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for what happiness is for us,it may not be for others ,i agree,every person has their take,to mark,which is different than mine
how can happiness be acheived when we all think differently,do differently

2006-12-11 00:34:31 · 15 answers · asked by abc 2 in Family & Relationships Friends

15 answers

Inspite of all the differences when u still accept others and make them happy..u will find true happiness

2006-12-11 00:40:12 · answer #1 · answered by That's Strange 2 · 0 0

That's the whole point, in thinking differently. By all of us having different opinions and seeing things in our own perspectives, we can come to (eventually), one beautiful, true happiness! Together. See?

2006-12-11 00:40:27 · answer #2 · answered by INDRAG? 6 · 0 0

There are indeed levels of happiness, joy etc. Some people consider jokes a way of happiness, others when their desires are satisfied, still others when they feel they are doing some good for others.

One thing about happiness--it can be very illusive, simply because it seems to need some kind of impetus or stimulant, which may or may not be in our power to obtain. Now if there would be a true source of such impetus, would that not be enormous?
ILLUSTRATION, poor people in any country, may lack their needs daily & yet some of them have an inner strength , with joy that most fail to achieve.
Note this encyclopedic definition:*** it-2 p. 119 Joy ***
The emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; state of happiness; exultation. The Hebrew and Greek words used in the Bible for joy, exultation, rejoicing, and being glad express various shades of meaning, different stages or degrees of joy. The verbs involved express the inner feeling and the outward manifestation of joy and variously mean “be joyful; exult; shout for joy; leap for joy.”
*Please note this is not the joy claimed by holy rollers to have in speaking in tongues etc. these powers ceased at the death of Jesus apostles.

If you might be a religious person, there is a quality that is deeper than happiness, and that is joy. In the Bible, at:

(Galatians 5:22-23) “22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

If this passage and the meaning of it has any merit , which I believe it does then this lasting quality of joy is not obtainable by ordinary means. Christ recommended the obtaining of it through prayer, but note specifically how.
(Luke 11:11-13) “11 Indeed, which father is there among YOU who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps hand him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he also asks for an egg, will hand him a scorpion? 13 Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!””

So unlike, religions that claim holy spirit to be some kind of person , the Bible speaks of it as being an extension of God's active force similarly to electricity which ignites & maintains things running; sunlight that is the ignition of photosynthesis; and blue light that has been used to cure "blue babies"**
**g76 1/8 p. 29 Watching the World **
Saving Babies
Almost 20 percent of Hong Kong’s newborn Chinese babies are threatened by potentially fatal “hyperbilirubinemia.” This condition of an abnormally high level of bile pigments in the blood is a common complication among premature infants whose livers are not yet fully developed. Now, says the South China Morning Post, “local doctors are encouraging the use of simple blue lighting as a substitute for dangerous blood transfusions.” Previously, complete exchange transfusion was the principal treatment, but now bathing the babies in blue light is eliminating this practice from Hong Kong hospitals, as it is in other nations.
Holy Spirit in its lesser or greater form is energizing. This amazing power was used to Create the heavens & the earth & plant the seed of Christ in the womb of Mary-

(Genesis 1:1-2) “1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”
*** Footnote ***
Rbi8 Genesis 1:2
“And . . . active force (spirit).” Heb., werúach. Besides being translated “spirit,” rúach is also translated “wind” and by other words that denote an invisible active force. See 3:8 ftn, “Breezy part”; 8:1 ftn.
(Matthew 1:19-21) “. . .. 20 But after he had thought these things over, look! Jehovah’s angel appeared to him in a dream, saying: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife home, for that which has been begotten in her is by holy spirit. 21 . . .”
*It also gave Samson super-human strength, gave Christ the ability to cure and raise the dead etc.
Would it not indeed be amazing that there is a clear source of Joy, peace, love..as mentioned earlier in Gal. 5. The frustrations of depending on men, institutions, entertainment, for a real fulfillment of life could be avoided and excuses for wars, dilemmas in life with such ideas as “the peace process” and so-forth would be seen, as they are, puny shams.

Hope this was of help

2006-12-11 03:49:01 · answer #3 · answered by THA 5 · 0 0

To have time with the beloved and see their happiness
To obey God and send prays from your heart
To have a clean conscience
true happiness

2006-12-11 00:44:55 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

True happiness is a lovely butterfly that flits about and gently lands on your shoulder.

Or is it a three-dayer with Pamela Anderson?

One of those.

2006-12-11 00:38:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Happiness to me is love wether it be friends,family, or your gf With out these people life is nothing

2006-12-11 01:31:08 · answer #6 · answered by tyler d 2 · 0 0

happiness is a state of mind-- are you convinced that you are the most fortunate person in this world? that state of mind is true happiness.

2006-12-11 00:59:40 · answer #7 · answered by artqueen 3 · 0 0

Contentment with one's lot in life.

The answer to "what will make you happy" is unique to each person.

2006-12-11 00:37:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the true happiness is the happiness that never ends.it is possible when you are happy not your body

2006-12-11 00:46:09 · answer #9 · answered by A Kid Student 3 · 0 0

true happiness is when everything inside you is fulfilled and when you are satisfied with your life!

2006-12-11 00:47:29 · answer #10 · answered by ♥beautyfly♥ 6 · 0 0

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