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2006-12-11 01:48:18 · 26 answers · asked by favour b 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

26 answers

Are you really going to let a bunch of stars, millions of miles away, tell you how to run your life? If the signs say no, are you going to take the chance that you might be walking away from the 'one', all because of some mythical garbage that is based on when you were born. That would truly be one of the saddest things I have ever heard. Skip the mystical stuff, try going out with this girl for a while, and see if it works.

My sign? 'No Parking'

Long Live Jambi

2006-12-11 01:51:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

The social side of the Aquarian may prove to be too much for the home bodied Cancer. Aquarian's love to share their life stories with the world while cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer have a conservative taste; Aquarius taste are usually the opposite. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination, unless one will become subservient to the other.

Aquarius has a need to be independent and often appears detached in a close relationship and will appear more so to cancer. Don't get me wrong, Aquarians need to loved too, they just exhibit more of a universal love than personal and when push comes to shove they'll take the world anytime.( Of course which world that is , no-one knows for sure.)

2006-12-11 02:34:40 · answer #2 · answered by J Booty 5 · 0 2

Aquarius female--Cancer male. We have been together for 21 years.

2006-12-11 01:57:58 · answer #3 · answered by F.A.Q. 4 · 4 0

Aquarius & Cancer

When Cancer and Aquarius make a love match, it can be a case of opposites attracting. Cancer takes an emotional approach to life, Aquarius, an offbeat, unconventional approach. While Cancer often retreats into its shell, Aquarius takes every opportunity to be the extrovert, the organizer and party animal. They love to find themselves amongst friends; social settings are simply their thing! If a Cancer and an Aquarius can find a way to combine these qualities in a positive way, they can go anywhere together.

Both Cancer and Aquarius can be ambitious and determined. They want to get their way, and neither likes to conflict. Cancer can be old-fashioned, attached to tradition and routine, their morals more conservative than progressive. Aquarius, on the other hand, is very modern and likely numbed by routine, yawning at the dull and the boring in which Cancer sometimes finds comfort. Cancer may be intrigued by their Aquarius lover's sense of excitement, but this traditional Crab could get frustrated trying to keep up with this revolutionary's mind. Though Aquarius won't appreciate the possessiveness of a pinching Crab, they could find great comfort in the solid base Cancer provides. Just try to get them to admit it!

The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and Saturn (Karma) and Uranus (Rebellion) rules Aquarius. The Moon is a radiant, feminine energy and Saturn is a cool, contained masculine energy. Uranus is about all things abnormal and novel. The Moon is emotional and concerned with growth and domesticity, both of which become central themes in many Cancer's lives. Saturn deals with hard work and the discipline required for achievement, while Uranus symbolizes forward thought. This combination makes sense for an Aquarian, as they are futurists unafraid of getting their hands dirtied by labor. Cancer mates can teach social, intellectual Aquarius lovers the value of emotional impulses, and their feminine influence will bring beauty and comfort into the home. While Cancer teaches the valuable lesson of an open heart, Aquarius can come right back with the usefulness of a detached heart. Aquarians are blessed to be able to extricate themselves from uncontrollable situations and to reevaluate goals if they get off-course. Not necessarily cold, Aquarius could still benefit from Cancer's warm, feminine Moon-based influence.

Cancer is a Water Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius sees life as an intellectual exercise, a constant exploration and expansion of the mind. Cancer's more pragmatic. Cancer stops to ask, 'how does this feel?' while Aquarians keep asking 'what else is there?' It may be tough for one to get where the other is coming from, and conflicts can arise if Aquarius gets a little too cool or Cancer too emotionally demanding. They may end up working at cross-purposes: Cancer asks for more and more, Aquarius may pull further and further away. By accepting that their worldviews are dissimilar, Cancer and Aquarius can move on and celebrate their diversity, learn to say 'vive la difference' rather than feeling threatened by it.

Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Both persevere when working toward goals. If they have a set path, they'll follow it to the end. With this sort of shared perseverance -- and if they both place a high value on their relationship -- this couple will never be dissuaded from that knowledge and will constantly think of one another. If they run into snags, Aquarius will discover that Cancers, though they may seem shy and retire into their shells, can actually be very tenacious and dogmatic, not above using emotional manipulation on their loved ones. Also, Aquarius could be bothered by Cancer's over-emotionality. If they agree to work toward a common goal, these two can get along.

What's the best thing about the Cancer-Aquarius love match? When they decide to come together, they are an indomitable force! When they decide to combine their disparate energies, Cancer and Aquarius can find their own natural balance and have fun with their differences rather than letting them frighten them away from a chance to love.

2006-12-11 01:51:23 · answer #4 · answered by Fresca Jesca 2 · 0 3

My mom's a Cancer and her husband is an Aquarian (so am I =) Anyway, they've been together for 7 years and married for 2. They get on each others' nerves at times but they love each other to death. As long as you realize that she's a lot more emotional than you and act accordingly you'll be fine. My mom and her husband still are just as in love as the first day they met. Good luck!

