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I received a check in the mail for like 5 g's and it looks and feels legit, how can I check if it's the real deal?

2006-12-10 20:20:40 · 14 answers · asked by Scott E 1 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

14 answers

Show it to your friendly bank employees and they will tell you if it is legitimate or not. If it is legit, then shred it because it's that person's way to get your checking account number in their statement.

2006-12-10 20:23:26 · answer #1 · answered by Cold Fart 6 · 0 0

You don't say why you received it.

Was it for a legitimate reason or maybe from your Grandma?

If it just arrived unexecpectadly in your mailbox and they are asking you to deposit it and then send them back money, it is a scam. Be aware that some of these scams are so good that even the bank employees think the check is real until it bounces.

These check scams are prevalent now, I would not count on a check being real if I have had no contact with this company before the check arrived in the mail.

One thing you can do, call the bank the check is written from and ask them if the check is good.

2006-12-10 21:49:08 · answer #2 · answered by Gem 7 · 0 0

It's a scam. I got one and checked out if anyone else got such a check on the internet. Who is the check from? Is it some sort of business that sounds legit? The business is most likely legit, but the scammers are somehow using them to get money. The business will however go after you for cashing the check.

2006-12-10 20:29:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Does it have a forwarding address? If so, it's the "Nigerian Check Scam", where they send you a large amount of money (usually Nigeria, hence the name), then instruct you to forward it and write a check in your good name. Then after 2 weeks, the bank says that the check that you got didn't clear, but the criminal's money did and you're stuck forking the costs while they are $5,000 richer. This is a popular way of laundering money and you should ask your bank first, but if you have ANY doubts, don't cash it.

2006-12-10 20:32:51 · answer #4 · answered by edwardw818 3 · 0 0

99.9% of the thing that you get in the mail is FAKE or A SCAM or JUNK of some Kind. If it is to good to be true it is.THROW IT AWAY.CHINA and UK is flooding the market with counter fit coins,handbags,cd's,dvd's,clothes and lots of other items and nothing is being done about it. Why do you think that they check each of your $20.00 bills in the store to see if it is real? I've had them to check a $1.00 bill.GOT TO LOOK OUT FOR MONEY ORDERS ALSO.

2006-12-10 20:44:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

unless the money was owed to you, or you know the person who sent it to you, it is a scam! a lot of company send checks where if you cash it, you have signed up for a service or it is a loan to be repaid with fees and interest. don't forget, if you cash a check, and it turns out to be a fake, you must return the cash with a penalty

2006-12-10 21:21:52 · answer #6 · answered by Jen 5 · 0 0

YES IT'S A SCAM,DON'T RE SPOND. american doesen't let any lottery from a forgin country as being legal.

2016-03-29 02:55:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if tat check is ur payment , thn y dun u just tell ur customer to wait till the check payment done thn the item will send... or payment by cash or bank transfer is the better 1... btw checking a check payment i think better ask the bank... u known that's their job too lolz

2006-12-10 20:34:57 · answer #8 · answered by Casey Kc 2 · 0 0

If you weren't expecting the check, it's a scam.

2006-12-10 20:28:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

take it to your bank and show them. however it seems you dont know what the check is for, and people dont just randomly get sent money so I am inclined to think it isnt real. But it cant hurt to show someone.

2006-12-10 20:23:54 · answer #10 · answered by StevenW 3 · 0 0

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