivitamins
i found the urge to binge on junk food overwhelming
try to eat well when you can,wait a couple of weeks to exercise
im back running to lose the fat i put on from comfort-eating-hey i deserved that time
forgive yourself,take care of you,and know that your partner is suffering just as you are-seeing you go through this is so hard for them-thinking of me being pregnant now brings my husband's heeby-jeebys on
this time goes so slowly-i felt like each day lasted 72 not 24 hours!but here i am feeling very different but it really did take 2 months to feel sane again-i feel sad in a healthy way,and almost ready to get pregnant-im not as healthy as i should be yet.
xxxx good luck-allow yourself your time

2006-12-11 06:44:55 · answer #11 · answered by tigerfoot 2 · 0 0

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