2006-12-11 03:42:20 · answer #5 · answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7 · 2 1

Female cancers require men that are most patient and value integrity and character from themselves, Cancers swing emotionally from extreme to extreme, and tend to never really come on straight about whats going on with them. You have to learn how to read between the lines and provide a rock solid secure environment for them the feel safe in , and above all else their men must be capable of running the show, so to say, from behind the scenes without acknowledgment. Stay clear of horoscopes and internet astrology, get some books on astrology and do your own natal charts for you and her!

2006-12-11 01:54:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Aquarius and Cancer
Aquarius bristles at Cancer's possessiveness and can't understand why Cancer won't hang loose. Aquarius is careless and free with affection, making sensitive Cancer feel neglected and rejected. Aquarius hates Cancer's clinging restrictiveness and complaining, which stem from Cancer's constant need for proof of love. Cancer wants a safe, secure home, but Aquarius needs a very flexible living arrangement. Cancer wants Aquarius to stay, but soon Aquarius is inclined to wander away

Cancerians cling and Aquarians need space --- this combo needs lots of understanding

For Cancer: You are far too sensitive for the Water-bearers aloofness. Aquarians cannot tolerate your need to cling to them.

For Aquarius: You are far too aloof for the insecure Crab. Not a likely encounter, highly dangerous for Cancer and somewhat binding for you.

Aquarius is a lone wolf and Cancer needs to feel secure. Not much going for them. Aquarius is cool and self possessed. Cancer is warm and responsive so Cancer’s clinging would annoy Aquarius. Cancer is hesitant while Aquarius is impatient and unpredictable. Aquarius is too detached for Cancer. Aquarius is a lone wolf and Cancer need to feel secure and protected. Not a good pairing. Aquarius makes sensitive Cancer feel neglected and rejected. Aquarius hates Cancers clinging, destructiveness, and complaining. Aquarius needs a flexible living arrangement and Cancer needs security.

Cancer Woman & Aquarius Man
The most personal sign meets the most impersonal. Aquarius may be the water-bearer, but drowning in it is not his style. She will grow on him like a barnacle and be devastated when he tries to assert his independence by coming up for a gulp of air.

This match has basically no hopes of turning into real or long-term love. You two are complete opposites when it comes to what you need from relationships. She is a warm, friendly and open-minded person; he is cool and not very open to new people or experiences. She is highly emotional; he is highly intellectual. She gets loud and crys when you fight; he just sneers and leaves the room. He is a detached person; she wants to be connected to the world through emotion. This is a case of opposites colliding, in the worst way possible.

Off the bat, Cancer girl and Aquarius boy will have to agree to disagree. You've both got thoughts and ideas of your own, and rarely will the two sides meet. She wants pizza. He wants pasta. She wants to see a Julia Roberts movie; he wants to rent Starship Troopers.

However, you will manage to broaden each other's horizons in wonderful ways, and if respect is your underlying code of honor, you've got a winner on your hands

2006-12-11 20:16:24 · answer #7 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 1 2

Well, Cancer is like a homebody and Aquarius is kind of a partier. So as long as the two of you can agree on where you want to be in the future, you should be OK. Also, remember that Cancer is ruled by the moon...so full moons make them VERY fiesty. You might want to mark your calander. : ) Good luck though. I'm a Scorpio and I LOVE Cancers!!!

2006-12-11 02:47:38 · answer #8 · answered by April Mayhem 3 · 1 3

well i'm the other way round aquarius female and cancer male, the stars say these signs will either be the worst match or the best match there is no in between if these signs get together its either a match made in heaven or a match made in hell so far i'm in heaven so good luck :--)

2006-12-11 02:00:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Aquarius/ Cancer

Can Cancer, an emotional water sign, find true love with Aquarius, a rational, objective air sign? Not easily. You will find Cancer's need to stay at home difficult. Long after they have attended to their children's needs, they want to lavish even more time on family, and this could drive you to distraction. Just one more Sunday with your in-laws and you'll scream! Cancers will want to know why you aren't more interested in maintaining your roots and you will ask why they're so attached to the past.

Cancers need lots of attention -- something you don't often have time to give -- for your sign usually directs your energy out toward the world at large. If you love a Cancer, direct it outward to the world during the day, but save quality time for your tender Cancer in the evenings. They will honor you with their fidelity and will nurture you tenderly and compassionately. They will also cook you amazing dinners, create and maintain all kinds of fun family traditions, and provide you with the old-fashioned kind of home life you didn't think still existed. Be careful, because your unsentimental nature is very different from your romantic partner's, and you could unconsciously hurt your Cancer's feelings. The hardest part of this relationship is maybe having him or her plead with you to spend more time at home.

If you want this union to last, you will have to work at it. Your sensibilities are quite different, but if you want it to happen, it will!

2006-12-11 02:12:09 · answer #10 · answered by ~NEO~ 4 · 1 4

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