Because Iran refuses to accept the nation of Israel, & Syria would like to take over Lebanon.
- The rocket attacks were actually attacks against the US by Iran, at least it was in the eyes of the Iranian people, who see Israel as a puppet of the US.
- The rocket attacks made against Israel in the summer of 2006 were a continuation of previous attacks, & a long running campaign against the US & Israel. They are also an indicator of a nuclear attack on the US & Israel with weapons from Iran.
- A little history: Most Middle Eastern nations don't like Israel. The Jews lost the land to the Moslem's over 1000 years ago so they feel that the land belongs to them; after all it belonged to their father's, father's, father's father (and so on to the foundation of Islam). They feel that their land was stolen from them.
- Israel was created after WW2 when the Allies felt guilty for not accepting Jewish refuges, or knowing what was going on during the Holocaust. The Persians had destroyed the Jewish homeland with the fall of the Temple of Solomon in 70 AD. After that the Arabs owned the land. When the Profit Mohammad founded Islam in the 660’s the Arab world including most of Persia assumed this as their state religion. So when the Allies re-established Israel they not only ousted the Palestinians from land they owned, but they stole that land from all of the Moslem people, many holy shrines & temples were in the area & had been so for well over 1000 years.
- During the Cold War the communists loudly proclaimed that they would destroy the democratic world (lead by the US) & take over the entire world. Then the largest country in the world took over most of Eastern Europe. The communists took over China, Cuba, & later North Korea & Vietnam. To stem this red tide the US needed buffer nations around the communist nations. With the Russians supplying Iraq with arms, invading Afghanistan, & the growing importance of oil the Middle East became a vital part of the US International Defense Plan.
- The US needed all the allies in the region it could get. Israel was a good one, & a great customer for our weapons, but highly unpopular. After they defeated Egypt in the 6-Day War, & then turned around & defeated Syria right afterwards their strength & unpopularity grew. The Shaw of Iran made a better ally, with an acknowledged country in the region. So the US supported the Shaw & supplied him with a lot of military equipment. Since Iran was so close to the Soviet Union the US flew Air Force AWAC planes to look into Russian air space. Iran not only helped to stem the growth of communism, but it made a good spot to watch the communists, & it was a new source of that vital substance oil.
- This is why the US was willing to overlook the harsh government & their flagrant abuse of civil rights. The Shaw was a brutal dictator, he had to be or his nation would dissolve into civil war (like Iraq has). He had a secret service that was a brutal as the Soviet KGB. The US became hated by the general populace of Iran; their continued support of Israel only made it worse. When the Shaw of Iran got sick & near death he fled the country leaving no one to take his place. The Shaw’s old government collapsed in a popular uprising as the Iranian people used Soviet supplied arms to fight the former government supplied with US arms. Finally, Israel was said to be a puppet nation, puppets of the US. So all the Moslem hatred against Israel in Iran was transferred against the US. If Iran could have gotten to the North American continent with any sizable troop concentration they would surely have invaded or at least attacked the US. They couldn’t do that so they had to use terrorists (like the Palestinians) or attack with Israel, which would have been suicide.
- The fight was a bloody one & would have turned into a civil war between the Shiites & the Sunnis if someone hadn’t been able to stop it. That someone was exiled religious leader Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. He was able to pull all sides together & unite the country.
- The Iranian people didn’t like the US, & they were taught (many are still taught) that the US is the great Satan, & the source of all evil (well most of it). This united hatred, coupled with a greatly respected religious figure formed the basis for the new Iranian Government. The first act of the people’s revolution, after destroying the government of the Shaw, was to take over the US Embassy. In the world of Diplomacy this is a high crime comparable to mass murder in the civil code. Embassies are considered to be built on the soil of the nation they represent. To invade an Embassy is to declare war on that nation by invading it! Is it any wonder that the US reacted with hostility to this act. They froze all US assets of Iran, stopped providing them assistance, & refused to sell them any more arms. Presidnet Jimmy Carter is a very good man, but he is a peaceful one. His negoations with Egypt & Israel brought peace to two blood enemies. He was unable to handle the hostage situation, & his rescue attempt (a cross military service operation) was a total failure (this is why the Navy Seals were reorganized & turned into a special operations unit). The Irains also proved that terrorism was a valid force to use against the US. Any attempt to use convential arms would be defeated by either the US or Israel.
- Thanks to the lessons learned in the 6-Day War & with Israel kicking Syria’s collective rear end. Iran knew it had no hope in a fight against Israel. In 1982 Iran founded the group Hezbollah with the sole intention of driving Israel into the sea. They started rocket attacks back then. The UN decided the civilian casualties were too high so they sent in a Peace Keeping Mission lead by the US Marines. Hezbollah’s response was to drive a truck full of explosives into the US Marine Compound; the first suicide bomber attack against the US.
