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23 answers

I am pro-life and against abortion for any reason, including rape and other sexual attacks/abuse.

There is the argument in the case of sexual attack...the woman didn't have a choice so she should not be forced to have a baby that she didn't ask for. I don't agree with that at all. It is true that the woman didn't have a choice, but that doesn't give her the right to end the life of the baby. The baby can either be raised by the mother or given for adoption.

Abortion is murder irregardless of when it is performed or for what reason.

2006-12-11 02:10:24 · answer #1 · answered by ModelFlyerChick 6 · 1 0

I believe that it is wrong to force a woman to carry a baby to term, if she is against it. I also believe that a mother's resentment of the foetus can cause problems both in the short term (poor foetal growth) and the long term (mental problems for example and inability to deal with stress). That is assuming that the woman is actually taking care of herself, which many would not in this situation.

I also believe that the cost is too high, as women have always aborted babies. Unsafe back alley abortions are only one incarnation. Previously there were herbs that were used. You can find some research into these herbs now, if you search. However most of these herbs, if they fail to cause an abortion, have the potential to cause severe birth defects.

However, that being said, I also believe it is horribly wrong to abort a baby because of potential, or even proven, disease or defect. All babies are born perfect; even those with Down's syndrome, missing a limb or any "defects". Who are we to judge who should live and who should die? I wish neither to judge the value of anyone's life, nor do I wish to be judged. Even if a baby has a disease that will mean it will not live to be 5, who are we to take away what years it will have?

I think we should stop all genetic and other screenings unless there is a proven treatment for the condition that can be done while the baby is in the womb. Or at least not allow such tests until after an abortion is no longer possible. I respect that some people believe they need time to adjust before the baby is born, even though I do not understand their point of view. What will be, will be and I do not see how knowing sooner or later would make any difference to me, personally.

However, I doubt that I would or could ever have an abortion, and if I did I am sure it would affect me for the rest of my life. Let us instead try to change the world so that women do not feel that it is their only way out, for that is a sad and lonely place to be where you are alone and have no options. Let us respect and comfort the women who then have to spend the rest of her life dealing with the emotional aftermath. And let us stop persecuting very young mother’s who decide to make a go of it or give the baby up for adoption. And we should cast out the stigma of both giving up a child for adoption and being an adopted child. They are no less "real" children than any others.

It is a truly complicated issue and it is never as simple as whether it should be allowed all of the time or none of the time. And society as a whole should do much more to prevent the need for it, rather than debate whether it is "right" or not.

2006-12-11 09:42:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am pro-choice in terms of rights, but generally pro-life myself.

That means that whereas I would likely choose to go ahead with the pregnancy, I want the ability to make that choice. Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion, it just means pro- having the ability to decide.

You make choices all the time. If you choose to use birth control then you are basically stopping a pregnancy before it starts. If you choose not to have sex then you are choosing to avoid possibly getting pregnant. If you have sex and then take the morning-after pill, or get an abortion at 5 weeks, when it's still really nothing more than a cluster of cells, they're all choices - the only thing is at which point you exercise the choice.

Of course, once a fetus is large enough and viable and has a heartbeat (10 weeks) it becomes a different story, and I personally am against abortions at that point, unless it means the mother might alternatively die.

But prior to that, a pregnancy in its first-term, if it hasn't developed to the point of a heartbeat yet, I am pro-choice.

It's still a very emotional choice, and most who do decide for an abortion do not do so lightly. They have very real reasons for not going ahead. Anyone who does it casually probably shouldn't be having a baby anyway.

2006-12-11 09:41:49 · answer #3 · answered by T J 6 · 0 2

I'm on the fence when it comes to this controvercy. I dont think just anyone can have an abortion. If you got pregnant from not being careful then I think that no you should have the baby and if you dont want it give it up for adoption or find a couple that cant have a baby. If you were raped or molested then I think it is perfectly ok to have an abortion. This was not your choice and you have the right to rectify the situation. If you were raped or molested you never know what that baby could come out like, maybe deformed (if it was a relative that got you pregnant) or anything like that because you never know the other person if you were raped. I believe that it is ok especially if you couldnt report it because of fear or no one listening and taking you seriously. Good Luck with your research and project!

2006-12-11 09:35:39 · answer #4 · answered by bbear20 4 · 1 1

sometimes that's the only way people see to go on with their lives when they are just not ready for it. For example...teenagers who want to go to college and get pg by the age they are 14 or 15...this for them is the better way out than facing the problem...it's gonna be less of a trouble and they will go on with their lives. I know they should have known better but things just happen. Or women getting pg from a rape...why wouldn't she have the right to abort? I know it's not the baby's fault...but it's not the mother's fault either...why should her life change in a tremendous way because a monster raped her? I wouldn't have a baby under those circumstances....or when the mother's life is in great danger due to the pg.....she can always try to get pg again...and by the end of it probably the baby and her would die. I'm not pro abortion but I do think there are some cases where I would consider doing it....and also, american culture is based in all the freedom stuff....so since it is a free country people can do whatever they think is right for them

2006-12-11 09:36:56 · answer #5 · answered by Baby Ruth habla español 6 · 1 1

I am somewhat pro choice. I don't like the idea of abortion, but if you look back in history at the desperate things women did to abort their pregnancies, many girls died. When you have an accidental unplanned pregnancy it is the worste feeling, especially if you are alone and poor. I don't think girls should use it as a form of birth control, but that choice is important for some girls who didn't realize the gravity of their actions. I only think that we could understand if we were in their shoes. Thanks for listening to others opinions.

2006-12-11 09:56:47 · answer #6 · answered by Jenny 1 · 1 0

Support and love. An unwanted pregnancy is never a light subject. The mom will feel guilt either way. Guilt over having an unwanted baby, guilt of aborting, guilt that the child grows up feeling unwanted and unloved by a biological mom. To many people are faced with this difficulty.

2006-12-11 09:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by childbirthresource 1 · 0 0

I think women should be able to choose. With this I am not saying everyone should get an abortion when ever they feel like, as strict rules should be in place. The reason why I think women should be able to choose has to do with the following: In South Africa, rape is very common. I don't think that it is fair to the woman to be remembered by one of the most cruel crimes one can experience.

I spoke to a mom and a daughter. The daughter was a result of rape, and everyday this girl feels pain. She feels dirty, inferior, and the cause of her moms grief. It took her years to get over her origins, and still she is not in peace with it. Her mother told me that still, despite she loves her daughter, she would have chosen - if she had the money - to have an abortion. Because every day she experiences what happened to her many years ago.

So before you make a remark such as "Abortion should be outlawed. People should just not spread their legs" , as consensual sex is not the only way women get pregnant.

2006-12-11 09:32:47 · answer #8 · answered by MM 4 · 0 2


Abortion is wrong because its murdering a baby that did nothing wrong. The only time an abortion should be performed is if the mother is going to lose her life. If the mother dies then the baby dies anyways.

2006-12-12 22:08:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm also pro-life. However, these days, making babies seem to be a fashion - I mean teen pregnancy. I am very strongly against someone having a baby who is not capable of taking care of a child. Many pro-life advocates glorify motherhood. Yes, it is glorious, but very selfish if we knowingly have a child and not able to properly care for that child. A person should be morally, emotionally and financially responsible for that child. On that note, I strongly believe that there are many pregnancies which should be ended.

2006-12-11 09:44:03 · answer #10 · answered by spider 2 · 1 0

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