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I need to know! is santa real or is it just some guy who breaks in your house and leaves the presents under the tree. Isn't that breaking and entering? My house doesn't have a chimney. How does santa get in? What if someone leaves the fire place on, won't santa get hurt? How does santa make video games. cause they are hard to make. How does santa get the presents? does he steal them? and even if his little elves make the product does the original company that made the toy get any of the profit. Isn't that stealing. he can get sued. If santa "knows when your sleeping, "knows when your awake" isn't that stalking?
What does santa do for a living to pay for his materials? How can he live in the north pole? isn't that impossible?
For some reason i can't understand why people buy a lot of things during this season when you can get it free from santa?

Please tell me the answers to thes questions? My brain hurts.

2006-12-10 16:02:59 · 27 answers · asked by chunkymonkeythatisfunky 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

27 answers

I believe in Santa........

YES, Santa is real~

2006-12-10 16:04:29 · answer #1 · answered by ThomasR 4 · 1 3

Absolutely. Haven't you seen The Santa Clause?

2006-12-11 00:11:07 · answer #2 · answered by tiny_tim 6 · 1 2

i think santa is real in sense of what he represents. he brings people together that only see each other once a year. He puts a smile on every young persons face and he makes the world a little better. i think he is real as in he makes Christmas Christmas

2006-12-11 00:11:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

yeah he's freaking real. and he doesnt really use elves. its actually child labor but since all of his work is done in the north pole, it's not illegal. the north pole doesnt have a government or a constitution to say what is right and what is wrong. the children go out on voyages every groundhog day of the year and steal toys from walmart, target, and kmart. its an interesting process because none of them have ever been caught.

2006-12-11 00:07:26 · answer #4 · answered by jane 3 · 0 3

/sigh, I hate to do this kid, but some one else will.

Santa, is your parents. Your mother and father buy you presents and give them to you on the 25th of December to celebrate the birth of christ. The tale of Santa Claus originated on the iberian Penisula to help regulate kids.

There are no elves, no Santa, and the closest thing to the north pole is the North Pole in Alaska (*its a town*).

2006-12-11 00:07:03 · answer #5 · answered by Nicholas L 2 · 2 3

Santa is as real as you think he is.

2006-12-11 08:09:02 · answer #6 · answered by grimm_b 4 · 1 0

Santa lives in your closet and comes out while you are sleeping and stares at you. He doesn't really give gifts... it is just a story parents tell their kids so that if they happen to wake up and see him they are not scared.

2006-12-11 00:07:05 · answer #7 · answered by greeiore 3 · 1 3

Santa is real to all who believe in a little magic to lighten the load of reality! Now Jesus is really real!...no magic there

2006-12-11 00:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by Olive 4 · 1 3

Maybe he's real, maybe he's not....but are you willing to take the risk in not believing? I'm not! Santa is the spirit of christmas and it is what is in your heart. It's majic....dont think about it too hard. You might hurt yourself. :)

2006-12-11 00:06:45 · answer #9 · answered by blankie 1 · 1 2

No Santa is a strait up lie that bad parents tell their kids because they think its cute not as bad as baby talking to them which retards their development, but it is a lie and shouldn't be told.

2006-12-11 00:05:55 · answer #10 · answered by sean e 4 · 1 3

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