- The US & the UN pulled out leaving Lebanon in shambles. Hezbollah became a powerful terrorist organization taking over Southern Lebanon. Since the rest of the world couldn’t stop the rocket attacks Israel invaded Lebanon, sparking off a civil war between the Moslems & Christians with the Lebanonise government torn apart & weakened. Syria liked this so they continue to keep the Lebanonise government weak by assassinating popular rulers & helping to fund Hezbollah. This civil war lasted almost 10 years. Israel’s final demand in the Peace treaty was to pull Hezbollah out of Southern Lebanon, which the Lebanonise government has never been able to do.
- The rocket attacks against Israel in 2006 was just a repeat of rocket attacks 20 years before. Hezbollah doesn’t care about the damage done to Lebanon because they are funded by Iran & Syria, & directly supplied with those rockets by Iran. The attack there was actually a fight between the US & Iran (according to the Iranians), with Syria jumping in to try & carve off a piece of Lebanon for themselves.
- Because, Iran & the US have never officially declared war (how can they, they don’t even have diplomatic relations with each other) the two nations are not at war. Since neither nation has officially even attacked the other there is no reason for them to attack each other. This ties the hands of the US quite well. Any hostile action against Iran would seem to be like a big man picking on a little boy to the diplomatic community. An attack against Iran would be about as well received as the US invasion of Iraq currently is.
- The problem lies in Iran’s future plans. Once, before the Roman Empire, Iran was a part of Persia, & Persia had the largest empire known to the Arabs. Iran wants to reclaim this position; it is their "destiny." They are working on a nuclear weapons program. The US has taken all the measures it can against Iran since the US Embassy Hostage Crisis. An effective UN resolution would be vetoed by China so the US cannot stop Iran from developing the atomic bomb.
2006-12-10 16:00:50
answer #1
answered by Dan S 7
You guys there stop saying who to blame or this happened and stop saying things about Iran and Syria in the previous years back in 1982 when Israel entered Lebanon there was no such thing as Syria or Iran dominaing Lebanon ad there was no Hizbullah thats why the main reason is that Israel has this mentality about dominating over the middle east and that they are the chosen people that was written in the old testament and according to this the Israeli together with the USA want to dominate ad make the new middle east and I think Hizbullah and Lebanon have the least right to defend themselves so be logical read history and judge fairly.
2006-12-14 00:58:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well truthfully there have been extra squaddies stuck in Lebanon and the others have been killed and the ones two have been "abducted" by means of Hezbollah... Israel mentioned this conflict it is in opposition to Hezbollah,now not Lebanon,however this did not stopped them from killing a thousand Lebanese civilians and destroying the complete nation... Anyway consistent with the final information,it kind of feels that the conflict was once deliberate four months earlier than the abduction of the warriors and that the warriors have been simply an excuse to invade Lebanon...Israel obviously does not care approximately them now....
2016-09-03 08:38:36
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I am taking your question to mean, "why was there war". This summer there were more rocket attacks on Israel by Hizbullah from Lebanon and then there were several soldiers killed inside Israel. This drove Israel to attack.
Lebanon is stuck between neighbors who fight through her territory. Syria couldn't stand it when the UN committee came back with its recommendation over the assassination of Rafid Hariri. Just lately, the committee was about to set up a court to try the accused.
The accused assassins have not been named, but it seems from Syria's behavior, that they were responsible. And they probably were involved in plotting to kill Pierre Gemayel, too.
2006-12-10 15:42:28
answer #4
answered by Susan M 7
Simply because we have a neighbour called Israel who is known to invade people's homes and build settlements to make room for more jews into the middle East.
Funny thing though, USA and Europ are so hyprocrites, they want to get rid of the jews that live in their countries so they thought of an genius plan, why not send them back to the "promised land". So the Brits helped them get settled in Palestine and told them you can have as many land as you need just kill arabs and build your new homes. The USA gives them now top weapons that even US army hasn't got their hands on yet, and europ just makes itself helpful in the diplomacy playing the role of the devil's advocate.
Remove Israel from the middle east and you will have WORLD PEACE.
Even trouble in India or China or in Antarctica is due to Israel
2006-12-10 17:31:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I say that hezbollah should be blamed for the war because it takes orders from syria and iran and they suddently take war. and it is also israel to blame for making such a damage in Lebanon. but mostly its hezbollah to blame.
2006-12-10 16:11:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous