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Please help me, I need to collect Rs 500000 lac for my daughter. Please give your small small contribution at my account number 628401049690, ICICI BANK, E-19 sector 27, Noida-201301, UP, India.

Its really urgent, I am trying Banks also for personal loan but it depends whether its going to get approve or not. Please , all my friends and good people on this earth any contribution from 10US$ to any multiples of US100& is well come. But, Please this is my third time that I am pleaing on yahoo. for daughter. Mail me if you give depost, I will respond to you immediately about your donation. You can do it either by western union or send me cheque which I can deposit in my account.

I will wait for your support.


a Mother

2006-12-10 18:25:41 · 5 answers · asked by deepali292003 1 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

5 answers

Teach your child to work and earn what she wants, not to be a beggar. Begging is a crime no different than robbing people with a gun, but at least the robber is honest in his intention. Your weapon is guilt, but let me tell you I earned every penny I have through the efforts of my mind, for my personal use, and you have no right but to do likewise for yourself. I don't care what country you're from, the opposite of charity is justice.

2006-12-10 18:33:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmmm, I suddenly got a whif of a scam.

2006-12-10 18:37:12 · answer #2 · answered by lonepackwolf 1 · 2 0

The third time, and you still don't get it do you??

2006-12-10 18:30:20 · answer #3 · answered by shez_a_maneater 3 · 0 0

I dont think you will have much luck online.

Best of Luck

2006-12-10 18:28:09 · answer #4 · answered by justanobservation-notajudgement 3 · 1 0

for your daughter...for what?

2006-12-10 18:27:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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